Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


System Overview (PI)


The System Overview (PI) record stores Performance data per unit time on the Windows performance objects listed below.

The System Overview (PI) record stores information for determining whether the system is being properly used. Each Windows performance objective is explained below.

  • At the start of collection of the System Overview (PI) record, if the startup type of the Windows Management Instrumentation service (service name: WinMgmt), which provides the OS system management information, is set to Disable, the value for the System Type (SYSTEM_TYPE) field cannot be correctly collected.
  • The fields listed below corresponding to the Server object cannot be collected if the server service (service name: LanmanServer) provided by the OS is stopped:
    [Figure] Blocking Reqs Rejected (BLOCKING_REQUESTS_REJECTED)
    [Figure] Bytes Rcvd/sec (BYTES_RECEIVED_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Bytes Total/sec (BYTES_TOTAL_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Bytes Xmitd/sec (BYTES_TRANSMITTED_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Context Blocks Queued/sec (CONTEXT_BLOCKS_QUEUED_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Errors Access Permissions (ERRORS_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS)
    [Figure] Errors Granted Access (ERRORS_GRANTED_ACCESS)
    [Figure] Errors Logon (ERRORS_LOGON)
    [Figure] Errors System (ERRORS_SYSTEM)
    [Figure] File Directory Searches (FILE_DIRECTORY_SEARCHES)
    [Figure] Files Open (FILES_OPEN)
    [Figure] Files Opened Total (FILES_OPENED_TOTAL)
    [Figure] Logon Total (LOGON_TOTAL)
    [Figure] Logon/sec (LOGON_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Pool Nonpaged Failures (POOL_NONPAGED_FAILURES)
    [Figure] Pool Nonpaged Peak (POOL_NONPAGED_PEAK)
    [Figure] Pool Paged Failures (POOL_PAGED_FAILURES)
    [Figure] Pool Paged Peak (POOL_PAGED_PEAK)
    [Figure] Server Pool Nonpaged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES)
    [Figure] Server Pool Paged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_PAGED_BYTES)
    [Figure] Server Sessions (SERVER_SESSIONS)
    [Figure] Sessions Errored Out (SESSIONS_ERRORED_OUT)
    [Figure] Sessions Forced Off (SESSIONS_FORCED_OFF)
    [Figure] Sessions Logged Off (SESSIONS_LOGGED_OFF)
    [Figure] Sessions Timed Out (SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT)
    [Figure] Work Item Shortages (WORK_ITEM_SHORTAGES)

Default values and values that can be specified

Item Default value Modifiable
Collection Interval 60 Yes
Collection Offset 0 Yes
Log Yes Yes
LOGIF Blank Yes

ODBC key fields




Record size


PFM-View name
(PFM-Manager name)
Description Summary Format Delta Not Supported versions Data source
% Committed Bytes in Use(PCT_COMMITTED_BYTES_IN_USE) Virtual memory usage (%). Amount of Committed Mbytes as a percentage of Commit Limit Mbytes. # % float No -- --
% Physical Mem(PCT_PHYSICAL_MEMORY) Physical memory usage (%). # % double No -- 100 x USED_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES / TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_KBYTES
% Registry Quota in Use(PCT_REGISTRY_QUOTA_IN_USE) Percentage of registry quotas available to processors that the system is using (%). # % float No -- --
% Total DPC Time(PCT_TOTAL_DPC_TIME) Percentage of time the processor was used for handling DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts (%).
The maximum value is 100 even in a multi-processor environment.
% float No -- --
% Total Interrupt Time(PCT_TOTAL_INTERRUPT_TIME) Percentage of time the processor was used for processing hardware (devices that cause interrupts, such as system clock, mouse, disk driver, data communication line, NIC, and other peripheral devices) interrupts (%).
The maximum value is 100 even in a multi-processor environment.
