uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.7.2 Trace collection points of a Web container when an exception occurs (filter trace)

Organization of this subsection
(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels
(2) Trace information that can be collected

(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-16 Details of trace collection points in a Web container when an exception occurs (filter trace)

Event ID No. in the figure# Trace acquisition points Level
0x8200 1 Immediately after a request is acquired, or when the request header analysis is complete (via the Web server) A/B
0x8201 1 Immediately after a request is acquired, or when the request header analysis is complete (via the simple Web server) A
0x8211 1 Immediately after a request is acquired, or when the request header analysis is complete (via the in-process HTTP server) A/B
0x8203 2 Immediately before the filter that is executed before the execution of the servlet or JSP that receives the request is invoked (filter for which the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml is omitted, or for which REQUEST is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag) B
0x8202 3 Immediately before a servlet or JSP is invoked A/B
0x8302 4, 9 Immediately after completion of the processing of the servlet or JSP A/B
0x8303 5 Immediately after completion of the processing of the filter that is executed before the execution of the servlet or JSP that receives the request (filter for which REQUEST is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml) B
0x8206 6 Immediately before a servlet or JSP is invoked via RequestDispatcher B
0x8216 7 Immediately before the filter that is executed during transfer to the error page is invoked
(filter for which ERROR is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml)
0x8202 8 Immediately before a servlet or JSP is invoked A/B
0x8207 8 Immediately before the static contents are invoked (DefaultServlet) B
0x8307 9 Immediately after completion of the processing of the static contents (DefaultServlet) B
0x8316 10 Immediately after completion of the processing of the filter executed during transfer to the error page
(filter for which ERROR is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml)
0x8306 11 Immediately after completion of the processing of the servlet or JSP via RequestDispatcher B
0x8300 12 Immediately after completion of the request processing (via the Web server) A
0x8301 12 Immediately after completion of the request processing (via the simple Web server) A
0x8311 12 Immediately after completion of the request processing (via the in-process HTTP server) A/B

A: Standard
B: Advanced
A/B: Different information is collected for the Standard and Advanced levels.

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-14.

The following figure shows the trace collection points in a Web container when an exception occurs.

Figure 8-14 Trace collection points in a Web container when an exception occurs


(2) Trace information that can be collected

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected in a Web container, when the filter that is invoked during Forward or Include is specified.

Table 8-17 Trace information that can be collected in a Web container when an exception occurs (filter trace)

No. in the figure# Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0x8200 A HTTP method URI --
B Number-of-session-ID-characters: session ID: collection-method
0x8201 A HTTP method URI --
0x8211 A HTTP method URI --
B Number-of-session-ID-characters: session ID: collection-method
2 0x8203 B Class name Context root name Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
3 0x8202 A Class name (JSP file name when a JSP is invoked) -- --
B Context root name Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
4 0x8302 A Class name (JSP file name when a JSP is invoked) --
  • When normal:
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name
B Context root name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
5 0x8303 B Class name Context root name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
6 0x8206 B Class name Dispatch type
Context root name
Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
7 0x8216 B Class name Context root name Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
8 0x8202 A Class name (JSP file name when a JSP is invoked) -- --
B Context root name Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
0x8207 B - Context root name Number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
9 0x8302 A Class name (JSP file name when a JSP is invoked) --
  • When normal:
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name
B Context root name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
0x8307 B -- Context root name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
10 0x8316 B Class name Context root name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
11 0x8306 B Class name Dispatch type
Context root name

  • When normal:
    Entrance-time number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID
12 0x8300 A HTTP method URI
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time status-code
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time status-code exception-name
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time status-code number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time status-code exception-name: number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
0x8301 A HTTP method URI
  • When normal:
    Entrance-time status-code
  • For an exception:
    Entrance-time status-code number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID
0x8311 A HTTP method URI Entrance-time status-code
B Entrance-time status-code number-of-session-ID-characters: session-ID: number-of-global-session-ID-characters: global-session-ID

A: Standard
B: Advanced
--: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-14.