Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


3.1.1 Information that can be defined as user-defined records

This section explains the information that can be defined as user-defined records with the collection data addition utility.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Performance console counter information
(2) Event log information
(3) Workgroup information
(4) Information about the application operating status
(5) User-specific performance data

(1) Performance console counter information

PFM - Agent for Platform can collect performance data from fields other than those defined in the Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) and Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) records as performance console counter information.

User-defined records that can be defined as Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) and Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) records are similar to the information that is displayed in the following windows in Windows:

Because the Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) and Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) records have different record types as shown below, use them according to their intended purpose.

Table 3-2 PD_GEND and PI_GENI record types

Record name Record type Purpose
Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) PD record type Used for determining the system status at a given point in time
Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) PI record type Used for analyzing the change in system status or trends over time

For details about PI and PD record types, see the chapter explaining the functions of Performance Management in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

(2) Event log information

PFM - Agent for Platform can collect the various types of event log information in Event Viewer under Windows' Administrative Tools as user-defined records and manage them as Event Log (PD_ELOG) records.

Figure 3-1 Event Viewer window


The various types of Windows event log information that can be defined as user-defined records can be classified into the following two types:

When no user-defined record is specified for the event log information using the collection data addition utility, and if Log=Yes is specified for each record property in PFM - Web Console, standard event logs (Application, Security, and System) are unconditionally collected as PD_ELOG records.

Using the collection data addition utility, you can, for example, specify a custom event log to be collected and exclude the standard event logs from the collection targets.

(3) Workgroup information

When multiple users or groups have activated Windows processes, these users and groups can be defined as workgroups, and PFM - Agent for Platform can collect and manage the process information related to these workgroups as the Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record.

You can specify the following types of information for the workgroups to be defined in PFM - Agent for Platform:

Based on the workgroup information defined by the collection data addition utility, the performance data in the Process Detail (PD) record pertaining to the applicable workgroups is summarized and stored in the Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP) record.

(4) Information about the application operating status

PFM - Agent for Platform can collect information about whether processes are operating under specified conditions and whether the number of processes is the expected number or less. PFM - Agent for Platform can then manage the collected information as the Application Summary (PD_APP) record. The processes to be monitored can be specified in PFM - Web Console.

(5) User-specific performance data

PFM - Agent for Platform can collect user-specific performance data such as information that is not provided by PFM - Agent for Platform and information specific to a machine or environment. To collect user-specific performance data, you need to create scripts called user commands.

There are two kinds of records that store user-specific performance data for each of the record types, PI and PD.



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