Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix F. List of Files and Folders

This appendix lists the files and folders of PFM - Agent for Platform.

You can install Performance Management in any folder. The following is the default installation folder:

The table below lists the files and folders of PFM - Agent for Platform.

Table F-1 List of files and folders of PFM - Agent for Platform

Folder name File name Explanation
installation-folder\agtt\ -- Base folder of PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows)
readme.txt README.TXT (Japanese)
*.* Various types of files in PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows)
installation-folder\agtt\agent\ -- Base folder of Agent Collector service
jpcagt.ini Agent Collector service settings file
jpcagt.ini.model Model file for the Agent Collector service settings file
jpcagtt.exe Agent Collector service execution program
jpcapp#1 Application definition file
jpcconfig.exe Collection data addition utility execution program
WMI_Database.vbs#2 Database information acquisition program
x64exec.exe#2 x64 native execution program
installation-folder\agtt\agent\log\ -- Storage folder for internal log files of the Agent Collector service
installation-folder\agtt\lib\ -- Message catalog installation folder
jpcagttmsg.dll PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows) message catalog file
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\ -- Base folder of the function for collecting user-specific performance data
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\ jpcuser.exe Execution program for the function for collecting user-specific performance data
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\ jpcuser.ini Configuration file for the function for collecting user-specific performance data
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\debug\ -- jpucuser command debug log folder
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\log\trace\ -- Trace log file (internal log file) storage folder
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\log\public\ -- Public log file storage folder
installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\userdata\ -- User data file output folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\ -- Base folder of Agent Store service
*.DB Performance data file
*.IDX Index file of the performance data file
*.LCK Lock file of the performance data file
jpcsto.ini Agent Store service settings file
jpcsto.ini.model Model file for the Agent Store service settings file
*.DAT Data model definition file
installation-folder\agtt\store\backup\ -- Default database backup destination folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\partial\ -- Default database partial-backup destination folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\dump\ -- Default database export destination folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\import\ -- Default database import destination folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\log\ -- Storage folder for internal log files of the Agent Store service
installation-folder\agtt\store\STPD\ -- PD database specific folder
installation-folder\agtt\store\STPI\ -- PI database specific folder
installation-folder\auditlog\ -- Default output folder for action log files
jpcauditn.log#3 Action log file
installation-folder\setup\ -- Setup file storage folder
jpcagttu.Z Archive file for PFM - Agent setup (UNIX)
jpcagttw.EXE Archive file for PFM - Agent setup (Windows)
installation-folder\setup\alarm -- Storage folder for alarm table restoration
TALARM File for restoring alarm table 6.70
TALARMxxxx File for restoring alarm tables.
xxxx is the alarm table version. Example: For version 8.11, 0811 is displayed.
installation-folder\setup\extract -- Setup file expansion folder
installation-folder\setup\update\ -- Version upgrade work folder
installation-folder\setup\update\agtt\ -- Folder for PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows) version upgrade
*.* Files for PFM - Agent for Platform (Windows) version upgrade

--: Not applicable

This file exists only when the setting for monitoring an application is specified.

This file exists only in Windows Server 2003 (x86) and the 32-bit version of Windows Server 2008.

n is a numeric value. The number of log files can be changed in the jpccomm.ini file.



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