uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


8.20.2 Trace collection points and trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of container management is used

This subsection describes the trace collection points and the trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of container management is used. The explanation is divided into the following four categories:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels
(2) Trace information that can be collected

(1) Trace collection points and PRF trace collection levels

(a) When the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-117 Details of trace collection points when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction

Event ID No. in the figure# Trace acquisition points Level
0xA508 1 When the processing of EntityManager#find(Class<T>entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA509 6 When the processing o EntityManager#find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA50B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) starts A
0xA50D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) ends A
0xA50E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) starts A
0xA50F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) ends A
0xA510 1 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) starts A
0xA511 6 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) ends A
0xA512 1 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) starts A
0xA513 6 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) ends A
0xA514 1 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) starts A
0xA515 6 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) ends A
0xA516 1 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) starts A
0xA517 6 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) ends A
0xA518 1 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() starts A
0xA519 6 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() ends A
0xA51A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() starts A
0xA51B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() ends A
0xA51C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) starts A
0xA51D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) ends A
0xA51E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) starts A
0xA51F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) ends A
0xA520 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) starts A
0xA521 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) ends A
0xA522 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) starts A
0xA523 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) ends A
0xA524 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) starts A
0xA525 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) ends A
0xA526 1 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA527 6 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA528 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() starts A
0xA529 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() ends A
0xA52A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() starts A
0xA52B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() ends A
0xA52C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() starts A
0xA52D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() ends A
0xA52E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() starts A
0xA52F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() ends A
0xA530 1 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() starts A
0xA531 6 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() ends A
0xA532 1 When the processing of EntityManager#close() starts A
0xA533 6 When the processing of EntityManager#close() ends A
0xA540 1 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() starts A
0xA541 6 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() ends A
0xA542 1 When the processing of Query#getResultList() starts A
0xA543 6 When the processing of Query#getResultList() ends A
0xA544 1 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() starts A
0xA545 6 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() ends A
0xA546 1 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA547 6 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA548 1 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) starts B
0xA549 6 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) ends B
0xA54A 1 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) starts B
0xA54B 6 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) ends B
0xA54C 1 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) starts B
0xA54D 6 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) ends B
0xA54E 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA54F 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA550 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA551 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA552 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) starts B
0xA553 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) ends B
0xA554 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA555 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA556 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA557 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA558 1 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) starts B
0xA559 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) ends B
0xA560 4 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA561 5 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA562 4 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA563 5 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA564 4 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA565 5 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA566 4 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA567 5 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA568 4 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA569 5 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56A 4 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56B 5 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56C 4 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56D 5 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56E 4 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56F 5 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA570 4 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA571 5 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA572 4 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA573 5 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA574 4 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA575 5 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA576 4 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA577 5 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA578 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA579 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57A 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57B 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57C 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57D 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57E 4 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57F 5 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA580 4 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA581 5 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA582 4 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA583 5 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA584 4 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA585 5 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA586 4 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA587 5 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA588 4 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA589 5 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58A 4 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58B 5 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58C 4 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58D 5 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58E 4 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58F 5 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA590 4 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA591 5 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA592 4 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA593 5 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA594 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA595 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA596 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA597 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA598 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA599 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59A 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59B 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59C 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59D 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59E 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59F 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA5A0 2 At the time of start of the processing for generating the persistent context, when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used A
0xA5A1 3 At the time of termination of the processing for generating the persistent context, when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used A
0xA5A2 7 At the time of start of the processing for discarding the persistent context, when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used A
0xA5A3 8 At the time of termination of the processing for discarding the persistent context, when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used A

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-72.

The following figure shows the trace collection points.

