Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix K. Glossary

The operation that is automatically executed by Performance Management when the monitored data reaches the threshold. The following types of actions are available:
  • E-mail transmission
  • Command execution
  • SNMP trap issuance
  • JP1 event issuance

Action Handler
One of the PFM - Manager or PFM - Base services. It is a service for executing an action.

administrative tools
Various types of commands and GUI functions that are used for checking service statuses and manipulating performance data. The following operations can be performed:
  • Displaying service configuration and status
  • Saving and restoring performance data
  • Exporting of performance data to a text file
  • Erasing of performance data

The PFM - Agent service that collects performance data.

Agent Collector
One of the PFM - Agent services. It is a service for collecting performance data and evaluating performance data based on a threshold value that is set in an alarm.

Agent Store
One of the PFM - Agent services. It is a service for storing performance data. The Agent Store service uses a database for recording performance data. Each PFM - Agent has its own Agent Store service.

Information that defines the action to be taken or the event message to be issued when the monitored data reaches the threshold.

alarm table
A table into which one or more alarms are collected and which defines the following types of information:
  • Objects to be monitored (Process, TCP, WebService, or the like)
  • Information to be monitored (CPU usage, number of bytes received per second, or the like)
  • Monitoring condition (threshold)

The operation of associating an alarm with an agent. Once binding occurs, when the performance data collected by the agent reaches the threshold defined in the alarm, the user can be notified.

collection data addition utility
A facility for specifying the performance data to be stored in a user record. You execute the collection data addition utility from the Start menu in Windows.

One of the PFM - Manager services. It is a service for controlling event delivery among services. When the alarm status being monitored by this service exceeds the threshold, this service sends an alarm event and an agent event to the Trap Generator service and PFM - Web Console.

database ID
An ID that is assigned to each record in PFM - Agent that indicates the database for storing records. A database ID indicates the type of records to be stored in the database. The following database IDs are used:
[Figure] PI: Indicates a database for records of the PI record type.
[Figure] PD: Indicates a database for records of the PD record type.

data model
A general term for records and fields that each PFM - Agent has. Data models are managed according to version.

drilldown report
A report that is associated with a report or report field. You use a drilldown report to display the detailed information or related information of a report.

A set of performance data that comprises a record.

historical report
A report indicating the status of the monitoring target from the past to the present.

In this manual, the term instance is used in the following ways:
  • To indicate a recording format for records
    A record that is recorded in a single line is called a single-instance record; a record that is recorded in multiple lines is called a multi-instance record; and each line inside a record is called an instance.
  • To indicate a PFM - Agent startup method
    When a single agent monitors the monitoring targets on the same host, it is called a single-instance agent. In contrast, when the monitoring targets support multiple instances, each agent can monitor each monitoring target instance. This is called a multi-instance agent. Each agent of a multi-instance agent is called an instance.

The duration in which the integrity of the performance data collected into each record can be guaranteed.

Master Manager
One of the PFM - Manager services. It is the main service of PFM - Manager.

Master Store
One of the PFM - Manager services. It is a service for managing the alarm events issued by each PFM - Agent. The Master Store service uses a database for holding event data.

monitoring template
Predefined alarms and reports provided in PFM - Agent. The monitoring template enables you to easily prepare for monitoring the operating status of PFM - Agent without writing any complicated definitions.

multi-instance record
A record that is recorded in multiple lines. Such records have a specific ODBC key field.
See Instance.

Name Server
One of the PFM - Manager services. It is a service for managing the service configuration information inside a system.

ODBC key fields
Indicates the ODBC key fields that are necessary for using an SQL statement in PFM - Manager or PFM - Base to utilize the record data stored in the Store database. Some ODBC key fields are common to all records, while others are unique to some records.

PD record type
See Product Detail record type.

performance data
Resource usage data collected from a monitoring target system.

