uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


6.6 Troubleshooting the server management commands

This section describes the actions to be taken for the problems that occur when the server management commands are used.

The actions for problems described in this section are as follows:

The following figure shows the procedure of checks using the server management commands.

Figure 6-5 Procedure of checks using the server management commands


The details of the respective operations are as follows:

Organization of this section
(1) Checking the command errors
(2) Checking the admin logs
(3) Checking the J2EE server logs
(4) Checking the applications

(1) Checking the command errors

The errors are displayed on the command prompt. Check the displayed error contents, and then take action.

(2) Checking the admin logs

Check the server management command logs. For details on the default output destination of the log files, see the description related to the server management command logs in 4.3.1 Acquiring the Cosminexus Component Container Logs.

(3) Checking the J2EE server logs

Check the log files output by the J2EE server. For details on the J2EE server log checks, see 6.4(5) Checking the J2EE server logs.

(4) Checking the applications

Check the contents of the applications in which you think errors might have occurred. Request the creators of the application to perform the check.