For Windows Systems

Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform

Description, User's Guide and Reference




Part 1: Overview

1. Overview of PFM - Agent for Platform
1.1 Features of PFM - Agent for Platform
1.1.1 Collect Windows performance data
1.1.2 Collect performance data according to its characteristics
1.1.3 Save performance data
1.1.4 Notify about problems in Windows operations
1.1.5 Easily define alarms and reports
1.2 Overview of collecting and managing performance data
1.3 Example of performance monitoring operation
1.3.1 Overview of performance monitoring
1.3.2 How to monitor performance
1.3.3 Definition examples
1.3.4 Operation on virtualized systems

Part 2: Setup and Operation

2. Installation and Setup
2.1 Installation and setup
2.1.1 Before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Platform
2.1.2 Installation and setup workflow
2.1.3 Installation procedure
2.1.4 Setting up PFM - Agent for Platform
2.2 Uninstallation and unsetup
2.2.1 Before uninstalling PFM - Agent for Platform
2.2.2 Unsetup procedures
2.2.3 Uninstallation procedure
2.3 Changing the system configuration of PFM - Agent for Platform
2.4 Changing the operation of PFM - Agent for Platform
2.4.1 Changing the storage location of performance data
2.4.2 Updating the Store version to 2.0
2.5 Starting the command prompt
2.6 Backup and restoration
2.6.1 Backup
2.6.2 Restoration
2.7 Settings for browsing manuals in a Web browser
2.7.1 Settings procedures
2.7.2 Browsing procedures

3. User-Defined Record Collection
3.1 Overview of user-defined record collection
3.1.1 Information that can be defined as user-defined records
3.2 Setting up user-defined record collection
3.2.1 Starting and stopping the collection data addition utility
3.2.2 Settings for collecting performance console counter information
3.2.3 Settings for collecting event log information
3.2.4 Settings for collecting workgroup information
3.2.5 Settings for collecting application operation and non-operation information
3.2.6 Settings for collecting user-specific performance data

Part 3: Reference

4. Monitoring Templates
Overview of monitoring templates
Format of alarm explanations
List of alarms
Available Memory
CPU Usage
Disk Space
Processor Queue
SVR Processor Queue
Committed Mbytes
Page Faults/sec
Logical Disk Free
Disk Busy %
Logical Disk Queue
Physical Disk Queue
Network Received
Process End
Process Alive
Service(Service Nm)
Service(Display Nm)
Event Log(all)
Event Log(System)
Format of report explanations
Organization of report folders
List of reports
Access Failure Status (real-time report on system access errors)
Access Failure Status (historical report on system access errors)
CPU Status (Multi-Agent)
CPU Trend
CPU Trend (Multi-Agent)
CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes
CPU Usage Summary
Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives
File System I/O Summary
Free Megabytes - Logical Drive Status
Free Space - Low 10 Logical Drives
Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives
Logical Drive Detail
Memory Available Trend (Multi-Agent)
Memory Paging
Memory Paging Status (Multi-Agent)
OS Memory Usage Status (real-time report on memory usage)
OS Memory Usage Status (historical report on memory usage)
Page Faults - Top 10 Processes
Process Detail
Process Trend
Server Activity Detail
Server Activity Summary (Multi-Agent)
Server Activity Summary (real-time report on information on the communication status between networks)
Server Activity Summary (historical report on information on the communication status between networks)
Server Activity Summary Trend (Multi-Agent)
Server Sessions Trend (Multi-Agent)
System Memory Detail
System Overview (real-time report on the system overview)
System Overview (historical report on the system overview)
System Utilization Status
Workload Status
Workload Status (Multi-Agent)

5. Records
Data model
Format of record explanations
List of ODBC key fields
Summarization rules
List of data types
Field values
Fields that are added only when a record is recorded in the Store database
Fields that are output when data stored in the Store database is exported
Notes on records
List of records
Active Directory Overview (PI_AD)
Application Summary (PD_APP)
Browser Overview (PI_BRSR)
Device Detail (PD_DEV)
Event Log (PD_ELOG)
Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND)
Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI)
ICMP Overview (PI_ICMP)
ICMP Version 6 Overview (PI_ICM6)
IP Overview (PI_IP)
IP Version 6 Overview (PI_IP6)
Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD)
NBT Overview (PI_NBT)
Network Interface Overview (PI_NETI)
Page File Detail (PD_PAGF)
Physical Disk Overview (PI_PHYD)
Process Detail (PD)
Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)
Process End Detail (PD_PEND)
Processor Overview (PI_PCSR)
Server Work Queues Overview (PI_SVRQ)
Service Process Detail (PD_SVC)
System Overview (PI)
TCP Overview (PI_TCP)
TCP Version 6 Overview (PI_TCP6)
UDP Overview (PI_UDP)
UDP Version 6 Overview (PI_UDP6)
User Data Detail (PD_UPD)
User Data Detail - Extended (PD_UPDB)
User Data Interval (PI_UPI)
User Data Interval - Extended (PI_UPIB)
WINS Server Overview (PI_WINS)
Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP)

6. Messages
6.1 Message format
6.1.1 Format of output messages
6.1.2 Format of message explanations
6.2 Message output destinations
6.3 List of messages output to the Windows event log
6.4 Messages

Part 4: Troubleshooting

7. Error Handling Procedures
7.1 Error handling procedures
7.2 Troubleshooting
7.2.1 Setting up or starting a service
7.2.2 Executing commands
7.2.3 Report definitions
7.2.4 Alarm definitions
7.2.5 Collecting and managing performance data
7.2.6 Hang-up and abnormal termination
7.2.7 Other problems
7.3 Log information
7.3.1 Log types
7.3.2 Log files and folders
7.4 Data to be collected if a problem occurs
7.4.1 In Windows
7.5 Data collection procedure
7.5.1 In Windows
7.6 Detecting problems within Performance Management
7.7 Performance Management system error recovery

A. Estimating System Requirements
A.1 Estimating memory requirements
A.2 Estimating disk space requirements
B. List of Identifiers
C. List of Processes
D. List of Port Numbers
D.1 Port numbers of PFM - Agent for Platform
D.2 Firewall passage directions
E. Properties of PFM - Agent for Platform
E.1 Agent Store service properties
E.2 Agent Collector service properties
F. List of Files and Folders
G. Migration Procedure and Notes on Migration
H. Version Compatibility
I. Outputting Action Log Data
I.1 Types of events output to the action log
I.2 Format for saving the action log files
I.3 Format of output action log data
I.4 Settings for outputting action log data
J. Version Changes
J.1 Changes in 09-00
J.2 Changes in 08-11
J.3 Changes in version 08-00
J.4 Changes in version 07-00 (data model version 4.1)
J.5 Changes in version 07-00
K. Glossary



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