Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Access Failure Status (real-time report on system access errors)


The Access Failure Status report shows the number of system access errors on a real-time basis. It is displayed as a line graph.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Status Reporting/Real-Time/


System Overview (PI)


Field name Explanation
Errors Access Permissions The number of times the STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error occurred during attempts to open a file because the user (as a client) is trying to access a file that is not properly protected following the OS startup.#1
Errors Granted Access The number of times access was denied because a user without file access permission was trying to access a normally opened file following the OS startup.#1
Errors Logon The number of times server logon attempts failed following the OS startup. Indicates whether a password-guessing program designed to break the server security is being used.#1



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