Figure 8-72 Trace collection points when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction


(b) When the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-118 Details of trace collection points when the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction

Event ID No. in the figure# Trace acquisition points Level
0xA508 1 When the processing of EntityManager#find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA509 8 When the processing of EntityManager#find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA50B 8 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) starts A
0xA50D 8 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) ends A
0xA50E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) starts A
0xA50F 8 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) ends A
0xA510 1 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) starts A
0xA511 8 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) ends A
0xA512 1 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) starts A
0xA513 8 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) ends A
0xA514 1 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) starts A
0xA515 8 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) ends A
0xA516 1 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) starts A
0xA517 8 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) ends A
0xA518 1 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() starts A
0xA519 8 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() ends A
0xA51A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() starts A
0xA51B 8 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() ends A
0xA526 1 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA527 8 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA528 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() starts A
0xA529 8 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() ends A
0xA52A 1 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() starts A
0xA52B 8 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() ends A
0xA52C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() starts A
0xA52D 8 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() ends A
0xA52E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() starts A
0xA52F 8 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() ends A
0xA530 1 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() starts A
0xA531 8 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() ends A
0xA532 1 When the processing of EntityManager#close() starts A
0xA533 8 When the processing of EntityManager#close() ends A
0xA560 4 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA561 5 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA562 4 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA563 5 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA564 4 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA565 5 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA566 4 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA567 5 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA568 4 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA569 5 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56A 4 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56B 5 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56C 4 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56D 5 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56E 4 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56F 5 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA570 4 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA571 5 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA572 4 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA573 5 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57E 4 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57F 5 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA580 4 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA581 5 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA582 4 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA583 5 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA584 4 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA585 5 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA5A4 2 At the time of start of the processing for generating the persistent context, when an API that is not generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5A5 3 At the time of termination of the processing for generating the persistent context, when an API that is not generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5A6 6 At the time of start of the processing for discarding the persistent context generated when an API that is not generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5A7 7 At the time of termination of the processing for discarding the persistent context generated when an API that is not generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope is used while the transaction does not exist A

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-73.

The following figure shows the trace collection points.

Figure 8-73 Trace collection points when the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction


(c) When a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-119 Details of trace collection points when a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction

Event ID No. in the figure# Trace acquisition points Level
0xA51C 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) starts A
0xA51D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) ends A
0xA51E 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) starts A
0xA51F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) ends A
0xA520 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) starts A
0xA521 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) ends A
0xA522 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) starts A
0xA523 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) ends A
0xA524 1 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) starts A
0xA525 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) ends A
0xA540 1, 11 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() starts A
0xA541 6, 16 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() ends A
0xA542 1, 11 When the processing of Query#getResultList() starts A
0xA543 6, 16 When the processing of Query#getResultList() ends A
0xA544 1, 11 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() starts A
0xA545 6, 16 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() ends A
0xA546 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA547 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA548 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) starts B
0xA549 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) ends B
0xA54A 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) starts B
0xA54B 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) ends B
0xA54C 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) starts B
0xA54D 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) ends B
0xA54E 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA54F 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA550 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA551 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA552 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) starts B
0xA553 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) ends B
0xA554 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA555 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA556 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA557 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA558 1, 7 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) starts B
0xA559 6, 10 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) ends B
0xA574 4 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA575 5 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA576 4 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA577 5 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA578 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA579 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57A 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57B 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57C 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57D 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA586 4, 12 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA587 5, 13 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA588 4, 12 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA589 5, 13 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58A 4, 12 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58B 5, 13 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58C 4, 8 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58D 5, 9 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58E 4, 8 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58F 5, 9 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA590 4, 8 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA591 5, 9 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA592 4, 8 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA593 5, 9 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA594 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA595 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA596 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA597 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA598 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA599 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59A 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59B 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59C 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59D 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59E 4, 8 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59F 5, 9 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA5A8 2 At the time of start of the processing for generating the persistent context, when an API generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope, or an API of the same Query object after searching or updating with the Query is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5A9 3 At the time of termination of the processing for generating the persistent context, when an API generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope, or an API of the same Query object after searching or updating with the Query is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5AA 14 At the time of start of the processing for discarding the persistent context generated when an API generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope, or an API of the same Query object after searching or updating with the Query is used while the transaction does not exist A
0xA5AB 15 At the time of termination of the processing for discarding the persistent context generated when an API generated in the Query of EntityManager of the transaction scope, or an API of the same Query object after searching or updating with the Query is used while the transaction does not exist A

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-74.

The following figure shows the trace collection points.

Figure 8-74 Trace collection points when a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction


(d) When an extended persistent context is used

The following table describes the event IDs, trace collection points, and PRF trace collection levels.

