Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Service Process Detail (PD_SVC)


The Service Process Detail (PD_SVC) record stores the performance data that shows the state of the application services, such as the Win32 process, that are registered in the Service Control Manager (SCM) at a given point in time.

This is a multi-instance record.

Default values and values that can be specified

Item Default value Modifiable
Collection Interval 60 Yes
Collection Offset 0 Yes
Log No Yes
LOGIF Blank Yes

ODBC key fields


From service installation until its uninstallation

Record size


PFM-View name
(PFM-Manager name)
Description Summary Format Delta Not Supported versions Data source
Accepted Controls(ACCEPTED_CONTROLS) Control codes received by the service.
The values in this field are all or some of the following:
PAUSE_CONTINUE: The stop is temporary, and a restart is possible.
SHUTDOWN: An OS shutdown is reported to the service.
STOP: Stopping is possible.
The following values are listed in data model version 4.1 or later:
PARAMCHANGE: The beginning parameter can be reread without a restart.
NETBINDCHANGE: The bind change can be accepted without restarting from the network.
HARDWAREPROFILECHANGE: The service is notified when the hardware profile is changed.
POWEREVENT: The service is notified when the state of the OS power supply is changed.
SESSIONCHANGE: The service is notified when the state of the OS session is changed.
-- string(128) No -- --
Checkpoint(CHECKPOINT) Checkpoint progress counter (based on an incremental method) used by the service to report progress as each step (start, stop, or continuation) is completed. If there is no such processing step, the value in this field is 0. -- long No -- --
Display Name(DISPLAY_NAME) Name used by the user interface program to identify a service. -- string(256) No -- --
Image Path(IMAGE_PATH) Fully qualified path to the service's binary file. -- string(1024) No -- --
Interval(INTERVAL) Always 0. -- ulong No -- --
Record Time(RECORD_TIME) Time at which the record was created. -- time_t No -- --
Record Type(INPUT_RECORD_TYPE) Record name. Always SVC. -- char(8) No -- --
Service Exit Code(SERVICE_EXIT_CODE) Exit code unique to the service. -- long No -- --
Service Name(SERVICE_NAME) Service name used by the service control manager database. -- string(256) No -- --
Service Type(TYPE) One of the following two service types:
The service application runs inside a process that is exclusively for the application.
The service application shares a single process with other services.
To indicate that the service process is interactive with the desktop, the following type is also listed:
-- string(64) No -- --
State(STATE) Service state during data collection. One of the following values is used for this field:
Starting state with the Resume button after pausing.
Pausing state.
Paused state.
Running state.
Starting state.
Stopping state.
Stopped state.
-- string(31) No -- --
Wait Hint(WAIT_HINT) Time expected to be taken by the service to process the pending start, stop, or continuation processes before the service updates its state or checkpoint (milliseconds). -- ulong No -- --
Win32 Exit Code(WIN32_EXIT_CODE) Win32 exit code. -- long No -- --



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