Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


List of reports

The table below lists the reports defined in the monitoring template in alphabetical order.

Table 4-3 List of reports

Category Report name Information displayed
System File System I/O Summary Summary of I/O usage over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Process Trend Number of processes executed in the system in the last month (on a daily basis)
System Overview (real-time report on the system overview) Overview of the entire system
System Overview (historical report on the system overview) System overview over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Workload Status System's workload-related data
Workload Status (Multi-Agent) Summary of workload-related data on multiple systems over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
Disk Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives Top 10 logical drives with the highest disk usage
Free Megabytes - Logical Drive Status Information related to the available area in the logical disk
Free Space - Low 10 Logical Drives Top 10 logical drives with the least amount of free space
Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives Top 10 logical drives with the largest free space
Logical Drive Detail Details on a specific logical drive
Network Access Failure Status (real-time report on system access errors) Number of errors that occurred during system access
Access Failure Status (historical report on system access errors) Cumulative number of errors that occurred during system access over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
Server Activity Detail Information on the communication status between networks
Server Activity Summary (Multi-Agent) Summary of the communication status between networks for multiple agents over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
Server Activity Summary (real-time report on information on the communication status between networks) Information on the communication status between networks
Server Activity Summary (historical report on information on the communication status between networks) Communication status between networks over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Server Activity Summary Trend (Multi-Agent) Operation status of the data exchanged between the server of multiple systems and the network over the last month (on a daily basis)
Server Sessions Trend (Multi-Agent) Number of active sessions on the server of multiple systems over the last month (on a daily basis)
System Utilization Status Status of activities between the server and the network
Process CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes Top 10 processes with the highest CPU usage
Process Detail Details on the system resource consumption by a specific process
Page Faults - Top 10 Processes Top 10 processes with the highest page fault frequency
Processor CPU Status (Multi-Agent) Summary of CPU usage by multiple agents over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
CPU Trend CPU usage in the user mode and the privileged mode over the last month (on a daily basis)
CPU Trend (Multi-Agent) CPU usage by multiple systems over the last month (on a daily basis)
CPU Usage Summary Summary of CPU usage over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Memory Memory Available Trend (Multi-Agent) Available physical memory space on multiple systems over the last month (on a daily basis)
Memory Paging Paging frequency over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Memory Paging Status (Multi-Agent) Summary of the memory paging faults that occurred involving multiple agents over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
OS Memory Usage Status (real-time report on memory usage) Available physical memory size
OS Memory Usage Status (historical report on memory usage) Summary of available physical memory size over the last 24 hours (on an hourly basis)
System Memory Detail Details on the system's physical memory over the last hour (on a minute-by-minute basis)
Reserved report Network Segment Detail Reserved reports that cannot be used.
Network Segment Summary



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