Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Notes on records

Note the following points when collecting records.

Notes on cases in which record instances cannot be uniquely identified

PFM - Agent for Platform references the latest OS information at a given interval to collect performance data. If a record instance in a record field cannot be uniquely identified from the information acquired from the OS, one of the following two actions is performed:

  1. A number #n (where n = 1, 2, 3, ...) is appended to the field.
    The table below shows the record fields to which a number is appended.

    Table 5-11 Record fields to which a number is appended

    Record name Field name
    Event Log (PD_ELOG) Source Name (SOURCE_NAME)
    Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) Instance (INSTANCE)
    Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI) Instance (INSTANCE)
    Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD) ID (INSTANCE)
    NBT Overview (PI_NBT) Instance (INSTANCE)
    Network Interface Overview (PI_NETI) Instance (INSTANCE)
    Page File Detail (PD_PAGF) Instance (INSTANCE)
    Physical Disk Overview (PI_PHYD) ID (INSTANCE)
    Process End Detail (PD_PEND) Program (PROCESS_NAME)
  2. For the PD_UPD, PD_UPDB, PI_UPI, and PI_UPIB records, the instance of the first record is used.
    When record instances cannot be uniquely identified from the information acquired from the OS, the performance data collected for each record instance is correct. In this case, however, the device corresponding to the instance (for example, the corresponding NIC for the Network Interface Overview (PI_NETI) record) cannot be identified. Furthermore, if the system environment has been modified, the integrity of the record instance cannot be guaranteed, and, as a result, correct real-time data updating and historical data summarization cannot be executed.

Notes on cases in which records cannot be collected and on the application event log

Notes on cases in which records cannot be collected

To use PFM - Agent for Platform to collect the performance data of the records listed below, the objects must be in a monitoring-enabled state on the performance console#. The table below shows the objects that correspond to various records, the source (service) names that are output in the event log, and the performance extension DLLs.

You can check the object names that correspond to individual records in Performance Management. If objects corresponding to individual records do not exist, make the objects monitorable by following the procedure published in Microsoft Knowledge Base provided by Microsoft Corporation.

Table 5-12 Objects that correspond to various records, source (service) names that are output in the event log, and performance extension DLLs

Category Record name (Record ID) Object name Source (service) output to event log Performance extension DLL
Disk Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD) LogicalDisk PerfDisk PerfDisk.dll
Physical Disk Overview (PI_PHYD) PhysicalDisk
Protocol ICMP Overview (PI_ICMP) ICMP Tcpip perfctrs.dll
ICMP Version 6 Overview(PI_ICM6) ICMPv6
IP Overview (PI_IP) IP or IPv4
IP Version 6 Overview(PI_IP6) IP or IPv6
TCP Overview (PI_TCP) TCP or TCPv4
TCP Version 6 Overview(PI_TCP6) TCP or TCPv6
UDP Overview (PI_UDP) UDP or UDPv4
UDP Version 6 Overview(PI_UDP6) UDP or UDPv6
Network-related Network Interface Overview (PI_NETI) Network Interface
NBT Overview (PI_NBT) NBT Connection
WINS Server Overview (PI_WINS) WINS Server Wins winsctrs.dll
Browser Overview (PI_BRSR) Browser PerfNet perfnet.dll
Server Work Queues Overview (PI_SVRQ) Server Work Queues
System Overview (PI) Redirector
OS in general (processor, memory, etc.) Cache PerfOS PerfOS.dll
Processor Overview (PI_PCSR)
Page File Detail (PD_PAGF) Paging File
Process-related Process Detail (PD) Process PerfProc PerfProc.dll
Process Detail Interval (PD_PDI)
Process End Detail (PD_PEND)
Workgroup Summary (PI_WGRP)
Active Directory Active Directory Overview(PI_AD) Database ESENT esentprf.dll
NTDS NTDS ntdsperf.dll
DNS DNS dnsperf.dll
General Generic Data Detail (PD_GEND) Objects set by the collection data addition utility Differs for each object.
Generic Data Interval (PI_GENI)
Other Event Log (PD_ELOG) Not applicable (Not applicable)
Device Detail (PD_DEV)
Service Process Detail (PD_SVC)

Application event logs when records cannot be correctly collected

If Perflib (the source (service) name common to all objects or the source (service) name of each object) is recorded in an application event log, PFM - Agent for Platform may not run normally, or it may not be possible to collect the records corresponding to that source (service) in some cases. If the application event logs described in the table below are recorded, re-install the source (service), eliminate the cause identified in Microsoft Knowledge Base provided by Microsoft Corporation, or ask the company that developed the source (service) about a corrective measure, and restore an environment in which no application event log is recorded. The table below shows examples of application event logs that are recorded when PFM - Agent for Platform does not run normally or the records corresponding to the source (service) cannot be collected.