% float No -- --
Active CPUs(NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_CPUS) Number of processors. COPY ulong No -- --
Alignment Fixups/sec(ALIGNMENT_FIXUPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the system fixed alignment faults in processors (fixups/second). AVG float No -- --
Async Copy Reads/sec(ASYNC_COPY_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which asynchronous read from file system cache pages, including memory copy from the cache to application buffers, occurred (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Async Data Maps/sec(ASYNC_DATA_MAPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the system did not wait for a page to be extracted when the page mapped to the file system cache was not found in the main memory (maps/second). AVG float No -- --
Async Fast Reads/sec(ASYNC_FAST_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was asynchronously extracted directly from the cache without going through the file system (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Async MDL Reads/sec(ASYNC_MDL_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the MDL (Memory Descriptor List) was used to access file system cache pages, resulting in asynchronous read operations (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Async Pin Reads/sec(ASYNC_PIN_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which asynchronous read occurred inside the file system cache during the preprocessing for writing data back to the disk (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Available Mbytes(AVAILABLE_BYTES) Available size in the physical memory area (MB).
The combined total of zero memory, free memory, and standby memory (cached) that can be immediately allocated to a process or be used by the system.
Normally, if this value continues to be less than 5% of the value in the Total Physical Mem Mbytes field, it indicates that excessive paging is occurring. #
AVG double No -- --
Blocking Reqs Rejected(BLOCKING_REQUESTS_REJECTED) Rate at which the server refused to block the SMB (network protocol to realize file service and print service) because of a shortage in the number of empty work items (rejections/second). AVG float No -- --
Bytes Rcvd/sec(BYTES_RECEIVED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the server received data from the network (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Bytes Total/sec(BYTES_TOTAL_PER_SEC) Rate at which the server exchanged data with the network (bytes/second). AVG double No -- --
Bytes Xmitd/sec(BYTES_TRANSMITTED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the server sent data to the network (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
CPU %(PCT_TOTAL_PROCESSOR_TIME) Processor usage (%). Percentage of elapsed time used by the processor for executing non-idle threads. The maximum value is 100 even in a multi-processor environment. % float No -- --
Cache Faults/sec(CACHE_FAULTS_PER_SEC) Rate at which page faults occurred in the file system cache (faults/second). AVG float No -- --
Cache Mbytes(CACHE_BYTES) Size being used inside the file system cache (MB). # AVG double No -- --
Cache Mbytes Peak(CACHE_BYTES_PEAK) Maximum size that was used inside the file system cache (MB). # AVG double No -- --
Commit Limit Mbytes(COMMIT_LIMIT) Total size of the virtual memory area (MB).
Total size of the memory area that can be committed without expanding the paging file. #
AVG double No -- --
Committed Mbytes(COMMITTED_BYTES) Used (committed) size inside the virtual memory area (MB).
Normally, if this value continues to be greater than the value in the Total Physical Mem Mbytes field, it indicates that a larger memory size may be necessary. #
AVG double No -- --
Conns Core(CONNECTS_CORE) Number of times it was necessary to connect to a server on which the original MS-Net SMB protocol was running following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Conns LAN Manager 2.0(CONNECTS_LAN_MANAGER_20) Number of times connection was made with a LAN Manager 2.0 server (including an LMX server). # AVG ulong No -- --
Conns LAN Manager 2.1(CONNECTS_LAN_MANAGER_21) Number of times connection was made with a LAN Manager 2.1 server (including an LMX server). # AVG ulong No -- --
Conns Windows NT(CONNECTS_WINDOWS_NT) Number of times connection was made with a previous OS after the OS has started.# AVG ulong No -- --
Context Blocks Queued/sec(CONTEXT_BLOCKS_QUEUED_PER_SEC) Rate at which work context blocks had to be entered in the FSP queue because they had to wait for processing by the server (blocks/second). AVG float No -- --
Context Switches/sec(CONTEXT_SWITCHES_PER_SEC) Number of context switches (when the executive thread arbitrarily releases the processor and is interrupted by a thread with higher priority, the mode is switched between the user mode and the privileged mode to use either the executive or subsystem service) in the processor that were caused by all process threads (switches/second). AVG float No -- --
Copy Read Hits %(COPY_READ_HITS_PCT) Rate of requests to read from the file system cache page (%). % float No -- --
Copy Reads/sec(COPY_READS_PER_SEC) Number of page reads from the file system cache, including memory copying from the cache to application buffer memory (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Current Commands(CURRENT_COMMANDS) Number of requests to the Redirector that have entered the queue, waiting to be processed. # AVG ulong No -- --
