Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


4. Monitoring Templates

This chapter explains the monitoring templates for PFM - Agent for Platform.

Organization of this chapter
Overview of monitoring templates
Format of alarm explanations
List of alarms
Available Memory
CPU Usage
Disk Space
Processor Queue
SVR Processor Queue
Committed Mbytes
Page Faults/sec
Logical Disk Free
Disk Busy %
Logical Disk Queue
Physical Disk Queue
Network Received
Process End
Process Alive
Service(Service Nm)
Service(Display Nm)
Event Log(all)
Event Log(System)
Format of report explanations
Organization of report folders
List of reports
Access Failure Status (real-time report on system access errors)
Access Failure Status (historical report on system access errors)
CPU Status (Multi-Agent)
CPU Trend
CPU Trend (Multi-Agent)
CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes
CPU Usage Summary
Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives
File System I/O Summary
Free Megabytes - Logical Drive Status
Free Space - Low 10 Logical Drives
Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives
Logical Drive Detail
Memory Available Trend (Multi-Agent)
Memory Paging
Memory Paging Status (Multi-Agent)
OS Memory Usage Status (real-time report on memory usage)
OS Memory Usage Status (historical report on memory usage)
Page Faults - Top 10 Processes
Process Detail
Process Trend
Server Activity Detail
Server Activity Summary (Multi-Agent)
Server Activity Summary (real-time report on information on the communication status between networks)
Server Activity Summary (historical report on information on the communication status between networks)
Server Activity Summary Trend (Multi-Agent)
Server Sessions Trend (Multi-Agent)
System Memory Detail
System Overview (real-time report on the system overview)
System Overview (historical report on the system overview)
System Utilization Status
Workload Status
Workload Status (Multi-Agent)



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