Table 8-120 Details of trace collection points when an extended persistent context is used

Event ID No. in the figure# Trace acquisition points Level
0xA508 3 When the processing of EntityManager#find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA509 6 When the processing of EntityManager#find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50A 3 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) starts A
0xA50B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) ends A
0xA50C 3 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) starts A
0xA50D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#contains(Object entity) ends A
0xA50E 3 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) starts A
0xA50F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) ends A
0xA510 3 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) starts A
0xA511 6 When the processing of EntityManager#merge(T entity) ends A
0xA512 3 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) starts A
0xA513 6 When the processing of EntityManager#persist(Object entity) ends A
0xA514 3 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) starts A
0xA515 6 When the processing of EntityManager#refresh(Object entity) ends A
0xA516 3 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) starts A
0xA517 6 When the processing of EntityManager#remove(Object entity) ends A
0xA518 3 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() starts A
0xA519 6 When the processing of EntityManager#clear() ends A
0xA51A 3 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() starts A
0xA51B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#flush() ends A
0xA51C 3 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) starts A
0xA51D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createQuery(String qlString) ends A
0xA51E 3 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) starts A
0xA51F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String name) ends A
0xA520 3 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) starts A
0xA521 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString) ends A
0xA522 3 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) starts A
0xA523 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) ends A
0xA524 3 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) starts A
0xA525 6 When the processing of EntityManager#createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) ends A
0xA526 3 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA527 6 When the processing of EntityManager#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA528 3 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() starts A
0xA529 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getFlushMode() ends A
0xA52A 3 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() starts A
0xA52B 6 When the processing of EntityManager#joinTransaction() ends A
0xA52C 3 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() starts A
0xA52D 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getTransaction() ends A
0xA52E 3 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() starts A
0xA52F 6 When the processing of EntityManager#getDelegate() ends A
0xA530 3 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() starts A
0xA531 6 When the processing of EntityManager#isOpen() ends A
0xA532 3 When the processing of EntityManager#close() starts A
0xA533 6 When the processing of EntityManager#close() ends A
0xA540 3 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() starts A
0xA541 6 When the processing of Query#executeUpdate() ends A
0xA542 3 When the processing of Query#getResultList() starts A
0xA543 6 When the processing of Query#getResultList() ends A
0xA544 3 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() starts A
0xA545 6 When the processing of Query#getSingleResult() ends A
0xA546 3 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) starts A
0xA547 6 When the processing of Query#setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) ends A
0xA548 3 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) starts B
0xA549 6 When the processing of Query#setFirstResult(int startPosition) ends B
0xA54A 3 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) starts B
0xA54B 6 When the processing of Query#setMaxResults(int maxResult) ends B
0xA54C 3 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) starts B
0xA54D 6 When the processing of Query#setHint(String hintName, Object value) ends B
0xA54E 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA54F 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA550 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA551 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA552 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) starts B
0xA553 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(int position, Object value) ends B
0xA554 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA555 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA556 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) starts B
0xA557 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) ends B
0xA558 3 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) starts B
0xA559 6 When the processing of Query#setParameter(String name, Object value) ends B
0xA560 4 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA561 5 When the processing of find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA562 4 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA563 5 When the processing of getReference(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA564 4 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA565 5 When the processing of contains(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA566 4 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA567 5 When the processing of lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA568 4 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA569 5 When the processing of merge(T entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56A 4 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56B 5 When the processing of persist(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56C 4 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56D 5 When the processing of refresh(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA56E 4 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA56F 5 When the processing of remove(Object entity) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA570 4 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA571 5 When the processing of clear() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA572 4 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA573 5 When the processing of flush() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA574 4 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA575 5 When the processing of createQuery(String qlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA576 4 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA577 5 When the processing of createNamedQuery(String name) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA578 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA579 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57A 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57B 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57C 4 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57D 5 When the processing of createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA57E 4 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA57F 5 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA580 4 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA581 5 When the processing of getFlushMode() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA582 4 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA583 5 When the processing of joinTransaction() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA584 4 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider starts B
0xA585 5 When the processing of isOpen() of EntityManager of the JPA provider ends B
0xA586 4 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA587 5 When the processing of executeUpdate() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA588 4 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA589 5 When the processing of getResultList() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58A 4 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58B 5 When the processing of getSingleResult() of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58C 4 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58D 5 When the processing of setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA58E 4 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA58F 5 When the processing of setFirstResult(int startPosition) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA590 4 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA591 5 When the processing of setMaxResults(int maxResult) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA592 4 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA593 5 When the processing of setHint(String hintName, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA594 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA595 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA596 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA597 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA598 4 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA599 5 When the processing of setParameter(int position, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59A 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59B 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Calendar value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59C 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59D 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Date value, TemporalType temporalType) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA59E 4 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider starts B
0xA59F 5 When the processing of setParameter(String name, Object value) of Query of the JPA provider ends B
0xA5AC 1 At the time of start of the processing for generating the persistent context, when the persistent context of the extended scope is used A
0xA5AD 2 At the time of termination of the processing for generating the persistent context, when the persistent context of the extended scope is used A
0xA5AE 7 When the processing of EntityManager.close() starts while the persistent context of the extended scope is being used A
0xA5AF 8 When the processing of EntityManager.close() ends while the persistent context of the extended scope is being used A

