Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


6.3 List of messages output to the Windows event log

This section shows the message information that is output by PFM - Agent for Platform to the Windows event log.

Windows event log is displayed in the application log in the Event Viewer window.

Reference note
To display the Event Viewer window, from the Start menu in Windows, choose Administrative Tools and then Event Viewer.

For an event that is output by PFM - Agent for Platform, the identifier PFM-Platform is displayed under Source in the Event Viewer window.

The table below shows the message information that is output by PFM - Agent for Platform to the Windows event log.

Table 6-4 Windows event log output message information

Message ID Windows event log
Event ID Type
KAVF11001-I 11001 Information
KAVF11002-E 11002 Error
KAVF11003-I 11003 Information
KAVF11004-E 11004 Error
KAVF11101-E 11101 Error
KAVF11301-E 11301 Error
KAVF11302-E 11302 Error
KAVF11307-E 11307 Error
KAVF11308-E 11308 Error
KAVF11310-E 11310 Error
KAVF11313-E 11313 Error



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