Current Processes(CURRENT_PROCESSES) Number of processes executed by processors. # AVG ulong No -- --
Current Threads(CURRENT_THREADS) Number of threads executed by processors. # AVG ulong No -- --
Data Flush Pages/sec(DATA_FLUSH_PAGES_PER_SEC) Number of times the file system cache wrote the cache content into a disk (pages/second). AVG float No -- --
Data Flushes/sec(DATA_FLUSHES_PER_SEC) Rate at which the file system cache wrote the cache content into a disk (flushes/second). AVG float No -- --
Data Map Hits %(DATA_MAP_HITS_PCT) Percentage of the requests in which pages were mapped to the file system cache without paging occurring (%). % float No -- --
Data Map Pins/sec(DATA_MAP_PINS_PER_SEC) Always 0 because it is not supported. AVG float No -- --
Data Maps/sec(DATA_MAPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which pages were mapped to the file system cache (maps/second). AVG float No -- --
Demand Zero Faults/sec(DEMAND_ZERO_FAULTS_PER_SEC) Number of zero pages (pages no longer containing data, and containing only zeros) necessary for resolving page faults (faults/second). AVG float No -- --
Errors Access Permissions(ERRORS_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS) Number of times the STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error occurred during attempts to open a file because the user (as a client) was trying to access a file that is not properly protected following the OS startup. If summarized into a historical report, the maximum value is displayed. # HI ulong No -- --
Errors Granted Access(ERRORS_GRANTED_ACCESS) Number of times access was denied because a user without file access permission was trying to access a file that opened normally following the OS startup. If summarized into a historical report, the maximum value is displayed. # HI ulong No -- --
Errors Logon(ERRORS_LOGON) Number of times server logon attempts failed following the OS startup. Indicates whether a password-guessing program designed to break the server security is being used. If summarized into a historical report, the maximum value is displayed. # HI ulong No -- --
Errors System(ERRORS_SYSTEM) Number of times unexpected errors occurred on the server following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Events(EVENTS) Number of active events (in which two or more threads achieve execution synchronization). # AVG ulong No -- --
Exception Dispatches/sec(EXCEPTION_DISPATCHES_PER_SEC) Rate at which the system dispatched exceptions in processors (exceptions/second). AVG float No -- --
Fast Read Not Possibles/sec(FAST_READ_NOT_POSSIBLES_PER_SEC) Rate at which attempts to use API calls to acquire data from the file system cache without calling the file system failed (failures/second). AVG float No -- --
Fast Read Resource Misses/sec(FAST_READ_RESOURCE_MISSES_PER_SEC) Rate at which cache misses occurred because requests could not be processed due to resource shortage (misses/second). AVG float No -- --
Fast Reads/sec(FAST_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was extracted directly from the cache without going through the file system (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
File Control Bytes/sec(FILE_CONTROL_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was transferred by processors in operations other than reading data from or writing data to the file system (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
File Control Ops/sec(FILE_CONTROL_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of operations other than reading data from or writing data to the file system, that occurred in processors (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
File Data Ops/sec(FILE_DATA_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of operations in which processors read data from or wrote data to the file system (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
File Directory Searches(FILE_DIRECTORY_SEARCHES) Number of times the files active on the server were searched. # AVG ulong No -- --
File Read Bytes/sec(FILE_READ_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was transferred by processors in operations for reading data from the file system (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
File Read Ops/sec(FILE_READ_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Rate at which operations for reading data from the file system occurred in processors (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
File Write Bytes/sec(FILE_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was transferred by processors in operations for writing data to the file system (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
File Write Ops/sec(FILE_WRITE_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Rate at which operations for writing data to the file system occurred in processors (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Files Open(FILES_OPEN) Number of files currently open on the server. # AVG ulong No -- --
Files Opened Total(FILES_OPENED_TOTAL) Number of times the server succeeded in opening files on behalf of clients following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Floating Emulations/sec(FLOATING_EMULATIONS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the system executed floating point emulations in processors (executions/second). AVG float No -- --
Free System Page Table Entries(FREE_SYSTEM_PAGE_TABLE_ENTRIES) Number of page table entries not used by the system. # AVG ulong No -- --
Interval(INTERVAL) Collection interval time in which records were stored (in seconds).