A: Standard
B: Advanced

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-75.

The following figure shows the trace collection points.

Figure 8-75 Trace collection points when an extended persistent context is used


(2) Trace information that can be collected

(a) When the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction.

Table 8-121 Trace information that can be collected when the persistent context of the transaction scope is used in the transaction

No. in the figure#1 Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0xA508 A entity class name -- --
0xA50A A entity class name -- --
0xA50C A entity class name -- --
0xA50E A entity class name lockMode value --
0xA510 A entity class name -- --
0xA512 A entity class name -- --
0xA514 A entity class name -- --
0xA516 A entity class name -- --
0xA518 A -- -- --
0xA51A A -- -- --
0xA51C A -- -- --
0xA51E A name -- --
0xA520 A -- -- --
0xA522 A resultClass class name -- --
0xA524 A resultSetMapping -- --
0xA526 A flushMode value -- --
0xA528 A -- -- --
0xA52A A -- -- --
0xA52C A -- -- --
0xA52E A -- -- --
0xA530 A -- -- --
0xA532 A -- -- --
0xA540 A -- -- --
0xA542 A -- -- --
0xA544 A -- -- --
0xA546 A flushMode value -- --
0xA548 B startPosition value -- --
0xA54A B maxResult value -- --
0xA54C B hintName value class name --
0xA54E B position value -- --
0xA550 B position value -- --
0xA552 B position value -- --
0xA554 B name value -- --
0xA556 B name value -- --
0xA558 B name value -- --
2 0xA5A0 A -- -- --
3 0xA5A1 A -- -- #2
4 0xA560 B entity class name -- --
0xA562 B entity class name -- --
0xA564 B entity class name -- --
0xA566 B entity class name lockMode value --
0xA568 B entity class name -- --
0xA56A B entity class name -- --
0xA56C B entity class name -- --
0xA56E B entity class name -- --
0xA570 B -- -- --
0xA572 B -- -- --
0xA574 B -- -- --
0xA576 B name -- --
0xA578 B -- -- --
0xA57A B resultClass class name -- --
0xA57C B resultSetMapping -- --
0xA57E B flushMode value -- --
0xA580 B -- -- --
0xA582 B -- -- --
0xA584 B -- -- --
0xA586 B -- -- --
0xA588 B -- -- --
0xA58A B -- -- --
0xA58C B flushMode value -- --
0xA58E B startPosition value -- --
0xA590 B maxResult value -- --
0xA592 B hintName value class name --
0xA594 B position value -- --
0xA596 B position value -- --
0xA598 B position value -- --
0xA59A B name value -- --
0xA59C B name value -- --
0xA59E B name value -- --
5 0xA561 B -- -- #2
0xA563 B -- -- #2
0xA565 B -- -- #2
0xA567 B -- -- #2
0xA569 B -- -- #2
0xA56B B -- -- #2
0xA56D B -- -- #2
0xA56F B -- -- #2
0xA571 B -- -- #2
0xA573 B -- -- #2
0xA575 B -- -- #2
0xA577 B -- -- #2
0xA579 B -- -- #2
0xA57B B -- -- #2
0xA57D B -- -- #2
0xA57F B -- -- #2
0xA581 B -- -- #2
0xA583 B -- -- #2
0xA585 B -- -- #2
0xA587 B -- -- #2
0xA589 B -- -- #2
0xA58B B -- -- #2
0xA58D B -- -- #2
0xA58F B -- -- #2
0xA591 B -- -- #2
0xA593 B -- -- #2
0xA595 B -- -- #2
0xA597 B -- -- #2
0xA599 B -- -- #2
0xA59B B -- -- #2
0xA59D B -- -- #2
0xA59F B -- -- #2
6 0xA509 A -- -- #2
0xA50B A -- -- #2
0xA50D A -- -- #2
0xA50F A -- -- #2
0xA511 A -- -- #2
0xA513 A -- -- #2
0xA515 A -- -- #2
0xA517 A -- -- #2
0xA519 A -- -- #2
0xA51B A -- -- #2
0xA51D A -- -- #2
0xA51F A -- -- #2
0xA521 A -- -- #2
0xA523 A -- -- #2
0xA525 A -- -- #2
0xA527 A -- -- #2
0xA529 A -- -- #2
0xA52B A -- -- #2
0xA52D A -- -- #2
0xA52F A -- -- #2
0xA531 A -- -- #2
0xA533 A -- -- #2
0xA541 A -- -- #2
0xA543 A -- -- #2
0xA545 A -- -- #2
0xA547 A -- -- #2
0xA549 B -- -- #2
0xA54B B -- -- #2
0xA54D B -- -- #2
0xA54F B -- -- #2
0xA551 B -- -- #2
0xA553 B -- -- #2
0xA555 B -- -- #2
0xA557 B -- -- #2
0xA559 B -- -- #2
7 0xA5A2 A -- -- --
8 0xA5A3 A -- -- #2

