Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Access Failure Status (historical report on system access errors)


The Access Failure Status report shows the cumulative number of errors that occurred during system access over the last 24 hours on an hourly basis. It is displayed as a line graph.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Status Reporting/Daily Trend/


System Overview (PI)


Field name Explanation
Errors Access Permissions The number of times the STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error occurred during attempts to open a file because the user (as a client) is trying to access a file that is not properly protected following the OS startup.#1
Errors Granted Access The number of times access was denied because a user without file access permission was trying to access a normally opened file following the OS startup.#1
Errors Logon The number of times server logon attempts failed following the OS startup. Indicates whether a password-guessing program designed to break the server security is being used.#1



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