Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


6.4 Messages

This section explains the messages that are output by PFM - Agent for Platform and how to handle them. The messages that are output by PFM - Agent for Platform are listed below.


Agent Collector has stopped. (host=host-name, service=host-name<Windows>)

The Agent Collector service terminated normally.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.


Agent Collector failed to start.

Startup of the Agent Collector service failed.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check the preceding message that was output to the common message log and take the action indicated in it.


Agent Collector has started. (host=host-name, service=host-name<Windows>)

Startup of the Agent Collector service was completed.

Begins collecting performance data on the Agent Collector service.


Agent Collector stopped abnormally.

Agent Collector was abnormally stopped.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check the preceding message that was output to the event log or common message log and take the action indicated in it.


Agent Store has been connected.

The Agent Store service was successfully connected during the startup of the Agent Collector service.

Continues the startup process of the Agent Collector service.


Name Server has been connected.

The Name Server service was successfully connected during the startup of the Agent Collector service.

Continues the startup process of the Agent Collector service.


A user command failed to start.(record=record-id, en=OS-detail-code)

An attempt to start a user command has failed.

Continues subsequent processing.

Check the execution status of the user command.


An error occurred in an OS API (function-name). (rc=error-code, maintenance-information)

An error occurred in an OS API function. If no maintenance information exists, maintenance-information is left blank.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector if the error occurred during startup.

Collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


An error occurred in a function (function-name). (rc=error-code, maintenance-information)

An error occurred in a control function. If no maintenance information exists, maintenance-information is left blank.

Terminates processing of Agent Collector.

Collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


An illegal collection event occurred. (record-id, rc=maintenance-information)

An unsupported collection event indicated by record-id occurred.

  • rc = 0: Real-time report
  • rc = 1: Historical report or alarm

Does not collect the record indicated by record-id. Continues processing of Agent Collector.

An attempt is being made to collect a real-time report of an unsupported record, monitor it using an alarm, or record it in the Store database.
  • For a real-time report, stop the collection for the record.
  • For monitoring using an alarm, cancel the binding from the alarm that is using the record not supported by the host. For details about how to cancel binding from an alarm, see the chapter explaining operation monitoring using alarms in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.
  • For recording in the Store database, stop recording the record not supported by the host in the Store database. For details about how to stop recording in the Store database, see E.2 Agent Collector service properties.


An attempt to allocate memory for (record-id) failed.

Memory allocation failed for the record indicated by record-id. If UNKNOWN is output as the record ID, it indicates that memory allocation failed for multiple record IDs.

Suspends collection of the record indicated by record-id, and continues to collect the next record.

Close other applications or increase the amount of memory.
If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


Initialization of Agent Configuration failed.

Loading of the service startup initialization file failed during the startup of the Agent Collector service.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the service startup initialization file (jpcagt.ini) is located under the installation-folder\agtt\agent folder. If it is not there, copy the jpcagt.ini.model file to the jpcagt.ini file. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


TCP/IP initialization failed.

TCP/IP initialization failed during the startup of the Agent Collector service.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check to make sure that the network settings are correct.


Data could not be collected for a record record-id. (rc=return-code).

Data for the record indicated by record-id could not be collected.

Continues processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the service corresponding to record-id is installed and whether the service has been started.
Check the content indicated by the return code and determine whether a shortage has occurred in the system resources such as memory.
If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to collect maintenance information, see the chapter explaining troubleshooting in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.


The registry key could not be opened. (registry-key-name, rc=error-code)

The registry key indicated by registry-key-name could not be opened.

Stops the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the registry can be correctly accessed. If not, check whether there is a shortage in the OS resources or an error has occurred in the overall OS.


The value for the open registry key could not be obtained. (registry-key-name, rc=error-code)

The registry key indicated by registry-key-name was successfully opened, but a value could not be obtained for the registry.

Stops the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the registry can be correctly accessed. If not, check whether there is a shortage in the OS resources or an error has occurred in the overall OS.


Information about the open registry key could not be retrieved. (registry-key-name, rc=error-code)

Information could not be obtained from the open registry key.

Stops the Agent Collector service.

Check whether there is a shortage in the OS resources or an error has occurred in the overall OS.


An attempt to open a file (file-name) failed. (rc=error-code)

The performance data definition file or performance data definition log file indicated by file-name could not be opened.

Because the Agent Collector service that is currently running collects the equivalent information by referencing the Windows registry, there is no problem in the overall operation. However, part of the system may be damaged.

Continues processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the specified file exists. If the file does not exist, check whether an error has occurred in the overall OS.


Information about the performance registry could not be retrieved.

Information could not be obtained from the performance registry.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Check whether there is a shortage in the OS resources or an error has occurred in the overall OS.


The information to be collected has not been set by the Collection Data Addition utility. (record-id)

The information to be collected for the record indicated by record-ID has not been set by the collection data addition utility.

Continues processing of the Agent Collector service. The record indicated by record-ID is not collected.

Use the collection data addition utility to set the information to be collected, and then collect the record.


The information to be collected has not been set in Web Console. (record-id)

The information to be collected for the record indicated by record-ID has not been set in PFM - Web Console.