A: Standard
B: Advanced
--: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-72.

When the processing is performed normally, the entrance time is displayed.
When an exception occurs, the entrance time and exception are displayed.

(b) When the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected when the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction.

Table 8-122 Trace information that can be collected when the entity manager related to the persistent context of the transaction scope is used outside a transaction

No. in the figure#1 Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0xA508 A entity class name -- --
0xA50A A entity class name -- --
0xA50C A entity class name -- --
0xA50E A entity class name lockMode value --
0xA510 A entity class name -- --
0xA512 A entity class name -- --
0xA514 A entity class name -- --
0xA516 A entity class name -- --
0xA518 A -- -- --
0xA51A A -- -- --
0xA526 A flushMode value -- --
0xA528 A -- -- --
0xA52A A -- -- --
0xA52C A -- -- --
0xA52E A -- -- --
0xA530 A -- -- --
0xA532 A -- -- --
2 0xA5A4 A -- -- --
3 0xA5A5 A -- -- #2
4 0xA560 B entity class name -- --
0xA562 B entity class name -- --
0xA564 B entity class name -- --
0xA566 B entity class name lockMode value --
0xA568 B entity class name -- --
0xA56A B entity class name -- --
0xA56C B entity class name -- --
0xA56E B entity class name -- --
0xA570 B -- -- --
0xA572 B -- -- --
0xA57E B flushMode value -- --
0xA580 B -- -- --
0xA582 B -- -- --
0xA584 B -- -- --
5 0xA561 B -- -- #2
0xA563 B -- -- #2
0xA565 B -- -- #2
0xA567 B -- -- #2
0xA569 B -- -- #2
0xA56B B -- -- #2
0xA56D B -- -- #2
0xA56F B -- -- #2
0xA571 B -- -- #2
0xA573 B -- -- #2
0xA57F B -- -- #2
0xA581 B -- -- #2
0xA583 B -- -- #2
0xA585 B -- -- #2
6 0xA5A6 A -- -- --
7 0xA5A7 A -- -- #2
8 0xA509 A -- -- #2
0xA50B A -- -- #2
0xA50D A -- -- #2
0xA50F A -- -- #2
0xA511 A -- -- #2
0xA513 A -- -- #2
0xA515 A -- -- #2
0xA517 A -- -- #2
0xA519 A -- -- #2
0xA51B A -- -- #2
0xA527 A -- -- #2
0xA529 A -- -- #2
0xA52B A -- -- #2
0xA52D A -- -- #2
0xA52F A -- -- #2
0xA531 A -- -- #2
0xA533 A -- -- #2

A: Standard
B: Advanced
--: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-73.

