Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Organization of report folders

The organization of PFM - Agent for Platform's report folders is described below. < > indicates a folder name.

 +-- <Operating System>
     +-- <Monthly Trend>
     |   +-- CPU Trend
     |   +-- CPU Trend (Multi-Agent)
     |   +-- Memory Available Trend (Multi-Agent)
     |   +-- Process Trend
     |   +-- Server Activity Summary Trend (Multi-Agent)
     |   +-- Server Sessions Trend (Multi-Agent)
     +-- <Status Reporting>
     |   +-- <Daily Trend>
     |   |   +-- Access Failure Status
     |   |   +-- CPU Status (Multi-Agent)
     |   |   +-- Memory Paging Status (Multi-Agent)
     |   |   +-- OS Memory Usage Status
     |   |   +-- Server Activity Summary (Multi-Agent)
     |   |   +-- Workload Status (Multi-Agent)
     |   +-- <Real-Time>
     |       +-- Access Failure Status
     |       +-- Free Megabytes - Logical Drive Status
     |       +-- OS Memory Usage Status
     |       +-- System Utilization Status
     |       +-- Workload Status
     +-- <Troubleshooting>
         +-- <Real-Time>
         |   +-- CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes
         |   +-- Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives
         |   +-- Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives
         |   +-- Free Space - Low 10 Logical Drives
         |   +-- Network Segment Summary#
         |   +-- Page Faults - Top 10 Processes
         |   +-- Server Activity Summary
         |   +-- System Overview
         |   +-- <Drilldown Only>
         |       +-- Logical Drive Detail
         |       +-- Network Segment Detail#
         |       +-- Process Detail
         |       +-- Server Activity Detail
         +-- <Recent Past>
             +-- CPU Usage Summary
             +-- File System I/O Summary
             +-- Memory Paging
             +-- Server Activity Summary
             +-- System Memory Detail
             +-- System Overview

Indicates a reserved report that cannot be used.

The individual folders are explained below.

Additionally, the folders described below are located below the folders previously described. Which of the following folders is provided depends on the higher-order folder:



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