Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Format of report explanations

This section explains report formats. Reports are listed in alphabetical order.

Report name

Indicates the report name of the monitoring template.

A report whose name contains (Multi-Agent) is a report that shows information on multiple instances.

A report whose name does not contain (Multi-Agent) is a report that shows information on a single instance.


Provides an overview of the information that can be displayed in this report.

Storage destination

Indicates the storage destination of this report.


Indicates the record that stores the performance data used by this report. To display a historical report, you must specify in advance that the record shown in this column be collected. Before displaying a report, use the Agents window in PFM - Web Console to display the agent properties, and make sure that Log = Yes is set for this record. This setting is not required for a real-time report.


The record fields used by this report are explained using a table.

In the tables, #1 to #3 indicate the following:

The value in this field is the latest monitored value returned by the OS during collection.

When this field is summarized in a historical report, the last collected value is displayed.

This field is added only when a record is recorded in the Store database. For details about the field that is added only when a record is recorded in the Store database, see 5. Records.

The following methods are used for collecting performance data for the individual fields:
  • Determined from an average or percentage using the current collected data and the data collected during the previous interval
  • Determined from the current collected data only (including values accumulated inside the OS. Corresponds to those indicated by #1 in the table)
  • Determined from data in other fields (See the data source in the field table of each record in 5. Records.)
Unless otherwise specified, the value collected during the data collection interval is used.

In a historical report, the following types of values are displayed when a record of the PI record type is summarized with the report interval set to a value other than minute:
  • Average value for the summarization interval
  • The last collected value
  • A total value
  • The minimum value
  • The maximum value
Unless otherwise specified, the average value for the summarization interval is displayed.

Drilldown report (report level)

The monitoring template report associated with this report is explained with the use of a table. To display this drilldown report, from the Drilldown Report pull-down menu in PFM - Web Console's Report window, select the applicable drilldown report name and click Display Reports. Note that some reports do not have a drilldown report.

Drilldown report (field level)

The monitoring template report associated with the fields of this report is explained with the use of a table. To display this drilldown report, click a graph, list, or table in PFM - Web Console's Report window. For a historical report, you can display a report with finer time intervals by displaying a drilldown report from a time item. Note that some reports do not have a drilldown report.

For details about a drilldown report, see the chapter explaining creation of reports for operation analysis in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.



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