Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


3.2.5 Settings for collecting application operation and non-operation information

The following explains how to set, confirm, change, and delete user records for collecting information about the application operating status, and provides an example of alarm operation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specifying the user-defined record settings
(2) Checking or changing user record settings
(3) Deleting the user-defined record settings
(4) Example of using an alarm

(1) Specifying the user-defined record settings

The following explains how to specify the user-defined record settings for collecting information about the application operating status.

To perform setup, first create an instance, and then set the instance properties (such as the monitored application name and threshold).

To create an instance:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.
    The Main window appears.
  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Services tab.
    The Services page appears.
  3. From the navigation frame, expand the contents of the Machines folder.
    A folder that has the name of the host on which the Performance Management service is installed appears. Expand this folder to display the services installed on the host.
    The name of each service is displayed by service ID. For details about service IDs, see B. List of Identifiers, and the section that explains the service naming conventions in the appendix of the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.
    The format of the service ID differs depending on whether the product name display functionality is enabled. For details about the product name display functionality, see the chapter explaining Performance Management functionality in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.
  4. Expand the contents of the monitoring agent host folder, and select the Agent Collector service.
    Select host-name<Windows> (Agent Collector service). A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.
  5. Select the Properties method in the method frame.
    The Properties page appears.
  7. Enter an instance name for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the information frame, and click the OK button.
    An instance name tree is generated in the Application monitoring settings tree of the Properties window.
    • The instance name entered for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING can be specified by the user. The instance name specified here is stored in the Application Name field of the PD_APP record, and is used as an ID to identify the application.
    • In ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING, you can specify a character string of 1-63 bytes. The character string can consist of alphanumeric characters and symbols except the following characters:
      Tab (\t) \ : ; , * ? " ' < > |
    • You can set a maximum of 64 instances.

To set instance properties:

  1. After finishing the above step for setting the instance properties, display the Properties window again and select the instance name tree generated in the Application monitoring settings tree.
    The property information entry window appears at the bottom of the information frame.
  2. Set properties.
    Set the process type, process name, and minimum and maximum values for the process count. You can set information for multiple processes. The following table lists the properties you can set.

    Table 3-4 Monitoring field properties

    Item Parameter name Explanation Corresponding field in the PD_APP record
    Process type ProcessXX Kind Select either Command Line or Service Name. Note that evaluation is not performed when None is selected.
    • When Command Line is selected, the value of the Program field in the PD record is used for evaluation.
    • When Service Name is selected, the Service Name field of the PD_SVC record is used for evaluation.
    ProcessXX Kind
    Process name ProcessXX Name Specify a process name of no more than 127 bytes. ProcessXX Name
    Minimum and maximum thresholds for the number of processes ProcessXX Range Specify the minimum and maximum thresholds for the number of processes in the format m-n (for example, 1-2).
    Only one value can be specified without a hyphen to set the minimum value and maximum value to the same value. For example, when 10 is specified, 10-10 is set.
    You can specify values in the range from 0 to 65535.
    ProcessXX Range

    XX: A two-digit numeric value in the range from 01 to 15
    • The value specified for the ProcessXX Name property is used to evaluate application operation and non-operation. Note that when the ProcessXX Name field in the PD_APP record is displayed in a report in PFM - Web Console, only the first 31 bytes are displayed.
    • If there are multiple processes for which the first 31 bytes of each name are the same, set up an instance for each process so that the process can be monitored, and set the evaluation results (the value of the ProcessXX Name field for the PD_APP record) to be reported by alarm. Note that because the value of the ProcessXX Name field in the PD_APP records is the same for all instances, alarms will not be reported properly. Accordingly, instead of using the ProcessXX Name field in the PD_APP records, use the value of the ProcessXX Status field for setting alarm notification. For example settings, see (4)(d) Monitoring whether a given process is running when there are multiple processes for which the first 31 bytes of the names are the same.
    • Alphanumeric characters and symbols can be specified for the ProcessXX Name property, except for the following:
      Tab (\t) \ : ; , " ' < > |
    • Wildcard characters * and ? can also be specified for the ProcessXX Name property. * represents at least one character, while ? represents one character.
    • Do not specify a Windows program extension (such as .exe) for the ProcessXX Name property.
  3. Click the OK button.
    The specified settings are applied.