For a real-time report, the first value is 5. If records are summarized into a historical report, the total of the summarized records is displayed.
Lazy Write Flushes/sec(LAZY_WRITE_FLUSHES_PER_SEC) Rate at which delay write (in which a disk is updated after a page is changed on the memory) threads wrote the cache content onto a disk (writes/second). AVG float No -- --
Lazy Write Pages/sec(LAZY_WRITE_PAGES_PER_SEC) Rate at which delay write (in which a disk is updated after a page is changed on the memory) threads wrote pages onto a disk (pages/second). AVG float No -- --
Logon Total(LOGON_TOTAL) Total number of server logon attempts, including interactive logon, network logon, service logon, successful logon, and failed logon, following the OS startup. # COPY ulong No -- --
Logon/sec(LOGON_PER_SEC) Rate at which interactive logon, network logon, service logon, successful logon, and failed logon occurred (logons/second). AVG float No -- --
MDL Read Hits %(MDL_READ_HITS_PCT) Percentage of read requests in which the MDL (Memory Descriptor List) was used to access file system cache pages to read data (%). % float No -- --
MDL Reads/sec(MDL_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the MDL (Memory Descriptor List) was used to access file system cache pages to read data (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Mutexes(MUTEXES) Number of active mutexes (which control thread execution to enable execution of a single thread). # AVG ulong No -- --
Net Errors/sec(NETWORK_ERRORS_PER_SEC) Rate at which unexpected errors occurred because of a serious communication error between the Redirector and the server (errors/second). AVG float No -- --
Non Committed Mbytes(NON_COMMITTED_BYTES) Unused size in the virtual memory area (MB). # AVG double No -- COMMIT_LIMIT - COMMITTED_BYTES
Page Faults/sec(PAGE_FAULTS_PER_SEC) Rate at which page faults occurred (faults/second). Normally, if this value continues to exceed 5, it indicates a memory bottleneck. AVG float No -- --
Page Reads/sec(PAGE_READS_PER_SEC) The rate at which pagein operations were occurring when a page fault occurred (pagein operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Page Writes/sec(PAGE_WRITES_PER_SEC) The rate at which pageout operations were occurring when a page fault occurred (pageout operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Pages Input/sec(PAGES_INPUT_PER_SEC) The rate at which pages were being paged in when a page fault occurred (pages/second). AVG float No -- --
Pages Output/sec(PAGES_OUTPUT_PER_SEC) The rate at which pages were being paged out when a page fault occurred (pages/second). AVG float No -- --
Pages/sec(PAGES_PER_SEC) The rate at which pages were being paged in and out when a page fault occurred (pages/second). This is the total of the values in the Pages Input/sec and Pages Output/sec fields. Normally, if this value continuously exceeds 5, lack of memory might be causing a system bottleneck. AVG float No -- --
Pin Read Hits %(PIN_READ_HITS_PCT) Percentage of the times requests to read data from a disk were not issued because pages inside the file system cache were accessed (%). % float No -- --
Pin Reads/sec(PIN_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was read into the file system cache during the preprocessing for writing data back to the disk (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Pkts Rcvd/sec(PACKETS_RECEIVED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector received packets (also called server message blocks [SMB]) (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Pkts Xmitd/sec(PACKETS_TRANSMITTED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector sent packets (also called server message blocks [SMB]) (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Pkts/sec(PACKETS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector processed packets (also called server message blocks [SMB]) (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Pool Nonpaged Allocs(POOL_NONPAGED_ALLOCS) Number of times that a physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task could not be paged out. # AVG ulong No -- --
Pool Nonpaged Bytes(POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES) Size of the non-pageable physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task (KB). Normally, if the value in this field continues to increase when the server activity level is not increasing, a process with memory leak may be being executed. # AVG double No -- --
Pool Nonpaged Failures(POOL_NONPAGED_FAILURES) Average number of times allocation of non-pageable memory failed because of insufficient physical memory on the server (failures/second). AVG float No -- --
Pool Nonpaged Peak(POOL_NONPAGED_PEAK) Maximum size of a non-pageable memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task, and which was being used by the server at a given point in time following OS startup (bytes).
