Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Process Detail


The Process Detail report shows the details on the system resource consumption by a specific process on a real-time basis. It is displayed as a list.

This is a drilldown report.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/Drilldown Only/


Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)


Field name Explanation
CPU % Percentage of the processor time used by processes (%).
In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value.
Handle Count Number of handles being kept open by processes.#1
Page Faults/sec Number of page faults that occurred inside a process (faults/second).
Page File Kbytes Size of the virtual memory area being used as paging files by processes (KB).#1
PID Process ID. Unique ID of the process being executed.
Pool Nonpaged Kbytes Size of non-pageable memory being used by processes (KB).#1
Pool Paged Kbytes Size of pageable memory being used by processes (KB).#1
Priority Base Basic process priority. The greater the number, the higher the priority. The following values are used:
  • 24: Real-time
  • 13: High
  • 10: Normal or higher
  • 8: Normal
  • 6: Normal or lower
  • 4: Low
Private Kbytes Size of memory that is allocated to processes for their exclusive use (KB).#1
Privileged CPU % Percentage of the processor time used by processes in the privileged mode (%). In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value.
Program Executed program name.
Thread Count Number of threads (unit for executing an instruction) inside a process.
When a process is executed, at least one thread is started.#1
User Executing user name for the process.
If a user name that corresponds to the process security ID is not found, NONE_MAPPED is stored for this field. If the executing user name cannot be acquired from the process ID, Unknown is stored for this field.
User CPU % Amount of processor time used by processes in the user mode (%).
In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value.
Virtual Kbytes Size of the virtual address space being used by the process (KB).#1
Working Set Kbytes Size of the memory being used by processes (which is called a working set and indicates either the total memory size or the amount of memory that can be referenced without page faults) (KB).#1



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