When the processing is performed normally, the entrance time is displayed.
When an exception occurs, the entrance time and exception are displayed.

(c) When a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected when a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction.

Table 8-123 Trace information that can be collected when a Query generated outside a transaction is used outside the transaction

No. in the figure#1 Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0xA51C A -- -- --
0xA51E A name -- --
0xA520 A -- -- --
0xA522 A resultClass class name -- --
0xA524 A resultSetMapping -- --
1, 11 0xA540 A -- -- --
0xA542 A -- -- --
0xA544 A -- -- --
1, 7 0xA546 A flushMode value -- --
0xA548 B startPosition value -- --
0xA54A B maxResult value -- --
0xA54C B hintName value class name --
0xA54E B position value -- --
0xA550 B position value -- --
0xA552 B position value -- --
0xA554 B name value -- --
0xA556 B name value -- --
0xA558 B name value -- --
2 0xA5A8 A -- -- --
3 0xA5A9 A -- -- #2
4 0xA574 B -- -- --
0xA576 B name -- --
0xA578 B -- -- --
0xA57A B resultClass class name -- --
0xA57C B resultSetMapping -- --
4, 12 0xA586 B -- -- --
0xA588 B -- -- --
0xA58A B -- -- --
4, 8 0xA58C B flushMode value -- --
0xA58E B startPosition value -- --
0xA590 B maxResult value -- --
0xA592 B hintName value class name --
0xA594 B position value -- --
0xA596 B position value -- --
0xA598 B position value -- --
0xA59A B name value -- --
0xA59C B name value -- --
0xA59E B name value -- --
5 0xA575 B -- -- #2
0xA577 B -- -- #2
0xA579 B -- -- #2
0xA57B B -- -- #2
0xA57D B -- -- #2
5, 13 0xA587 B -- -- #2
0xA589 B -- -- #2
0xA58B B -- -- #2
5, 9 0xA58D B -- -- #2
0xA58F B -- -- #2
0xA591 B -- -- #2
0xA593 B -- -- #2
0xA595 B -- -- #2
0xA597 B -- -- #2
0xA599 B -- -- #2
0xA59B B -- -- #2
0xA59D B -- -- #2
0xA59F B -- -- #2
6 0xA51D A -- -- #2
0xA51F A -- -- #2
0xA521 A -- -- #2
0xA523 A -- -- #2
0xA525 A -- -- #2
6, 16 0xA541 A -- -- #2
0xA543 A -- -- #2
0xA545 A -- -- #2
6, 10 0xA547 A -- -- #2
0xA549 B -- -- #2
0xA54B B -- -- #2
0xA54D B -- -- #2
0xA54F B -- -- #2
0xA551 B -- -- #2
0xA553 B -- -- #2
0xA555 B -- -- #2
0xA557 B -- -- #2
0xA559 B -- -- #2
14 0xA5AA A -- -- --
15 0xA5AB A -- -- #2

A: Standard
B: Advanced
--: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-74.

When the processing is performed normally, the entrance time is displayed.
When an exception occurs, the entrance time and exception are displayed.

(d) When an extended persistent context is used

The following table describes the trace information that can be collected when an extended persistent context is used.

Table 8-124 Trace information that can be collected when an extended persistent context is used

