uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


6.4 Troubleshooting during setup

This section describes the actions for problems that occur during setup.

Setup refers to the following times:

The following figure shows the procedure of checks during setup.

Figure 6-2 Procedure of checks for the tools being used (During setup)


Implement the required checks as per the procedure shown in the figure for the tools being used. The following subsections describe the details for the respective checks.

Reference note
Use the management portal to check the Manager logs. For details on the Management portal, see the uCosminexus Application Server Management Portal User Guide.
Organization of this section
(1) Checking the command errors
(2) Checking the Setup Wizard logs
(3) Displaying and checking the Manager logs
(4) Checking the admin logs
(5) Checking the J2EE server logs
(6) Checking the Web server logs
(7) OS peripheral checks

(1) Checking the command errors

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Setup Wizard
  • SmartComposer

The errors are displayed in the Setup Wizard and Smart Composer windows. Check the displayed error contents, and then take action. For details on the actions for the error messages, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Messages.

(2) Checking the Setup Wizard logs

This check is required when you use the following tool:
  • Setup Wizard

Check the Setup Wizard logs. The output destination of the Setup Wizard logs is specified in setup.log.dir of setup.cfg. For details on setup.cfg, see 10.20 setup.cfg (Configuration file for Setup Wizard) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(3) Displaying and checking the Manager logs

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Setup Wizard
  • Management portal
  • SmartComposer

Use the management portal to check the logs output by Manager. To display the logs:

  1. On the management portal, click the Manage logical server applications anchor.
    Perform one of the following operations in the tree pane:
    For a J2EE server
    Click Logical J2EE Server - J2EE server - J2EE-server-name - Application.
    For a J2EE server cluster
    Click Logical J2EE server - J2EE server cluster - J2EE-server-cluster-name - Application, or click Logical J2EE server - J2EE server cluster - J2EE-server-cluster-name - Member - J2EE-server-name - Application.
  2. Click the Display log tab.

The following figure shows the window when the log is displayed on the management portal window.

Figure 6-3 Example of output for the log displayed on the management portal window


After displaying the log using the Display log tab, find the message that was output closest to the time at which the system error was confirmed, identify the error message (a message with an ID ending with E), and then check the type and name of the logical server where the error occurred.

(4) Checking the admin logs

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Management portal
Note that this check is necessary when an error occurs while an application is being started.

Check the server management command logs.

The server management command logs include the message log, exception log, and maintenance log. These logs output information such as the operating status of the server management commands, the standard output and standard error output information output in an application, and the information used by the maintenance personnel to analyze the Component Container errors.

For details on the default output destination and the names of the log files, see the description related to the server management command logs in 4.3.1 Acquiring the Cosminexus Component Container logs.

(5) Checking the J2EE server logs

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Setup Wizard
  • Management portal
  • SmartComposer

Check the contents of the log files output by the J2EE server. The following table lists and describes the log files to be checked.

Table 6-9 List of log files to be collected

Log file name# Log description Checking method
cjmessage?.log Log for J2EE server operations Check the contents of the error message ID (message with message type E) for the time at which the error message is output by Cosminexus Manager.
cjexception?.log Exception information log for J2EE server operations
web_servlet?.log Web servlet log (messages output in JSP/ Servlet)
user_out?.log User output log (standard output of messages in applications)
user_err?.log User error log (standard error output of messages in applications)
javalog?.log Logs for JavaVM maintenance information and garbage collection information
hs_err? JavaVM error report file Send to maintenance personnel.

? indicates the number of log files.

For details on the default output destination of the log files, see 4.3.1 Acquiring the Cosminexus Component Container Logs.

For details on how to acquire hs_err, see 4.11 JavaVM Output Message Logs (Standard Output or Error Report File).

(6) Checking the Web server logs

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Setup Wizard
  • Management portal
  • SmartComposer

Check the log files output by the Web server. The following table lists and describes the log files to be checked.

Table 6-10 List of log files to be collected

Log file name# Log description Checking method
processConsole?.log Console logs for Manager (Error information when the Web server starts) Check the contents of the error message ID (message with message type E) for the time at which the error message is output by Cosminexus Manager.
error? Web server error log Check the contents of the error message (emerg, alert, and crit) for the time at which the error message is output by Cosminexus Manager.

? indicates the number of log files.

For details on the default output destination of the console logs for Manager, see 4.11 JavaVM Output Message Logs (Standard Output or Error Report File).

For details on the default output destination of the Web server error logs, see 6.2.4 Directives beginning with E, F, G, H, and I in the uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide.

(7) OS peripheral checks

This check is required when you use the following tools:
  • Setup Wizard
  • Management portal
  • SmartComposer

Check the memory size and operating status of the machine on which Application Server is installed.