Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


3.2.3 Settings for collecting event log information

This section explains how to specify user-defined records for collecting event log information, and how to check and delete these settings.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specifying user-defined records
(2) Checking the user-defined record settings
(3) Deleting the user-defined record settings

(1) Specifying user-defined records

To specify the event log information as the collection target:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon and choose PD_ELOG Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 3-5 PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box


    By default (without any user settings), the standard event logs are displayed in Event logs targeted for collection.
    Additionally, a list of event logs that can be collected is displayed in Event logs out of collection target. If an event log that can be collected has been added or deleted, a confirmation message is displayed.
  3. From Event logs out of collection target, select the event logs to be collected, and then click the [Figure] button.
    A message for confirming the collection target setting is displayed.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The selected event logs are registered as collection targets and are displayed in Event logs targeted for collection.
  5. When finished, click the Exit button.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box closes.
    For details about the PD_ELOG record, see 5. Records.

(2) Checking the user-defined record settings

To check event log information:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PD_ELOG Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Check the event logs that were set as collection targets.
    Check the event log information displayed in Event logs targeted for collection.
  4. When finished, click the Exit button.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box closes.

(3) Deleting the user-defined record settings

To remove the event log information from the collection target:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, start the collection data addition utility.
  2. From the tree area, select the Agent Store for the currently logged-in host, and in the list area, right-click the Agent Collector icon, and then choose PD_ELOG Records Add/Confirm/Delete.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. From Event logs targeted for collection, select the event logs to be removed from the collection target, and then click the [Figure] button.
    A message for confirming the removal of the event logs from the collection target is displayed.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The selected event logs are removed from the collection target and are displayed in Event logs out of collection target.
  5. When finished, click the Exit button.
    The PD_ELOG Record Settings dialog box closes.



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