No. in the figure#1 Event ID Level Information that you can acquire
Interface name Operation name Optional
1 0xA5AC A -- -- --
2 0xA5AD A -- -- #2
3 0xA508 A entity class name -- --
0xA50A A entity class name -- --
0xA50C A entity class name -- --
0xA50E A entity class name lockMode value --
0xA510 A entity class name -- --
0xA512 A entity class name -- --
0xA514 A entity class name -- --
0xA516 A entity class name -- --
0xA518 A -- -- --
0xA51A A -- -- --
0xA51C A -- -- --
0xA51E A name -- --
0xA520 A -- -- --
0xA522 A resultClass class name -- --
0xA524 A resultSetMapping -- --
0xA526 A flushMode value -- --
0xA528 A -- -- --
0xA52A A -- -- --
0xA52C A -- -- --
0xA52E A -- -- --
0xA530 A -- -- --
0xA532 A -- -- --
0xA540 A -- -- --
0xA542 A -- -- --
0xA544 A -- -- --
0xA546 A flushMode value -- --
0xA548 B startPosition value -- --
0xA54A B maxResult value -- --
0xA54C B hintName value class name --
0xA54E B position value -- --
0xA550 B position value -- --
0xA552 B position value -- --
0xA554 B name value -- --
0xA556 B name value -- --
0xA558 B name value -- --
4 0xA560 B entity class name -- --
0xA562 B entity class name -- --
0xA564 B entity class name -- --
0xA566 B entity class name lockMode value --
0xA568 B entity class name -- --
0xA56A B entity class name -- --
0xA56C B entity class name -- --
0xA56E B entity class name -- --
0xA570 B -- -- --
0xA572 B -- -- --
0xA574 B -- -- --
0xA576 B name -- --
0xA578 B -- -- --
0xA57A B resultClass class name -- --
0xA57C B resultSetMapping -- --
0xA57E B flushMode value -- --
0xA580 B -- -- --
0xA582 B -- -- --
0xA584 B -- -- --
0xA586 B -- -- --
0xA588 B -- -- --
0xA58A B -- -- --
0xA58C B flushMode value -- --
0xA58E B startPosition value -- --
0xA590 B maxResult value -- --
0xA592 B hintName value class name --
0xA594 B position value -- --
0xA596 B position value -- --
0xA598 B position value -- --
0xA59A B name value -- --
0xA59C B name value -- --
0xA59E B name value -- --
5 0xA561 B -- -- #2
0xA563 B -- -- #2
0xA565 B -- -- #2
0xA567 B -- -- #2
0xA569 B -- -- #2
0xA56B B -- -- #2
0xA56D B -- -- #2
0xA56F B -- -- #2
0xA571 B -- -- #2
0xA573 B -- -- #2
0xA575 B -- -- #2
0xA577 B -- -- #2
0xA579 B -- -- #2
0xA57B B -- -- #2
0xA57D B -- -- #2
0xA57F B -- -- #2
0xA581 B -- -- #2
0xA583 B -- -- #2
0xA585 B -- -- #2
0xA587 B -- -- #2
0xA589 B -- -- #2
0xA58B B -- -- #2
0xA58D B -- -- #2
0xA58F B -- -- #2
0xA591 B -- -- #2
0xA593 B -- -- #2
0xA595 B -- -- #2
0xA597 B -- -- #2
0xA599 B -- -- #2
0xA59B B -- -- #2
0xA59D B -- -- #2
0xA59F B -- -- #2
6 0xA509 A -- -- #2
0xA50B A -- -- #2
0xA50D A -- -- #2
0xA50F A -- -- #2
0xA511 A -- -- #2
0xA513 A -- -- #2
0xA515 A -- -- #2
0xA517 A -- -- #2
0xA519 A -- -- #2
0xA51B A -- -- #2
0xA51D A -- -- #2
0xA51F A -- -- #2
0xA521 A -- -- #2
0xA523 A -- -- #2
0xA525 A -- -- #2
0xA527 A -- -- #2
0xA529 A -- -- #2
0xA52B A -- -- #2
0xA52D A -- -- #2
0xA52F A -- -- #2
0xA531 A -- -- #2
0xA533 A -- -- #2
0xA541 A -- -- #2
0xA543 A -- -- #2
0xA545 A -- -- #2
0xA547 A -- -- #2
0xA549 B -- -- #2
0xA54B B -- -- #2
0xA54D B -- -- #2
0xA54F B -- -- #2
0xA551 B -- -- #2
0xA553 B -- -- #2
0xA555 B -- -- #2
0xA557 B -- -- #2
0xA559 B -- -- #2
7 0xA5AE A -- -- --
8 0xA5AF A -- -- #2

A: Standard
B: Advanced
--: Not applicable

Corresponds to the numbers in Figure 8-75.

When the processing is performed normally, the entrance time is displayed.
When an exception occurs, the entrance time and exception are displayed.