Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Format of alarm explanations

This section explains alarm formats. Alarms are listed in alphabetical order.

Alarm name

Indicates the alarm name in the monitoring template.


Provides an overview of the target that can be monitored with this alarm.

Primary settings

Explains the primary settings of this alarm using a table. This table shows the correspondence between alarm settings and the setting items in the Properties window, which is displayed by clicking the alarm icon in the Alarms window in PFM - Web Console and then clicking the Properties method. To check the details of each alarm setting, use the Properties window of the alarm in PFM - Web Console.

If - is set, it means that the setting is always invalid.

If an error condition and a warning condition are the same in a conditional expression, an alarm event is issued for the error condition only.

Alarm tables

Indicates the alarm tables in which this alarm is stored.

Related report

Indicates the monitoring template reports that are related to this alarm. To display this report, in the Agents window in PFM - Web Console, click the agent icon and then click the [Figure] icon, which is displayed in the Display Alarm Status method.



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