Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Processor Overview (PI_PCSR)


The Processor Overview (PI_PCSR) record stores the performance data per unit time on the processor's arithmetic operations, logical computation, initialization of peripheral device operations, the rate of interrupts such as process thread execution, and the time spent.

This is a multi-instance record.

In a multi-processor environment, the maximum value for the fields listed below is 100 if _Total is indicated for the Instance (INSTANCE) field:
  • % DPC Time (PCT_DPC_TIME)
  • % Interrupt Time (PCT_INTERRUPT_TIME)
  • Privileged CPU % (PCT_PRIVILEGED_TIME)
  • User CPU % (PCT_USER_TIME)

Default values and values that can be specified

Item Default value Modifiable
Collection Interval 60 Yes
Collection Offset 0 Yes
Log No Yes
LOGIF Blank Yes

ODBC key fields




Record size


PFM-View name
(PFM-Manager name)
Description Summary Format Delta Not Supported versions Data source
% C1 Time(PCT_C1_TIME) Percentage of the time the processor was in the C1 low power consumption state (C1 state) (%).
This is a low power consumption state in which the processor maintains all contexts and can quickly return to the executing state. If the processor does not support the C1 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
% C2 Time(PCT_C2_TIME) Percentage of the time the processor was in the C2 low power consumption state (C2 state) (%).
This is a low power consumption state that consumes less power than the C1 state, in which the processor maintains only the system cache contexts. If the processor does not support the C2 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
% C3 Time(PCT_C3_TIME) Percentage of the time the processor was in the C3 low power consumption state (C3 state) (%).
This is a low power consumption state that consumes less power than the C2 state, in which the processor cannot maintain cache integrity. If the processor does not support the C3 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
% DPC Time(PCT_DPC_TIME) Percentage of time the processor was used for handling DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts (%). % float No -- --
% Idle Time(PCT_IDLE_TIME) Percentage of time the processor was idle (%). % float No -- --
% Interrupt Time(PCT_INTERRUPT_TIME) Percentage of time the processor was used for processing hardware (devices that cause interrupts, such as system clock, mouse, disk driver, data communication line, NIC, and other peripheral devices) interrupts (%). % float No -- --
APC Bypasses/sec(APC_BYPASSES_PER_SEC) Rate at which the kernel APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) interrupts were bypassed at the processor (bypasses/second). AVG float No 2003(x86),
C1 Trans/sec(PCT_C1_TRANSITIONS_PER_SEC) Number of times the processor entered the C1 low power consumption state (C1 state) (transitions/second).
When the processor is in a sufficiently idle state, it enters the C1 state, and exits the C1 state when an interrupt occurs. If the processor does not support the C1 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
C2 Trans/sec(PCT_C2_TRANSITIONS_PER_SEC) Number of times the processor entered the C2 low power consumption state (C2 state) (transitions/second).
If the processor requires less power than the C1 state and is in a sufficiently idle state, it shifts from the C1 state to the C2 state, and exits the C2 state when an interrupt occurs. If the processor does not support the C2 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
C3 Trans/sec(PCT_C3_TRANSITIONS_PER_SEC) Number of times the processor entered the C3 low power consumption state (C3 state) (transitions/second).
If the processor requires less power than the C2 state and is in a sufficiently idle state, it shifts from the C2 state to the C3 state, and exits the C3 state when an interrupt occurs. If the processor does not support the C3 state, this field is always 0.
% float No -- --
CPU %(PCT_PROCESSOR_TIME) Processor usage (%). Percentage of the elapsed time used by the processor for executing non-idle threads. % float No -- --
DPC Bypasses/sec(DPC_BYPASSES_PER_SEC) Rate at which DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, were bypassed at the processor (bypasses/second). AVG float No 2003(x86),
DPC Rate(DPC_RATE) Average processor clock value between timer checks when DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, were added to the processor's DPC queue. # AVG ulong No -- --
DPCs Queued/sec(DPCS_QUEUED_PER_SEC) Average number of DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts in the privileged mode, which are executed at lower priority than the standard interrupts, that were added to the processor's DPC queue (interrupts/second). AVG float No -- --
Instance(INSTANCE) Processor instance name.
Shown as a number that begins at 0.
COPY string(256) No -- --
Interrupts/sec(INTERRUPTS_PER_SEC) Rate at which the processor received and processed hardware (devices that cause interrupts, such as system clock, mouse, disk driver, data communication line, NIC, and other peripheral devices) interrupts (interrupts/second).
Does not include DPC (Delayed Procedure Call) interrupts. Normally, if the value in this field has increased significantly when there is no system activity, it indicates a hardware problem, such as the presence of a slow device.
AVG float No -- --
Interval(INTERVAL) Collection interval during which the record was stored (seconds).
For a real-time report, the first value is 5. If records are summarized into a historical report, the last stored value is displayed.
Interval2(INTERVAL2) Collection interval during which the record was stored (seconds).
For a real-time report, the first value is 5. If records are summarized into a historical report, the total of the summarized records is displayed.
Privileged CPU %(PCT_PRIVILEGED_TIME) Processor usage in the privileged mode (%). Percentage of the elapsed time the processor used for executing non-idle threads in the privileged mode. % float No -- --
Record Time(RECORD_TIME) Time at which the record was created. COPY time_t No -- --
Record Type(INPUT_RECORD_TYPE) Record name. Always PCSR. COPY char(8) No -- --
User CPU %(PCT_USER_TIME) Processor usage in the user mode (%). Percentage of the elapsed time the processor used for executing non-idle threads in the user mode. % float No -- --



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