Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


3.2.4 Settings for collecting workgroup information

This section explains how to specify user-defined records for collecting workgroup information, and how to check and delete these settings.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specifying user-defined record settings
(2) Checking the user-defined record settings
(3) Modifying the user-defined record settings
(4) Deleting the user-defined record settings
(5) Examples of alarm operation

(1) Specifying user-defined record settings

To specify user-defined records for collecting workgroup information:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PI_WGRP Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PI_WGRP Record List dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-6 PI_WGRP Record List dialog box


  3. In the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box, click the Add button.
    The PI_WGRP Record Addition dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-7 PI_WGRP Record Addition dialog box


  4. Enter the parameters.
    Enter values in Work group Name, Program Name, User Name, and Group Name.

    Input rules common to all parameters
    • The parameters are not case-sensitive. Spaces are treated as characters.
    • A character string containing any of the following characters cannot be specified for any of the parameters:
      \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |
    • A wildcard character (* or ?) can be specified for the Program Name, User Name, and Group Name parameters.
    • When specifying multiple values in the Program Name, User Name, or Group Name parameter, use | to delimit the names.
    The table below shows the details of the parameters.

    Table 3-3 Parameter setting details

    Parameter Information to be specified Field in which information is saved Input rules
    Work group Name Specifies the name of the workgroup from which information is to be collected. Workgroup (WORKGROUP_NAME)
    • The only characters that can be used are alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
    • A maximum of 35 bytes
    • An existing workgroup name cannot be specified.
    • Other cannot be specified.
    Program Name Specifies the name of the program to be executed. Programs (PROGRAMS)#1
    • A maximum of 1,023 bytes
    • Specify the value stored in the Program (INSTANCE) field of the Process Detail (PD) record.#2
    • If no value is input, no search using this item is performed.
    User Name Specifies the name of the user who executes the program specified in Program Name. Users (USERS)#1
    • A maximum of 1,023 bytes
    • Specify the value stored in the User (USER_NAME) field of the Process Detail (PD) record.#3
    • If no value is input, no search using this item is performed.
    Group Name Specifies the name of the group to which the user who executes the program specified in Program Name belongs. Groups (GROUPS)#1
    • A maximum of 1,023 bytes
    • Specify the value stored in the Group (GROUP_NAME) field of the Process Detail (PD) record.#4

    The maximum size of information that is saved in each field of the Process Detail (PD) record is 35 bytes. When the information size exceeds 35 bytes, the last character saved becomes >.

    Records that have _Total for the Program (INSTANCE) field and 0 for the PID (ID_PROCESS) field of the Process Detail (PD) record indicate data expressing the total or average, and thus are not collected.

    If no user name is found that corresponds to the process security ID, NONE_MAPPED is stored; if the executing user name cannot be acquired from the process ID, Unknown is stored.

    A group name is a name that is pre-defined by the domain name or local system. If no group name is found that corresponds to the process security ID, NONE_MAPPED is stored; if the executing group name cannot be acquired from the process ID, Unknown is stored.
  5. Click the OK button to register the workgroup information.
    If there is a parameter input error, an error message is displayed. Refer to the error details displayed and correct the input.
  6. To add more workgroup information to the user-defined record, repeat steps 3 through 5.
  7. For each item, select Match all conditions for the Program name, User name, and Group name (AND) or Match any of the conditions for the Program name, User name, or Group name (OR).

    The contents set for Match all conditions for the Program name, User name, and Group name (AND) or Match any of the conditions for the Program name, User name, or Group name (OR) are applied to all workgroups displayed in Work group information. You cannot specify different settings for individual workgroups.
  8. Click the Exit button.
    The user-defined record settings are saved and the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box closes.
    • For details about the Process Detail (PD) record and Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record, see 5. Records.
    • For details about Windows user names and group names, see Help in Windows.

(2) Checking the user-defined record settings

This subsection shows how to check the setting content of the user-defined record for collecting workgroup information.

It shows how to use the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box to check the performance data settings stored in the user-defined record.

To check the user-defined record settings:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PI_WGRP Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PI_WGRP Record List dialog box is displayed.
  3. Check the workgroup information set to be collected.
    Check the workgroup information displayed in Work group information.
  4. When finished, click the Exit button.
    The user-defined record settings are saved and the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box closes.

(3) Modifying the user-defined record settings

To change the setting content of the user-defined record for collecting workgroup information:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PI_WGRP Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PI_WGRP Record List dialog box is displayed.
  3. From Work group information in the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box, select the workgroup information to be checked, and click the Modify button.
    The PI_WGRP Record Modification dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-8 PI_WGRP Record Modification dialog box


  4. Edit the values of the parameters to be modified.
    For details and notes on setting parameters, see (1) Specifying user-defined record settings.
    Note that Work group Name cannot be modified.
  5. Click the OK button.
    If the modified parameter is invalid, an error message is displayed. Refer to the error details displayed and correct the input.
  6. To modify the settings for other workgroup information, repeat steps 3 through 5.
  7. Change Match all conditions for the Program name, User name, and Group name (AND) or Match any of the conditions for the Program name, User name, or Group name (OR) as necessary.

    The contents set for Match all conditions for the Program name, User name, and Group name (AND) or Match any of the conditions for the Program name, User name, or Group name (OR) are applied to all workgroups displayed in Work group information. You cannot specify different settings for individual workgroups.
  8. Click the Exit button.
    The user-defined record settings are saved and the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box closes.

(4) Deleting the user-defined record settings

To delete the settings of the user-defined record for collecting workgroup information:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PI_WGRP Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PI_WGRP Record List dialog box is displayed.
  3. From Work group information in the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box, select the workgroup information to be deleted, and click the Delete button.
    A deletion confirmation message is displayed.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The workgroup information is deleted.
  5. To delete other workgroup information, repeat steps 3 and 4.
  6. When finished, click the Exit button.
    The user-defined record settings are saved and the PI_WGRP Record List dialog box closes.

(5) Examples of alarm operation

The following gives examples of alarm operation using functionality to collect workgroup information. Here, the contents are set to issue an alarm when multiple running processes with the same process name are monitored, and the number of process startup statuses falls below n.

The following shows settings for user records and alarm conditions.

User record settings
Workgroup name: workgroup-name
Program name: name-of-program-to-be-monitored (specify the value stored in the Program (INSTANCE) field of the Process Detail (PD) record)

Conditions set for the alarm
Define an alarm that reports an abnormality for the following conditions, for the Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) Record:
AND Process Count<=n

n indicates the number of processes.



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