Continues processing of the Agent Collector service. The record indicated by record-ID is not collected.

Set the information to be collected in PFM - Web Console, and then collect the record.


Invalid entry in file-name.

An error was found in the definition file or specification of the user command properties.

Ignores the definition, and continues startup of the Agent Collector service.

Correct the definition in the indicated file, and then restart the service. Alternatively, correct the user command properties.


The description for Event ID (event-id) in Source (source-name) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: character-string.

In Windows Server 2000, the event log message indicated by the source name and event ID could not be obtained.

Continues Agent Collector processing.

Check whether the service corresponding to the specified source name has been uninstalled and whether a file with the source name exists.


The description for Event ID (event-id) in Source (source-name) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: character-string.

In Windows Server 2003, the event log message indicated by the source name and event ID could not be obtained.

Continues processing the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the service corresponding to the specified source name has been uninstalled or a file with the source name exists.


The system resources have been modified. (record-id)

The related system resources indicated by record-id have been modified.

Skips the collection of the record indicated by record-id twice.


Performance data cannot be collected because the Remote Registry Service (service-name:Remote Registry) is not running. (rc=return-code)

Performance data cannot be collected because the Remote Registry Service is not running.

Terminates processing of the Agent Collector service.

Start the service indicated by service-name and then restart the Agent Collector service.


It failed to occur JP1 system event or Agent event extension.

An attempt to issue a JP1 system event or Agent event extension has failed.

Continues processing the Agent Collector service.

Check the preceding message that was output to the common message log and take the action indicated in it. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


It failed to issue JP1 system event or Agent event extension, because Memory is insufficient.

An attempt to issue a JP1 system event or Agent event extension has failed.

Continues processing the Agent Collector service.

Check whether system resources such as memory are sufficient. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


The event log message indicated by Event ID (event-id) in Source (source-name) could not be obtained. See Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: character-string.

In Windows Server 2003, the event log message indicated by the source name and event ID could not be obtained.

Continues processing the Agent Collector service.

Check whether the service corresponding to the specified source name has been uninstalled and whether a file with the source name exists.


Warning: The specified value (specified-value) for the option (tt) is too long. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The value specified for the option (tt) is too long.

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Shorten the specified value.


Warning: The specified value (specified-value) for the option (ks) is too long. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The value specified for the option (ks) is too long.

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Shorten the specified value.


Warning: The data value count (number-of-specified-values) does not match the option count (number-of-options). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The number of specified values differs from the number of specified options.

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Specify the same number of values and options.


Warning: The data line is too long. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The data line is too long.

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Shorten the data line.


Warning: The specified value for the option must be 0 or a positive number. (option-name = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

A value smaller than 0 was specified for the option indicated by option-name.

The jpcuser command sets 0 and continues processing.

Specify 0 or a greater value.


Warning: The specified value for the option is too long. (option-name = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The value specified for the option indicated by option-name is too long.

The jpcuser command sets a blank line and continues processing.

Shorten the specified value.


Warning: The specified value (specified-value) for the option (t) is invalid. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The value specified for the option (t) is invalid.

The jpcuser command sets n/a and continues processing.

Correct the specified value.


Warning: The specified value for the option must be a numeric value. (option-name = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

A value that is not a numeric value was specified for the option indicated by option-name.

The jpcuser command sets 0 and continues processing.

Specify a numeric value.


Warning: The specified value for a floating-point number option is invalid. (option-name = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The value specified for the floating-point option indicated by option-name is invalid.

The jpcuser command sets 0 and continues processing.

Correct the specified value.


Warning: An overflow or an underflow occurred for the value specified for the option. (option-name = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

An overflow or an underflow occurred due to the value specified for the option indicated by option-name.

The jpcuser command continues processing.

Correct the specified value.


Warning: "" is specified for the option (option-name). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

No value is specified for the option indicated by option-name.

The jpcuser command sets 0 for and continues processing.

Specify a value.


Warning: The specified value (specified-value) for the option(ki) must be 0 or a positive number. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

A value smaller than 0 was specified for the option (ki).

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Specify 0 or a larger value.


Warning: An overflow or an underflow occurred for the value (specified-value) specified for the option (ki). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

An overflow or an underflow occurred due to the value specified for the option (ki).

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Correct the specified value.


Warning: "" is specified for the option (tt). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

No value is specified for the option (tt).

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Specify a value.


Error: The specified value (specified-value) for record-ID is invalid.

The value (specified-value) specified for the record ID is invalid.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the specified value.


Error: An invalid number of arguments was specified.

An invalid number of arguments was specified.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the number of specified values.


Error: An invalid arguments (specified-value) were specified.

An invalid argument was specified.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the specified value.


Error: The user-defined data file option (-file) is not specified.

The user-created data file option (-file) is not specified.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Specify the user-created data file option (-file).


Error: The user-defined data file cannot be opened. (filename = file-name)

The user-created data file cannot be accessed.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Check whether the specified file name is correct and whether the file specified by file-name exists and is accessible. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


Error: There is no product information section in the user-defined data file.

