Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


System Memory Detail


The System Memory Detail report shows the details on the system's physical memory over the last hour on a minute-by-minute basis. It is displayed as a table.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Troubleshooting/Recent Past/


System Overview (PI)


Field name Explanation
Available Mbytes Available size in the physical memory area (MB). The combined total of zero memory, free memory, and standby memory (cached) that can be immediately allocated to a process or be used by the system.
Normally, if this value continues to be less than 5% of the value in the Total Physical Memory Mbytes field, it indicates that excessive paging is occurring.#1
Cache Faults/sec Number of page faults that occurred in file system caching (faults/second).
Cache Mbytes Size of the file system cache being used (MB).#1
Copy Read Hits % Requests to read from the file system cache page (%).
Copy Reads/sec Number of page reads from the file system cache, including memory copying from the cache to application buffer memory (reads/second).
Pages/sec Rate of paging for the pages when page faults occurred (pages/second).
The total of the values in the Pages Input/sec field and Pages Output/sec field. Normally, if this value continues to exceed 5, memory may have become a system bottleneck.
Pool Nonpaged Bytes Size of physical memory that cannot be paged, that is, the location where a system component acquired an area when executing a task (KB).
Normally, if the value in this field continues to increase when the server activity level is not increasing, a process with memory leak may be being executed.#1
Pool Paged Bytes Size of physical memory that can be paged, that is, the location where a system component acquired an area when executing a task (KB).#1
System Cache Resident Bytes Size of pageable physical memory inside the file system cache used by the OS code (the file system that is loaded by Ntoskrnl.exe, Hal.dll, boot driver, and Ntldr/osloader) (bytes).#1



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