uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.5.1 Trace Get Point and the PRF Trace Get Level

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-8 Details of trace collection points in a Web container (trace of request processing)

Event ID No. in the figure#1 Trace acquisition points Level
0x8200#2 1 Immediately after a request is acquired, or when the request header analysis is complete Via the Web server A
0x8201 Via the simple Web server A
0x8202#3 3 Immediately before a servlet or JSP is invoked A
0x8203 2 Immediately before the filter that is executed before the execution of the servlet or JSP that receives the request is invoked (when the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml is omitted, or when a filter for which REQUEST is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag is invoked) B
0x8206 4 Immediately before a servlet or JSP is invoked via RequestDispatcher B
0x8207 3 When the static contents are invoked B
0x8300 8 When request processing is complete Via the Web server A
0x8301 Via the simple Web server A
0x8302 6 Immediately after the processing of the servlet or JSP is complete A
0x8303 7 Immediately after the completion of processing of the filter that is executed before the execution of the servlet or JSP that receives the request
(when the processing of the filter for which REQUEST is specified in the [[dispatcher]] tag of the [[filter-mapping]] tag of web.xml is complete)
0x8306 5 Immediately after the processing of the servlet or JSP via RequestDispatcher is complete B
0x8307 6 Immediately after the completion of processing of static contents (DefaultServlet) B

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-10.

For a POST request, if the POST data does not arrive from the client, the request processing might be delayed in this interval.

If a JSP compilation is required, the trace is collected after the JSP compilation is executed.

The following figure shows the trace collection points in a Web container.

Figure 8-10 Trace collection points of a Web container (trace of request processing)
