uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


11.1 Migration from Microsoft IIS to Cosminexus HTTP Server

The following are the definition files used when migrating from the redirector for Microsoft IIS to the redirector for Cosminexus HTTP Server.

Defined contents Redirector for Microsoft IIS Redirector for Cosminexus HTTP Server
Redirector definition isapi_redirect.conf mod_jk.conf
URL pattern and worker mapping definition uriworkermap.properties
Worker definition workers.properties workers.properties

When migrating to the environment using the redirector for Cosminexus HTTP Server from the environment using the redirector for Microsoft IIS, you must specify the worker mapping definition and the URL pattern using JkMount key in mod_jk.conf. You can use the same workers.properties that is used in the redirector for Microsoft IIS.

The following points give an overview of the procedure of migrating from the environment using the redirector for Microsoft IIS:

  1. Install Cosminexus HTTP Server.
  2. Specify the URL pattern and the workers mapping definition defined in uriworkermap.properties in mod_jk.conf.
  3. Define the Web server integration.
    For details, see 4. Web Server Integration in the uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.
  4. Start Cosminexus HTTP Server.