Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Page Faults - Top 10 Processes


The Page Faults - Top 10 Processes report shows the top 10 processes with the highest page fault frequency on a real-time basis. It is displayed as an aggregated horizontal bar graph.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/


Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)


Field name Explanation
Page Faults/sec Number of page faults that occurred (faults/second).
To display the Process Detail report, click this field.
PID Process ID. Unique ID of the process being executed.
Program Executed program name.

Drilldown report (field level)

Report name Explanation
Process Detail Shows the details of the system resources used by the selected process. To display this report, click the Page Faults/sec field.



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