Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


7.2.1 Setting up or starting a service

This section explains how to handle errors related to setup and service startup.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Performance Management program service does not start
(2) It takes a long time between a service startup request and the actual service startup
(3) When another program begins a service immediately after a Performance Management program service has been stopped, communication cannot be correctly executed
(4) After the message "The disk capacity is insufficient." is issued, the Master Store service or Agent Store service stops

(1) Performance Management program service does not start

The possible causes and how to handle them are described below.

(2) It takes a long time between a service startup request and the actual service startup

It may take a long time after the jpcspm start (jpcstart) command is executed or a service is started using the Service icon before the service actually starts. If the startup takes a long time because of any of the causes listed below, the time it takes for the service startup is shortened during subsequent service startup operations.

(3) When another program begins a service immediately after a Performance Management program service has been stopped, communication cannot be correctly executed

Immediately after a Performance Management program service has been stopped, if the port number that was used by this service is used by another program to start a service, communication may not be correctly executed. To avoid this condition, specify one of the following:

(4) After the message "The disk capacity is insufficient." is issued, the Master Store service or Agent Store service stops

If the disk used by the Store database does not have sufficient free space, storing of data in the Store database is halted. In this case, the message The disk capacity is insufficient. is issued and the Master Store service or Agent Store service stops.

When this message is issued, take one of the following steps:

If the Master Store service or Agent Store service still does not start even after one of these steps has been taken, an unrecoverable logical conflict has occurred in the Store database. In this case, first restore the Store database from backup data and then start the Master Store service or Agent Store service. If there is no available backup data, first initialize the Store database and then start the Master Store service or Agent Store service. To initialize the Store database, delete all of the following files, which are located in the Store database destination directory:

For details about the Store database destination directory, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.



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