Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


2.4.1 Changing the storage location of performance data

Performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform is managed in the Store database of the Agent Store service of PFM - Agent for Platform. The following explains how to change the storage location for performance data.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Using the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command to change settings
(2) Editing the jpcsto.ini file to change settings (for Store version 1.0 only)

(1) Using the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command to change settings

The Store database uses the following folders to manage the collected performance data. These folders can be changed by using the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command. If you need the performance data collected before the Store database storage location is changed, execute the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command with the -move option specified. For details about the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Reference.

#: This folder can be set only when the Store version is 2.0.

The following table describes the options of the jpcconf db define (jpcdbctrl config) command, including the values that can be specified.

Table 2-5 Options of the command that changes the performance data storage location

Item Option Specifiable value (Store 1.0)# Specifiable value (Store 2.0)# Default
Save destination folder sd Folder name of 1-127 bytes Folder name of 1-214 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store
Backup destination folder bd Folder name of 1-127 bytes Folder name of 1-211 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\backup
Partial backup destination folder pbd -- Folder name of 1-214 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\partial
Maximum backup generation number bs 1 to 9 1 to 9 5
Export destination folder dd Folder name of 1-127 bytes Folder name of 1-127 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\dump
Import destination folder id -- Folder name of 1-222 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\import

--: This item cannot be set.

The folder name must be an absolute path name or a relative path name from the default Store database folder (installation-folder\agtt\store).

(2) Editing the jpcsto.ini file to change settings (for Store version 1.0 only)

If the Store version is 1.0, you can directly edit the jpcsto.ini file to change the settings of the above items.

(a) Setting items in jpcsto.ini

The following table lists the label names for which information can be edited in the jpcsto.ini file, and other information such as the values that can be specified.

Table 2-6 Performance-data storage location settings (under [Data Section] in jpcsto.ini)

Item Label name Specifiable value
(Store 1.0)#1
Save destination folder Store Dir#2 Folder name of 1-127 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store
Backup destination folder Backup Dir#2 Folder name of 1-127 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\backup
Maximum backup generation number Backup Save 1 to 9 5
Export destination folder Dump Dir#2 Folder name of 1-127 bytes installation-folder\agtt\store\dump

  • The folder name must be an absolute path name or a relative path name from the default Store database folder (installation-folder\agtt\store).
  • Characters that can be specified are alphanumeric characters, symbols, and spaces, excluding the characters listed below:
    ;, ,, *, ?, ', ", <, >, |
  • If the specified value is invalid, the Agent Store service cannot start.

You cannot specify the same folders for Store Dir, Backup Dir, and Dump Dir.

(b) Before editing the jpcsto.ini file

(c) Editing the jpcsto.ini file

To edit the jpcsto.ini file:

  1. Stop the PFM - Agent service.
    If PFM - Agent programs and services are active on the local host, stop them all.
  2. Use a text editor, for example, to open the jpcsto.ini file.
  3. Change the storage destination folder for performance data, for example.
    Modify the shaded areas below as needed.


    • Do not insert a space at the beginning of the line or before or after the equal sign (=).
    • (.) in each label value indicates the default storage destination folder (installation-folder\agtt\store) for the Store database of the Agent Store service. To change the storage destination, specify a relative path from the storage destination folder, or specify an absolute path.
    • The jpcsto.ini file also describes definition information in addition to the database storage destination folder. Therefore, do not change the values other than those in the [Data Section] section. If you change the values other than those in the [Data Section] section, Performance Management might not operate normally.
  4. Save and close the jpcsto.ini file.
  5. Start the Performance Management programs and services.

When you use this procedure to change the Store database folder, the performance data files are not deleted from the previous folder. If these files are no longer necessary, delete only the following files:
  • All files with the .DB extension
  • All files with the .IDX extension



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