The value in this field becomes an index for the physical memory to be installed on the computer. #
AVG double No -- --
Pool Paged Allocs(POOL_PAGED_ALLOCS) Number of times that a physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task could be paged out. # AVG ulong No -- --
Pool Paged Bytes(POOL_PAGED_BYTES) Size of the physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task that could be paged out (KB). # AVG double No -- --
Pool Paged Failures(POOL_PAGED_FAILURES) Number of times allocation of pageable memory failed because of insufficient physical memory or virtual memory in the server following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Pool Paged Peak(POOL_PAGED_PEAK) Maximum size of a pageable memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task, and which was being used by the server at a given point in time following OS startup (bytes).
The value in this field becomes an index for the settings for the physical and virtual memory to be installed on the computer. #
AVG double No -- --
Pool Paged Resident Bytes(POOL_PAGED_RESIDENT_BYTES) Size of the resident physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task that could be paged out (KB). # AVG double No -- --
Privileged CPU %(PCT_TOTAL_PRIVILEGED_TIME) Percentage of the time the processor was used in the privileged mode (%). Percentage of the elapsed time used by the processor for executing non-idle threads in the privileged mode. The maximum value is 100 even in a multi-processor environment. % float No -- --
Processes(PROCESSES) Number of active processes held in the memory. # AVG ulong No -- --
Processor Queue Length(PROCESSOR_QUEUE_LENGTH) Number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counter, this counter counts only the threads ready to be executed. The threads being executed are ignored. If there are multiple processors, only one queue is used for the processor time.# AVG ulong No -- --
Read Aheads/sec(READ_AHEADS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the cache manager detected sequential access to files and data was read from the file system cache (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Bytes Cache/sec(READ_BYTES_CACHE_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications used the Redirector to read data into the file system cache (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Bytes Net/sec(READ_BYTES_NETWORK_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications read data via the network because the data was not present in the file system cache (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Bytes Nonpaging/sec(READ_BYTES_NON_PAGING_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector read applications' normal file requests into the network computer (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Bytes Paging/sec(READ_BYTES_PAGING_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector read data during applications' page faults (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Ops Random/sec(READ_OPERATIONS_RANDOM_PER_SEC) Number of read operations in which a specific file handle was used to acquire data as a whole file and then read data randomly (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Pkts Small/sec(READ_PACKETS_SMALL_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications read data that was less than 1/4 of the server's adjusted buffer size (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Read Pkts/sec(READ_PACKETS_PER_SEC) Rate at which read packets issued data-reading requests to the network (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Reads Denied/sec(READS_DENIED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the server could not accept read requests (requests/second). AVG float No -- --
Reads Large/sec(READS_LARGE_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications read data that was more than twice the server's adjusted buffer size (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Record Time(RECORD_TIME) Time at which the record was created. COPY time_t No -- --
Record Type(INPUT_RECORD_TYPE) Record name. Always PI. COPY char(8) No -- --
Redir Bytes Rcvd/sec(REDIR_BYTES_RECEIVED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector received data from the network (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir Bytes Total/sec(REDIR_BYTES_TOTAL_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector exchanged data from the network (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir Bytes Xmitd/sec(REDIR_BYTES_TRANSMITTED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector sent data to the network (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir File Data Ops/sec(REDIR_FILE_DATA_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of data operations the Redirector was processing (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir File Read Ops/sec(REDIR_FILE_READ_OPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications requested data from the Redirector (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir File Write Ops/sec(REDIR_FILE_WRITE_OPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications sent data to the Redirector (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Redir Server Sessions(REDIR_SERVER_SESSIONS) Number of security object sessions managed by the Redirector following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sections(SECTIONS) Number of active sections (virtual memory areas created by processes for storing data). # AVG ulong No -- --
