Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix G. Migration Procedure and Notes on Migration

To upgrade PFM - Agent for Platform to a newer version, install the newer version by overwriting the older version. For details about installation operations, see 2. Installation and Setup.

For details about migrating from an older version of Performance Management to a newer version (from version 07-00 or earlier to 08-00 or later), see the appendix of the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

  • When upgrading the PFM - Agent for Platform version, do not uninstall the older version. If you uninstall it, performance data and other data created with the older version are also deleted, and as a result, the newer version will not work.
  • When a newer version of PFM - Agent for Platform is installed by overwriting an older version, the following items are automatically updated:
    [Figure] Store database file of the Agent Store service
    [Figure] ini file
  • In Performance Management programs of version 08-00 or newer, the locations of the Store executing programs (jpcsto.exe and stpqlpr.exe for Windows, and jpcsto and stpqlpr for UNIX) have been changed. When PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent are upgraded to version 08-00 or newer, the Store executing programs at the older locations are deleted.



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