uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


1.4 Main functionality changes in Application Server 09-50

This section describes the main changes in the functionality of Application Server 09-50 and the purpose of each change.

The contents described in this section are as follows:

Organization of this section
(1) Improving development productivity
(2) Simplifying implementation and setup
(3) Supporting standard and existing functionality
(4) Maintaining and improving reliability
(5) Maintaining and improving operability
(6) Other purposes

(1) Improving development productivity

The following table describes the items that are changed to improve development productivity.

Table 1-5 Changes made for improving development productivity

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference location
Simplification of Eclipse setup The GUI can now be used to set up the Eclipse environment. Application Development Guide 1.1.5, 2.4
Supporting debug using the user-extended trace based performance analysis The user-extended trace based performance analysis configuration file can now be created in the development environment. Application Development Guide 1.1.3, 6.5

(2) Simplifying implementation and setup

The following table describes the items that are changed to simplify installation and setup.

Table 1-6 Changes made for simplifying implementation and setup

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Expanding the system configuration patterns in a virtual environment More tier types are now available in the virtual environment (http-tier, j2ee-tier, and ctm-tier). Due to this, the following system configuration patterns can now be set up:
  • Pattern of allocating the Web server and J2EE server on different hosts
  • Pattern of allocating the front end (servlets or JSPs) and back end (EJBs) separately
  • Pattern of using the CTM
Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide 1.1.2

(3) Supporting standard and existing functionality

The following table describes the items that are changed to support the standard and existing functionality.

Table 1-7 Changes made for supporting the standard and existing functionality

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Supporting the JDBC 4.0 specifications HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver and SQL Server JDBC driver complying with the JDBC 4.0 specifications are now supported with DB Connector. Common Container Functionality Guide 3.6.3
Relaxation of the naming rules for the Portable Global JNDI names The characters that can be used in the Portable Global JNDI names are added. Common Container Functionality Guide 2.4.3
Supporting the Servlet 3.0 specifications The changes in the HTTP Cookie name and URL path parameter name in Servlet 3.0 can now also be used in Servlet 2.5 or earlier. Web Container Functionality Guide 2.7
Extended use of applications that can be integrated with Bean Validation Bean Validation can now be used for validation in the CDI and user applications as well. Common Container Functionality Guide Chapter 10
Supporting JavaMail The mail sending and receiving functionality using the JavaMail 1.4-compliant APIs is now available. Common Container Functionality Guide Chapter 8
Extended use of the OSs that can use the javacore command The javacore command can now be used to obtain the Windows thread dump. Command Reference Guide javacore (Obtaining the thread dump/ in Windows)

(4) Maintaining and improving reliability

The following table describes the items that are changed for maintaining and improving reliability.

Table 1-8 Changes made for maintaining and improving reliability

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Avoiding the depletion of the code cache area The size of the code cache area used in the system can now be checked, and before the area is depleted, the threshold value can be changed to avoid the depletion of the area. System Design Guide 7.1.2
This manual 5.7.2, 5.7.3
Definition Reference Guide 16.1, 16.2, 16.4
Supporting the efficient application of the Explicit Memory Management functionality The functionality that can control the objects transferred to the Explicit heap is added as the functionality for reducing the automatic release processing time and applying the Explicit Memory Management functionality efficiently.
  • Functionality for controlling the transfer of objects to the Explicit memory block
  • Functionality for specifying the classes to be excluded from the Explicit Memory Management functionality
  • Output of the object release rate information in the Explicit heap information
System Design Guide 7.13.6
Expansion Guide 8.2.2, 8.6.5, 8.10, 8.13.1, 8.13.3
This manual 5.5
Expanding the range of the class-wise statistical information that is output The static field-based reference relationships can now be output in the extended thread dump containing the class-wise statistical information. This manual 9.6

(5) Maintaining and improving operability

The following table describes the items that are changed with the purpose of maintaining and improving operability.

Table 1-9 Changes made for maintaining and improving operability

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Supporting the EADs session failover functionality The EADs session failover functionality that implements the session failover functionality by integrating with the EADs is now supported. Expansion Guide Chapter 5, Chapter 7
Operations using WAR files The WAR applications configured only with WAR files can now be deployed on the J2EE servers. Web Container Functionality Guide 2.2.1
Common Container Functionality Guide 13.9
Command Reference Guide cjimportwar (Importing WAR applications)
Starting and stopping the management functionality using synchronous execution A synchronous execution option was added for starting and stopping the management functionality (Management Server and Administration Agent). Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4
Command Reference Guide adminagentctl (Starting and stopping Administration Agent), mngautorun (Setting up and cancelling the settings for auto-start and auto-restart), mngsvrctl (Starting, stopping, and setting up Management Server)
Releasing the Explicit memory block forcefully with the Explicit Memory Management functionality The release processing of the Explicit memory block can now be executed at any time with the javagc command. Expansion Guide 8.6.1, 8.9
Command Reference Guide javagc (Forced garbage collection)

(6) Other purposes

The following table describes the items that are changed for other purposes.

Table 1-10 Changes due to other purposes

Item Overview of changes Reference manual Reference
Obtaining the definition information The snapshot (collecting the snapshot log) command can now be used to collect only the definition files. This manual 2.3
Command Reference Guide snapshotlog (Collecting the snapshot log)
Output of the cjenvsetup command log The execution information for the Component Container Administrator setup (cjenvsetup command) is now output to the message log. System Setup and Operation Guide 4.1.4
Maintenance and Migration Guide 4.20
Command Reference Guide cjenvsetup (Setting up Component Container Administrator)
Supporting BIG-IP v11 BIG-IP v11 is now added to the available load balancer types. System Setup and Operation Guide 4.7.2
Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide 2.1
Output of the CPU time to the event log of the Explicit Memory Management functionality The CPU time taken for the Explicit memory block release processing is now output to the event log of the Explicit Memory Management functionality. This manual 5.11.3
Extending the functionality of the user-extended trace based performance analysis The following functionality is added in the user-extended trace based performance analysis:
  • The trace target specification method can now be specified for packages or classes in addition to the usual trace target specification method for methods.
  • The range of available event IDs is expanded.
  • The restrictions on the number of lines that can be specified in the user-extended trace based performance analysis configuration file are relaxed.
  • The trace collection level can now be specified in the user-extended trace based performance analysis configuration file.
This manual 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 8.28.1
Improving the analysis of information when the asynchronous Session Bean invocation is used The root application information of the PRF trace can now be used to compare the invocation source and the invocation destination requests. EJB Container Functionality Guide 2.17.3