(2) Checking or changing user record settings

To check or change the user record settings for collecting information about application operation and non-operation:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.
    The Main window appears.
  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Services tab.
    The Services page appears.
  3. From the navigation frame, expand the contents of the Machines folder.
    A folder that has the name of the host on which the Performance Management service is installed appears. Expand this folder to display the services installed on the host.
    The name of each service is displayed by service ID. For details about service IDs, see B. List of Identifiers, and in the appendix of the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide, the section that explains the service naming conventions.
    The format of the service ID differs depending on whether the product name display functionality is enabled. For details about the product name display functionality, see the chapter explaining Performance Management functionality in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.
  4. Expand the contents of the monitoring agent host folder, and select the Agent Collector service.
    Select host-name<Windows> (Agent Collector service). A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.
  5. Select the Properties method in the method frame.
    The Properties page appears.
  6. Expand the Application monitoring settings tree, and select the tree for the instance name to be checked.
    The properties are displayed.
  7. Check the property settings, and click the OK button.

(3) Deleting the user-defined record settings

To delete the user-defined record settings for collecting information about the application operating status:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.
    The Main window appears.
  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Services tab.
    The Services page appears.
  3. From the navigation frame, expand the contents of the Machines folder.
    A folder that has the name of the host on which the Performance Management service is installed appears. Expand this folder to display the services installed on the host.
    The name of each service is displayed by service ID. For details about service IDs, see B. List of Identifiers, and in the appendix of the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide, the section that explains the service naming conventions.
    The format of the service ID differs depending on whether the product name display functionality is enabled. For details about the product name display functionality, see the chapter explaining Performance Management functionality in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.
  4. Expand the contents of the monitoring agent host folder, and select the Agent Collector service.
    Select host-name<Windows> (Agent Collector service). A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.
  5. Select the Properties method in the method frame.
    The Properties page appears.
  7. Select the name of the instance to be deleted from DELETE AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the information frame, and click the OK button.
    The settings are deleted.

(4) Example of using an alarm

This subsection provides an example of using an alarm with the function that collects information about the application operating status.

(a) Monitoring the startup status of a specific process

The following explains settings for monitoring whether a specific process is running, from several monitoring targets.

For environments on which only one of the following processes is normally running, set an abnormal alarm to report when multiple processes (two or more) are running, or have stopped.

Table 3-5 Example of specific process start

Program name Process name
GyoumuProcess.exe GyoumuProcess

To monitor the startup status of a specific process:

  1. Set the instance name for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the ADDITION OR DELETION A SETTING tree as follows:
    GyoumuProcess Monitor
  2. Set the GyoumuProcess Monitor property generated in the Application monitoring settings tree as follows:
    Process01 Kind: Select Command Line.
    Process01 Name: Enter GyoumuProcess (do not specify the .exe extension).
    Process01 Range: Enter 1-1.
    As a result of the above settings, when the process is running, the values of the Process01 Count, Process01 Status, and Application Status fields in the PD_APP record are displayed as follows in the report.

    Table 3-6 Results for the values of each field in the PD_APP record

    Field name Value
    Process01 Count 1#1
    Process01 Status NORMAL#2
    Application Status NORMAL#2

    This indicates the number of corresponding processes running.

    This indicates that there is no issue.
  3. Perform alarm settings as follows.
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Name.
    Condition: Select =.
    Abnormal value: Enter GyoumuProcess Monitor.
    Warning value: Enter GyoumuProcess Monitor.
    Perform the above settings and then click the Add button, and then perform these additional settings:
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Status.
    Condition: Select <>.
    Abnormal value: Enter NORMAL.
    Warning value: Enter NORMAL.

Conditional expressions in an alarm are evaluated using AND. To monitor only the results for Application Status without specifying an instance, specify only Application Status, <>, and NORMAL.

(b) Monitoring the startup status of a specific service

The following explains settings for monitoring whether a specific service application is running, from several monitoring targets.

The following sets an abnormal alarm to be reported when the following service application stops.

Table 3-7 Example of specific service startup

Display name Service name
Windows Audio AudioSrv

To monitor the startup status of a specific service:

  1. Set the instance name for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the ADDITION OR DELETION A SETTING tree as follows:
    AudioSrv Monitor
  2. Set the AudioSrv Monitor property generated in the Application monitoring settings tree as follows:
    Process01 Kind: Select Service Name.
    Process01 Name: Enter AudioSrv (the service name).
    Process01 Range: Enter 1-1.
    As a result of the above settings, when the service is running, the values of the Process01 Count, Process01 Status, and Application Status fields in the PD_APP record are displayed as follows in the report.

    Table 3-8 Results for the values of each field in the PD_APP record

    Field name Value
    Process01 Count 1#1
    Process01 Status NORMAL#2
    Application Status NORMAL#2

    This indicates the number of corresponding processes running.

