Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


System Overview (real-time report on the system overview)


The System Overview report shows the overview of the entire system on a real-time basis. It is displayed as a list and a line graph.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/


System Overview (PI)


Field name Explanation
Available Mbytes Available size in the physical memory area (MB). The combined total of zero memory, free memory, and standby memory (cached) that can be immediately allocated to a process or be used by the system.
Normally, if this value continues to be less than 5% of the value in the Total Physical Memory Mbytes field, it indicates that excessive paging is occurring.#1
Bytes Total/sec Amount of data exchanged between the server and the network (bytes/second). To display the Server Activity Summary report, click this field.
CPU % Processor usage (%). Percentage of time the processor spent executing non-idle threads. The maximum value that is displayed is 100, even in a multi-processor environment. To display the CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes report, click this field.
File Control Ops/sec Number of times operations other than file system data reading or writing occurred in the processor (operations/second).
File Data Ops/sec Number of times file system data reading or writing operations occurred in the processor (operations/second).
To display the Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives report, click this field.
Page Faults/sec Number of page faults that occurred (faults/second). Normally, if this value continues to exceed 5, it indicates a memory bottleneck. To display the Page Faults - Top 10 Processes report, click this field.
Pages/sec Rate of paging for the pages when page faults occurred (pages/second).
The total of the values in the Pages Input/sec field and Pages Output/sec field. Normally, if this value continues to exceed 5, memory may have become a system bottleneck.
Transition Faults/sec Number of times paging did not occur because a page that was being used by another process that shares the page or a page located in an updated page list or standby list was recovered when a paging fault occurred (faults/second).

Drilldown report (report level)

Report name Explanation
Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives Shows the top 10 logical drives with the largest free space on a real-time basis.
Network Segment Summary A reserved report that cannot be used.

Drilldown report (field level)

Report name Explanation
CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes Shows the top 10 processes with the highest CPU usage. To display this report, click the CPU % field.
Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives Shows the top 10 logical drives with the highest disk usage. To display this report, click the File Data Ops/sec field.
Page Faults - Top 10 Processes Shows the top 10 processes with the highest page fault frequency. To display this report, click the Page Faults/sec field.
Server Activity Summary Shows information on the communication status between networks on a real-time basis. To display this report, click the Bytes Total/sec field.



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