uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


7.5 Settings of execution environment

This section describes the settings required for using the trace based performance analysis and user-extended trace based performance analysis.

Different items will be set up for the trace based performance analysis and the user-extended trace based performance analysis. The following table describes the settings required for the trace information to be acquired.

Table 7-5 Settings required for the trace information to be acquired

Settings Trace information to be acquired Reference location
Trace based performance analysis User-extended trace based performance analysis
Settings for using the trace based performance analysis Y Y 7.5.1
Settings for using the user-extended trace based performance analysis -- Y 7.5.2
Settings for the methods to be traced by the user-extended trace based performance analysis -- Y 7.5.3

Y: Settings are required.
--: Settings are not required.

Organization of this section
7.5.1 Settings for using the trace based performance analysis
7.5.2 Settings for using the user-extended trace based performance analysis
7.5.3 Settings for the methods to be traced by the user-extended trace based performance analysis