Semaphores(SEMAPHORES) Number of active semaphores (using a semaphore to acquire exclusive access to data that is shared with other threads). # AVG ulong No -- --
Server Disconnects(SERVER_DISCONNECTS) Number of times the server ended connection to the Redirector following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Server Pool Nonpaged Bytes(SERVER_POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES) Size of the non-pageable physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task that is being used by a server (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
Server Pool Paged Bytes(SERVER_POOL_PAGED_BYTES) Size of the pageable physical memory area allocated by a system component when it executed a task that could be paged out (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
Server Reconnects(SERVER_RECONNECTS) Number of times the Redirector had to reconnect to the server to complete new active requests following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Server Sessions(SERVER_SESSIONS) Number of sessions that were active on the server. # AVG ulong No -- --
Server Sessions Hung(SERVER_SESSIONS_HUNG) Number of active sessions that could not continue processing because there is no response from a remote server, resulting in time-out. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sessions Errored Out(SESSIONS_ERRORED_OUT) Number of sessions that were terminated by unexpected errors, automatic disconnection time-outs, or normally connected sessions. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sessions Forced Off(SESSIONS_FORCED_OFF) Number of sessions that were forcibly logged off following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sessions Logged Off(SESSIONS_LOGGED_OFF) Number of sessions that were terminated normally following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sessions Timed Out(SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT) Number of sessions that were terminated because the idle time exceeded the value of the server's AutoDisconnect parameter following the OS startup. # AVG ulong No -- --
Sync Copy Reads/sec(SYNC_COPY_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which synchronous read from file system cache pages, including memory copy from the cache to application buffers, occurred (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Sync Data Maps/sec(SYNC_DATA_MAPS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the system waited for a page to be extracted when the page mapped to the file system cache was not found in the main memory (maps/second). AVG float No -- --
Sync Fast Reads/sec(SYNC_FAST_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was synchronously extracted directly from the cache without going through the file system (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Sync MDL Reads/sec(SYNC_MDL_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the MDL (Memory Descriptor List) was used to access file system cache pages, resulting in synchronous read operations (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
Sync Pin Reads/sec(SYNC_PIN_READS_PER_SEC) Rate at which synchronous read occurred inside the file system cache during the preprocessing for writing data back to the disk (reads/second). AVG float No -- --
System Cache Resident Bytes(SYSTEM_CACHE_RESIDENT_BYTES) Size of pageable physical memory inside the file system cache, used by the OS code (file system that is read by Ntoskrnl.exe, Hal.dll, boot driver, or Ntldr/osloader) (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
System Calls/sec(SYSTEM_CALLS_PER_SEC) Rate at which a process executed by a processor called a system service routine (calls/second). AVG float No -- --
System Code Resident Bytes(SYSTEM_CODE_RESIDENT_BYTES) Size of pageable physical memory, used by the OS code (file system that is read by Ntoskrnl.exe, Hal.dll, boot driver, or Ntldr/osloader) (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
System Code Total Bytes(SYSTEM_CODE_TOTAL_BYTES) Size of pageable virtual memory, used by the OS code (file system that is read by Ntoskrnl.exe, Hal.dll, boot driver, or Ntldr/osloader) (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
System Driver Resident Bytes(SYSTEM_DRIVER_RESIDENT_BYTES) Size of pageable physical memory used by device drivers (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
System Driver Total Bytes(SYSTEM_DRIVER_TOTAL_BYTES) Size of pageable virtual memory used by device drivers (bytes). # AVG double No -- --