    This indicates that there is no issue.
  3. Specify alarm settings as follows.
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Name.
    Condition: Select =.
    Abnormal value: Enter AudioSrv Monitor (the instance name set in step 1).
    Warning value: Enter AudioSrv Monitor (the instance name set in step 1).
    After specifying the above settings and clicking the Add button, specify these additional settings:
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Status.
    Condition: Select <>.
    Abnormal value: Enter NORMAL.
    Warning value: Enter NORMAL.

Conditional expressions in an alarm are evaluated using AND. To monitor only the results for Application Status without specifying an instance, specify only Application Status, <>, and NORMAL.

(c) Monitoring whether multiple processes are all running

The following explains settings for monitoring whether monitored processes are all running.

The following procedure sets an abnormal alarm to be reported when at least one of the following five processes has stopped, but not to be reported when they are all running.

Table 3-9 Example of startup for five processes

Program name Process name
GyoumuProcess1.exe GyoumuProcess1
GyoumuProcess2.exe GyoumuProcess2
GyoumuProcess3.exe GyoumuProcess3
GyoumuProcess4.exe GyoumuProcess4
GyoumuProcess5.exe GyoumuProcess5

To monitor whether multiple processes are all running:

  1. Set the instance name for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the ADDITION OR DELETION A SETTING tree as follows:
    GyoumuProcess Monitor
  2. Set the GyoumuProcess Monitor property generated in the Application monitoring settings tree as follows:
    Process01 Kind: Select Command Line.
    Process01 Name: Enter GyoumuProcess*.#
    Process01 Range: Enter 1-5.

    The wildcard character * is used for the process number. The wildcard character ? can also be used, in place of a single character.
    As a result of the above settings, when the five processes are running, the values of the Process01 Count, Process01 Status, and Application Status fields in the PD_APP record are displayed as follows in the report.

    Table 3-10 Results for the values of each field in the PD_APP record

    Field name Value
    Process01 Count 5#1
    Process01 Status NORMAL#2
    Application Status NORMAL#2

    This indicates the number of corresponding processes running.

    This indicates that there is no issue.
  3. Specify alarm settings as follows.
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Process01 Count.
    Condition: Select <.
    Abnormal value: Enter 5.
    Warning value: Enter 5.

If all five processes are running, no alarm is reported. An alarm is reported when at least one process stops. Because conditional expressions in an alarm are evaluated using AND, an abnormal alarm cannot be set to report for a running process count other than from 1 to 5.

(d) Monitoring whether a given process is running when there are multiple processes for which the first 31 bytes of the names are the same

The following explains settings for monitoring whether a given process is running when there are multiple processes for which the first 31 bytes of the names are the same.

The following procedure sets an abnormal alarm to be reported when either of the following two processes are running and multiple 1234567890123456789012345678901A processes are running or stopped.

Table 3-11 Example of processes running for which the first 31 bytes of the names are the same

Program name Process name
1234567890123456789012345678901A.exe 1234567890123456789012345678901A
1234567890123456789012345678901B.exe 1234567890123456789012345678901B

To monitor whether a given process is running:

  1. Set the instance name for ADD AN APPLICATION MONITORING SETTING in the ADDITION OR DELETION A SETTING tree as follows:
    Long Name Process Monitor
  2. Set the Long Name Process Monitor property generated in the Application monitoring settings tree as follows:
    Process01 Kind: Select Command Line.
    Process01 Name: Enter 1234567890123456789012345678901A.
    Process01 Range: Enter 1-1.
    As a result of the above settings, when only one 1234567890123456789012345678901A process is running, the values of the Process01 Count, Process01 Status, and Application Status fields in the PD_APP record are displayed as follows in the report.

    Table 3-12 Results for the values of each field in the PD_APP record

    Field name Value
    Process01 Count 1#1
    Process01 Status NORMAL#2
    Application Status NORMAL#2

    This indicates the number of corresponding processes running.

    This indicates that there is no issue.
  3. Specify alarm settings as follows.
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Name.
    Condition: Select =.
    Abnormal value: Enter Long Name Process Monitor (the instance name set in step 1).
    Warning value: Enter Long Name Process Monitor (the instance name set in step 1).
    After specifying the above settings and clicking the Add button, specify these additional settings:
    Record: Select Application Summary (PD_APP).
    Monitored field: Select Application Status.
    Condition: Select <>.
    Abnormal value: Enter NORMAL.
    Warning value: Enter NORMAL.

In addition to the above monitoring, to monitor the 1234567890123456789012345678901B process using another monitoring method than what has already been used, use an instance name different than that above, and add the instance name to the condition in the Application Name field of the alarm setting.



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