Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


7.2.2 Executing commands

This section explains the errors that are related to the execution of Performance Management commands.

Organization of this subsection
(1) When the jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command is executed, a non-active service name is output
(2) When the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) command is executed, data that is different from the specified Store database is output

(1) When the jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command is executed, a non-active service name is output

The possible causes and how to handle them are described below.

(2) When the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) command is executed, data that is different from the specified Store database is output

If you specify the same export file name for the same Store service and execute the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) command multiple times, the earlier output result is overwritten by the later output result. When executing the jpctool db dump (jpcctrl dump) command multiple times on the same Store service, specify export files having different names. For details about how to export the Store database, see the chapter explaining management of operation monitoring data in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.



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