System Type(SYSTEM_TYPE) Processor type. COPY string(50) No -- --
System Up Time(SYSTEM_UP_TIME) Amount of operation time since the OS started (seconds). COPY ulong No -- --
Threads(THREADS) Number of active threads held on the memory. # AVG ulong No -- --
Total APC Bypasses/sec(TOTAL_APC_BYPASSES_PER_SEC) Rate at which the kernel APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) interrupts were bypassed at the processor (bypasses/second). AVG float No 2003(x86),
Total DPC Bypasses/sec(TOTAL_DPC_BYPASSES_PER_SEC) Rate at which DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, were bypassed at the processor (bypasses/second). AVG float No 2003(x86),
Total DPC Rate(TOTAL_DPC_RATE) Average processor clock value between timer checks when DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, were added to the processor's DPC queue. # AVG ulong No -- --
Total DPCs Queued/sec(TOTAL_DPCS_QUEUED_PER_SEC) Average number of DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, that were added to the processor's DPC queue (DPCs/second). AVG float No -- --
Total Interrupts/sec(TOTAL_INTERRUPTS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the processor received and processed hardware (devices that cause interrupts, such as system clock, mouse, disk driver, data communication line, NIC, and other peripheral devices) interrupts (interrupts/second).
Does not include DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts. Normally, if the value in this field has increased significantly when there is no system activity, it indicates a hardware problem, such as the presence of a slow device.
AVG float No -- --
Total Physical Mem Mbytes(TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_KBYTES) Total size of the physical memory area (MB). # COPY double No -- ReturnValue / 1MB
Trans Pages RePurposed/sec(TRANS_PAGES_REPURPOSED_PER_SEC) Rate at which transfer cache pages remaining inside the cache were reused for other purposes (pages/second). AVG double No -- --
Transition Faults/sec(TRANSITION_FAULTS_PER_SEC) Number of times paging did not occur because a page that was being used by another process that shares the page or a page located in an updated page list or standby list was recovered when a paging fault occurred (faults/second). AVG float No -- --
Used Physical Mem Mbytes(USED_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES) Size of physical memory area used (MB). # AVG double No -- TOTAL_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_KBYTES - AVAILABLE_BYTES
User CPU %(PCT_TOTAL_USER_TIME) Processor usage in the user mode (%). Percentage of the elapsed time the processor used for executing non-idle threads in the user mode. The maximum value is 100 even in a multi-processor environment. % float No -- --
Work Item Shortages(WORK_ITEM_SHORTAGES) Rate at which STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED (work item cannot be used or has not been allocated) was returned during receipt reporting (work items/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Bytes Cache/sec(WRITE_BYTES_CACHE_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications used the Redirector to write data into the file system cache (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Bytes Net/sec(WRITE_BYTES_NETWORK_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications wrote data via the network because the data was not in the file system cache (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Bytes Nonpaging/sec(WRITE_BYTES_NON_PAGING_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector wrote applications' normal file requests onto the network computer (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Bytes Paging/sec(WRITE_BYTES_PAGING_PER_SEC) Rate at which the Redirector wrote data during applications' page faults (bytes/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Copies/sec(WRITE_COPIES_PER_SEC) Rate at which a page was copied from another location within the physical memory when a page fault occurred (writes/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Ops Random/sec(WRITE_OPERATIONS_RANDOM_PER_SEC) Number of read operations in which a specific file handle was used to acquire data as a whole file and then write data randomly (operations/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Pkts Small/sec(WRITE_PACKETS_SMALL_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications wrote data that was less than 1/4 of the server's adjusted buffer size (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Write Pkts/sec(WRITE_PACKETS_PER_SEC) Rate at which write packets issued data-writing requests to the network (packets/second). AVG float No -- --
Writes Denied/sec(WRITES_DENIED_PER_SEC) Rate at which the server could not accept write requests (rejections/second). AVG float No -- --
Writes Large/sec(WRITES_LARGE_PER_SEC) Rate at which applications wrote data that was more than twice the server's adjusted buffer size (writes/second). AVG float No -- --



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