Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


2.2.3 Uninstallation procedure

To uninstall PFM - Agent for Platform:

  1. Use the Administrators permission to log onto the host from which PFM - Agent for Platform is to be uninstalled.
  2. Stop Performance Management programs and services on the local host.
    Display service information to check whether any service is active.
    If any Performance Management programs and services are active on the local host, stop them all. For details about how to display service information and to stop services, see the chapter explaining how to start and stop Performance Management in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.
  3. Select the Performance Management programs to be uninstalled.
    From Windows Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs#, and select the Performance Management programs to be uninstalled.
    #: This name might differ depending on the Windows version.
  4. Click Remove, and then click the OK button.
    The selected programs are uninstalled.

Precautions regarding uninstallation on a Windows Server 2008 environment

If user account control functionality (UAC) is enabled on the operating system, the User Account Control dialog box might be displayed during uninstallation. If this dialog box is displayed, click the Continue button to continue uninstallation, or click the Cancel button to cancel uninstallation.



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