Performance Management
A general term for a group of software programs necessary for monitoring and analyzing issues related to system performance. Performance Management consists of the following five program products:
  • PFM - Manager
  • PFM - Web Console
  • PFM - Base
  • PFM - Agent
  • PFM - RM

PFM - Agent
One of the program products comprising Performance Management. PFM - Agent that is equivalent to a system-monitoring facility. Various types of PFM - Agent are available according to the applications, databases, and OSs to be monitored. PFM - Agent has the following functions:
  • Monitoring of the performance of the monitoring target
  • Collection and recording of data from the monitoring target

PFM - Base
One of the program products comprising Performance Management. PFM - Base provides the basic functions for Performance Management to monitor operations. It is a prerequisite program product for PFM - Agent. PFM - Base provides the following functionality:
  • Management tools such as various types of commands
  • Common functions needed for linking Performance Management to other systems

PFM - Manager
One of the program products comprising Performance Management. PFM - Manager is equivalent to a manager facility and has the following functions:
  • Management of Performance Management program products
  • Management of events

PFM - Manager name
A name that identifies the field stored in the Store database. This name is used for specifying a field in a command.

PFM - View name
The alias of a PFM - Manager name. The PFM - View name is more intuitive than the PFM - Manager name. For example, the PFM - View name of the PFM - Manager name INPUT_RECORD_TYPE is Record Type. The PFM - View names are useful when specifying fields on the GUI of PFM - Web Console.

PFM - Web Console
One of the program products comprising Performance Management. PFM - Web Console provides the web application server functions necessary for centrally monitoring the Performance Management system from a web browser. PFM - Web Console has the following functions:
  • GUI display
  • Integrated monitoring and management functions
  • Report and alarm definition

PI record type
See Product Interval record type.

PL record type
See Product Log record type.

Product Detail record type
The record type that stores the performance data that indicates the system status at a given point in time, such as detailed information on the processes that are currently active. Use the PD record type when you want to determine the system statuses at a given point in time, such as those listed below:
  • System's operating status
  • Capacity of the file system currently being used

product ID
The 1-byte identifier that indicates the Performance Management program to which the service belongs. It is part of a service ID.

Product Interval record type
The record type that stores the performance data for a specific duration (interval), such as the number of active processes during every minute. Use the PI record type when you want to analyze the changes and trends in the system status over time, such as those listed below:
  • Trend in the number of system calls that occurred within a specific time span
  • Trend in the capacity of the file system being used

Product Log record type
The record type that stores the log information on applications that are being executed or databases being used on UNIX.

real-time report
A report indicating the current status of the monitoring target.

A format for storing collected performance data. The record type differs according to each database of the Store database.

A report defines the information to be used when graphically displaying the performance data collected by PFM - Agent. A report mainly defines the following types of information:
  • Records to be displayed in a report
  • Performance data display items
  • Performance data display format (table, graph, or the like)

service ID
A unique ID assigned to the service of a Performance Management program. For example, to use a command to check the system configuration of Performance Management or to back up the performance data of individual agents, you specify the service ID of the Performance Management program and execute the command. The format of the service ID differs depending on whether the product name display functionality is enabled. For details about the service ID format, see the chapter explaining the Performance Management functions in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

single-instance record
A record that is recorded in a single line. Such records do not have a specific ODBC key field.
See Instance.

stand-alone mode
The mode in which PFM - Agent is running alone. Even when the Master Manager service and Name Server service of PFM - Manager cannot be started because of an error, you can start PFM - Agent alone and collect performance data.

status management function
A function for managing the statuses of all services that run on PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent. The status management function enables the system administrator to correctly determine the service startup and stop statuses at each host, making it possible to take the appropriate error recovery measures.

Store database
The database that stores the performance data collected by the Agent Collector service.

Trap Generator
One of the PFM - Manager services. It is a service that issues SNMP traps.

user-defined record
A user-specified record for storing performance data that is not provided by default. When a user-defined record is specified, the collected performance data can be monitored from PFM - Web Console. The following types of user records are available:
  • Application Summary (PD_APP) record
  • Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) record
  • Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) record
  • Event Log (PD_ELOG) record
  • User Data Detail (PD_UPD) record
  • User Data Detail - Extended (PD_UPDB) record
  • User Data Interval (PI_UPI) record
  • User Data Interval - Extended (PI_UPIB) record
  • Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record

The unit in which PFM - Agent for Platform monitors the processes being executed. A workgroup can be specified in the following units:
  • Windows user
  • Windows group
  • Programs executed by a process



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