Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Logical Drive Detail


The Logical Drive Detail report shows the details on a specific logical drive. It is displayed as a list. This is a drilldown report.

Storage destination

Reports/Windows/Operating System/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/Drilldown Only/


Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD)


Field name Explanation
% Disk Read Time Percentage of time the disk was busy when a read request was processed (%).
% Disk Write Time Percentage of time the disk was busy when a write request was processed (%).
% Free Space Free disk space as a percentage of the total usable area (%).#1
Avg Disk Bytes/Read Average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations (bytes/process).
Avg Disk Bytes/Write Average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations (bytes/process).
Avg Disk Read Queue Length Average number of read requests that have entered the disk queue.
Avg Disk Secs/Read Average time for reading data from the disk (seconds).
Avg Disk Secs/Write Average time for writing data to the disk (seconds).
Avg Disk Write Queue Length Average number of write requests that have entered the disk queue.
Current Disk Queue Length Number of requests remaining in the disk that are waiting to be processed or currently being processed. Normally if the queue length continues to exceed 2, it indicates processor congestion.#1
Disk Read Bytes/sec Speed at which data is transferred to the disk during read operation (bytes/second).
Disk Reads/sec Disk read processing speed (bytes/second).
Disk Write Bytes/sec Speed at which data is transferred to the disk during write operation (bytes/second).
Disk Writes/sec Disk write processing speed (bytes/second).
Disk Xfers/sec Disk read and write processing speed (bytes/second).
Drive Type Disk type. The following values are valid:
Free Mbytes Free disk space as part of the total usable area (MB).#1
ID Logical disk volume name. Example: C: or D:
Page File Size Mbytes Physical size of the valid paging files allocated to the drive (MB).#1, #2
Total Size Mbytes Disk size (MB).#1, #2



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