Table 5-13 Examples of application event logs when records cannot be collected normally

Event ID Source
(service) name
Event log details
1008 Perflib# Service "service-name" (DLL "dll-name") could not be opened. Performance data for this service cannot be used. The returned status code is data DWORD 0.
1009 Perflib# An exception occurred during the opening of the service "service-name" (DLL "dll-name"). Performance data for this service cannot be used. The returned status code is data DWORD 0.
1010 Perflib# An exception occurred or an invalid status was returned during the collection of the service "service-name" (DLL "dll-name"). Performance data returned from the counter DLL is not returned to the performance data block. The returned exception or status code is data DWORD 0.
1011 Perflib# The library file "dll-name" specified for the service "service-name" could not be opened. Performance data for this service cannot be used. The status code is data DWORD 0.
2001 Perflib# Service "service-name" does not have a Performance subkey, or its key could not be opened. Performance counter is not collected for this service. The Win32 error code is returned as data.
2002 Perflib# Opening of the service "service-name" with a DLL "dll-name" took longer than the established standby time. There may be an error in this extendable counter or the service that is collecting data, or the system may have been busy when this call was tried.
2000 PerfDisk Logical volume information cannot be read from the system. The returned status code is data DWORD 0.

For details about application event logs output by Perflib that are not listed in the above table, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Notes on records

Notes on using the program name of a process

Data acquired from the Windows performance registry is set as the program name of a process. This name may not match the name displayed in Windows Task Manager or System Monitor in terms of case, for example.

When the program name of a process is used for defining an alarm or the display condition for the fields to be displayed in a report, it is case-sensitive. Check the program name of the process, including its case, by following the procedure described below. Afterwards, you can use the verified program name of the process to specify a monitoring process in an alarm definition or the display condition for the fields to be displayed in a report.

To check the program name of a process:

  1. Start PFM - Web Console.
  2. Start the report wizard.
    For details about how to start the report wizard, see the chapter explaining creation of reports for operation analysis in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.
  3. Define the fields to be displayed in the report.
    In the report wizard's New Report > Field window, specify the record and field to be monitored.
    • Record: Process Detail (PD)
    • Field: Program (INSTANCE)
  4. Complete report creation by following the report wizard.
  5. Display the created report.
    The program names of all processes within the system are displayed.

Record generation results when data cannot be collected

The following explains the record generation results when data to be stored in fields cannot be collected:

Notes on reserved records

If PFM - Agent for Platform 07-00 or earlier is upgraded to 08-00 or later, records reserved in 08-00 or later appear in Record in the New Report > Field window of the PFM - Web Console report wizard during history collection setup. These records can be modified. However, if they are modified and then specified for data collection, no records will be collected. The following message is issued to the common message log during the first collection attempt only:

KAVF11201-W An illegal collection event occurred. (record-id, rc=maintenance-information)

Reference note
When you perform a new installation of PFM - Agent for Platform 08-00 or later, the properties of the reserved records are not displayed.

Installing Active Directory

PFM - Agent for Platform 08-11 or later provides the Active Directory Overview (PI_AD) record for collecting Active Directory information. To collect performance data for Active Directory, you must first install Active Directory. In an environment in which Active Directory is not available, the KAVF11304-W message is output and the record cannot be collected. The following describes how to install Active Directory.

To install Active Directory:

  1. Execute the dcpromo command.
    From the Windows Start menu, choose Run. The Run dialog box appears. Enter dcpromo in the Name text box, and then click OK. The Active Directory installation wizard starts.
  2. Install Active Directory.
    Install Active Directory as directed by the Active Directory installation wizard.



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