There is no product information section in the user-created data file.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Specify a product information section.


Error: The product information section of the user-defined data file is invalid. Product Name=product-name, FormVer=format-version

The product information section in the user-created data file is invalid.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the product information section.


Error: The user-defined data file does not contain an option header line.

The user-created data file does not contain an option header line.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Specify an option header line.


Error: The user-defined data file does not contain any data lines.

The user-created data file does not contain any data lines.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Specify a data line.


Error: The option header line is too long.

The option header line is too long.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Shorten the option header line.


Error: Too many options (specified-value) were specified.

Too many options were specified.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the specification of options.


Error: An invalid option (option-name) was specified.

An invalid option was specified for the option indicated by option-name.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the option.


Error: The option (option-name) is not supported for the specified record (record-id).

The specified option is not supported for the specified record ID.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the record ID or option.


Error: The option (tt) is not specified.

The option (tt) is not specified.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Specify the option (tt).


Error: A fatal error has occurred.

A fatal error has occurred.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


Error: Administrator permissions are required.

A user who is not a member of the Administrators group attempted to execute the jpcuser command.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Execute the jpcuser command as a user who is a member of the Administrators group.


Error: jpcuser terminated with error.

The jpcuser command terminated abnormally.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Check the preceding message that was output to the public log, and take the action indicated in it.


Information: jpcuser terminated successfully.

The jpcuser command terminated normally.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.


Warning: "" is specified for the option (ki). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

"" is specified for the option (ki).

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Specify a valid value for the option (ki).


Warning: "" is specified for the option (ks). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

"" is specified for the option (ks).

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Specify a valid value for the option (ks).


Error: The option header line specified in the user-defined data file is incorrect. (specified-value)

The option header line specified in the user-created data file is incorrect.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the option header line.


Warning: The data line specified in the user-defined data file is incorrect. (specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The data line specified in the user-created data file is incorrect.

The jpcuser command skips the current line and continues processing.

Correct the data line.


Warning: jpcuser terminated with a warning.

The jpcuser command terminated with a warning.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the problem generating the warning indicated in the preceding message.


Information: Usage: jpcuser <Record Name> -file <User-defined Data File Path> [-file <User-defined Data File Path>]... [-debug <value>]

This message explains how to use the jpcuser command.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.


Error: An attempt to allocate memory failed.

An attempt to allocate memory has failed.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Terminate other applications or increase memory. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


Error: The name of a user-defined data file is duplicated. (filename = file-name)

The name of the user-created data file duplicates the name of another file.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Correct the duplication of user-created data files.


Error: The debug option is duplicated.

The debug option has been specified twice.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Either do not specify the debug option, or specify it only once.


Error: There are no user-defined data files.

There are no user-created data files.

Terminates processing of the jpcuser command.

Check whether the specified file name is correct and whether the file specified by file-name exists and is accessible. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


Warning: The option header line specified in the user-defined data file is incorrect. (option = specified-value, filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The option header line specified in the user-created data file is incorrect.

Skips this user-created data file.

Correct the option header line.


Warning: The user-defined data file cannot be opened. (filename = file-name)

The user-created data file cannot be accessed.

Skips this user-created data file.

Check whether the specified file name is correct and whether the file specified by file-name exists and is accessible. If the cause cannot be determined, collect maintenance information and then contact the system administrator.


Warning: There is no product information section in the user-defined data file. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

There is no product information section in the user-created data file.

Skips this user-created data file.

Specify a product information section.


Warning: The product information section of the user-defined data file is invalid. Product Name = product-name, FormVer = format-version, filename = user-created-data-file-path

The product information section in the user-created data file is invalid.

Skips this user-created data file.

Correct the product information section.


Warning: The user-defined data file does not contain an option header line. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The user-created data file does not contain an option header line.

Skips this user-created data file.

Specify an option header line.


Warning: The user-defined data file does not contain any data lines. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The user-created data file does not contain any data lines.

Skips this user-created data file.

Specify a data line.


Warning: The option header line is too long. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The option header line is too long.

Skips this user-created data file.

Shorten the option header line.


Warning: Too many options (specified-value) were specified. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

Too many options were specified.

Skips this user-created data file.

Correct the specification.


Warning: An invalid option (option-name) was specified. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

An invalid value was specified for the option indicated by option-name.

Skips this user-created data file.

Correct the option.


Warning: The option (option-name) is not supported for the specified record (record-id). (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The specified option is not supported for the specified record ID.

Skips this user-created data file.

Correct the record ID or option.


Warning: The option (tt) is not specified. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The option (tt) is not specified.

Skips this user-created data file.

Specify the option (tt).


Warning: The user-defined data file was skipped. (filename = user-created-data-file-path)

The user-created data file was skipped.

Skips the file and continues jpcuser command processing.

Check the message that was output immediately before this message and correct the error.


Error: You do not have permission to execute the command.

You do not have permission to execute the jpcuser command.

Stops execution of the jpcuser command.

To execute the command, from the Windows Start menu, choose Programs, Performance Management, and then Administrator console. Alternatively, execute the command from the command prompt opened with Run as administrator selected.



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