Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)


The Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI) record stores the performance data at a given point in time on a single process's paging, memory, and time usage, and the like.

While processes continue to exist or PFM - Agent for Platform remains active, this record is created for each process that newly becomes active every time a record is collected. The performance data stored in this record is the same as that stored in the Process Detail (PD) record if the updating interval is the same. However, if performance data collected at a point in time is the same as the performance data collected in the previous interval for the same process, performance data is not stored in the same record and a new record is stored in the database. This point is different from the Process Detail (PD) record.

This is a multi-instance record.

  • Each process represents a program that is being executed during data collection.
  • If a new record corresponding to the Program (INSTANCE) field is generated during a collection interval, 0 is displayed as the first value for the following fields, because their values are computed from the information collected during the previous collection interval:
    [Figure] IO Data Bytes/sec (IO_DATA_BYTES_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Data Operations/sec (IO_DATA_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Other Bytes/sec (IO_OTHER_BYTES_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Other Operations/sec (IO_OTHER_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Read Bytes/sec (IO_READ_BYTES_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Read Operations/sec (IO_READ_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Write Bytes/sec (IO_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] IO Write Operations/sec (IO_WRITE_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Page Faults/sec (PAGE_FAULTS_PER_SEC)
    [Figure] Privileged CPU % (PCT_PRIVILEGED_TIME)
    [Figure] User CPU % (PCT_USER_TIME)
  • If the value in the Program (INSTANCE) field of this record is System or Idle, the data for the Elapsed Time (ELAPSED_TIME) field may not be correctly collected. In this case, the value for the Elapsed Time (ELAPSED_TIME) field is close to the value for the System Up Time (SYSTEM_UP_TIME) field of the System Overview (PI) record, so utilize this value.

Default values and values that can be specified

Item Default value Modifiable
Collection Interval 60 Yes
Collection Offset 0 Yes
Log No Yes
LOGIF Blank Yes

ODBC key fields


From process execution until termination

Record size


PFM-View name
(PFM-Manager name)
Description Summary Format Delta Not Supported versions Data source
CPU %(PCT_PROCESSOR_TIME) Percentage of the processor time used by the process (%). In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed, with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value. -- float No -- --
Creating Process ID(PROCESS_ID) Process ID of the process that activated this process. # -- ulong No -- --
Elapsed Time(ELAPSED_TIME) Total elapsed time for process execution (seconds). # -- ulong No -- --
Group(GROUP_NAME) Name of the group to which the user who executed the process belongs. The group name is a domain name or a name pre-defined by the local system (NT AUTHORITY, computer name, etc.). If no group name is found that corresponds to the process security ID, NONE_MAPPED is stored; if the executing group name cannot be acquired from the process ID, Unknown is stored. -- string(36) No -- --
Handle Count(HANDLE_COUNT) Number of handles kept open by the process. # -- ulong No -- --
IO Data Bytes/sec(IO_DATA_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was read or write in all I/O operations generated by the process (bytes/second). -- float No -- --
IO Data Operations/sec(IO_DATA_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of read and write operations in all I/O operations generated by the process (operations/second). -- float No -- --
IO Other Bytes/sec(IO_OTHER_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was manipulated by operations other than read or write operations (control functions, etc.) in all I/O operations generated by the process (bytes/second). -- float No -- --
IO Other Operations/sec(IO_OTHER_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of operations other than read or write operations (control functions, etc.) in all I/O operations generated by the process (operations/second). -- float No -- --
IO Read Bytes/sec(IO_READ_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was read in all I/O operations generated by the process (bytes/second). -- float No -- --
IO Read Operations/sec(IO_READ_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of read operations in all I/O operations generated by the process (operations/second). -- float No -- --
IO Write Bytes/sec(IO_WRITE_BYTES_PER_SEC) Rate at which data was written in all I/O operations generated by the process (bytes/second). -- float No -- --
IO Write Operations/sec(IO_WRITE_OPERATIONS_PER_SEC) Number of write operations in all I/O operations generated by the process (operations/second). -- float No -- --
Interval(INTERVAL) Collection interval time in which records were stored (in seconds).
For a real-time report, the first value is 5.
-- ulong No -- RECORD_TIME (T1) - RECORD_TIME (T0)
PID(ID_PROCESS) Process ID. Unique identifier of the executing process. -- ulong No -- --
Page Faults/sec(PAGE_FAULTS_PER_SEC) Rate at which page faults occurred inside the process (faults/second). -- float No -- --
Page File Kbytes(PAGE_FILE_BYTES) Size of the virtual memory area used by the process as paging files (KB). # -- double No -- --
Page File Kbytes Peak(PAGE_FILE_BYTES_PEAK) Maximum size of the virtual memory area used by the process as paging files (KB). # -- double No -- --
Pool Nonpaged Kbytes(POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES) Size of the memory that was used by the process and that cannot be paged (KB). # -- double No -- --
Pool Paged Kbytes(POOL_PAGED_BYTES) Size of the memory that was used by the process and that can be paged (KB). # -- double No -- --
Priority Base(PRIORITY_BASE) Process base priority. The greater the value, the higher the priority. The following values are available:
- 24: Real-time
- 13: High
- 10: Higher than normal
- 8: Normal
- 6: Lower than normal
- 4: Low
-- ulong No -- --
Private Kbytes(PRIVATE_BYTES) Size of the memory that was allocated to the process and could not be shared with other processes (KB). # -- double No -- --
Privileged CPU %(PCT_PRIVILEGED_TIME) Percentage of the time the process used the processor in the privileged mode (%). In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed, with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value. -- float No -- --
Program(INSTANCE) Executing program name. -- string(256) No -- --
Record Time(RECORD_TIME) Time at which the record was created. -- time_t No -- --
Record Type(INPUT_RECORD_TYPE) Record name. Always PDI. -- char(8) No -- --
Thread Count(THREAD_COUNT) Number of threads (unit for executing an instruction) inside a process. When a process is executed, at least one thread is started. # -- ulong No -- --
User(USER_NAME) Executing user name for the process.
If no user name is found that corresponds to the process security ID, NONE_MAPPED is stored; if the executing user name cannot be acquired from the process ID, Unknown is stored.
-- string(36) No -- --
User CPU %(PCT_USER_TIME) Amount of processor time used by processes in the user mode (%). In a multi-processor environment, usage is displayed with number-of-processors x 100% as the maximum value. -- float No -- --
Virtual Kbytes(VIRTUAL_BYTES) Size of the virtual address space used by processes (KB). # -- double No -- --
Virtual Kbytes Peak(VIRTUAL_BYTES_PEAK) Maximum size of the virtual address space used by processes (KB). # -- double No -- --
Working Set Kbytes(WORKING_SET) Size of the memory used by processes (which is called a working set and indicates either the total memory size or the amount of memory that can be referenced without page faults) (KB). # -- double No -- --
Working Set Kbytes Peak(WORKING_SET_PEAK) Maximum size of the memory used by processes (which is called a working set and indicates either the total memory size or the amount of memory that can be referenced without page faults) (KB). # -- double No -- --



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