uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


7.5.1 Settings for using the trace based performance analysis

The following settings are required when using the trace based performance analysis:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Management Server settings
(2) Setting of performance trace

(1) Management Server settings

The setting of the Management Server is executed by mserver.properties (Management Server environment setting file). The setting parameters are as follows:

For details on mserver.properties and the key, see 10.7 mserver.properties (Management Server environment setting file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

For details on the trace based performance analysis file, see the section 7.3 Collecting the trace based performance analysis file by using Management Server.

(2) Setting of performance trace

The setting of the performance tracer (PRF daemon) is implemented by the Easy Setup definition file. Specify the definition of trace based performance analysis in the <configuration> tab of the logical performance trace (performance-tracer) of the Easy Setup definition file.

The following table describes the definition of the trace based performance analysis in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 7-6 Definition of trace based performance analysis in the Easy Setup definition file

Parameter to specify Setting contents
PrfTraceLevel The functionality (Web server, J2EE server, CTM) of Application Server outputs in the buffer, specifies trace collection level of the performance trace.
PrfTraceCount Specifies the number of files of the PRF trace of performance trace.
PrfTraceFileSize Specifies the file size of the performance tracer. Set the value consisting the relation of PrfTraceFileSize [Figure] PrfTraceBufferSize.
PrfTraceBufferSize Specifies the buffer size of the performance tracer. Set the value consisting the relation of PrfTraceFileSize [Figure] PrfTraceBufferSize.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and each parameter to be specified, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.