Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix I.3 Format of output action log data

Data related to audit events is output to the Performance Management action log. Action log data is output to one file for one host. The action log data is output to a file on either of the following hosts:

The following describes the format of the action log, the output destination, and the items that are output.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Output format
(2) Output destination
(3) Output items
(4) Output example

(1) Output format

CALFHM x.x,output-item-1=value-1,output-item-2=value-2,...,output-item-n=value-n

(2) Output destination


The output destination for action log data can be changed in the jpccomm.ini file. For details about how to specify the jpccomm.ini file, see I.4 Settings for outputting action log data.

(3) Output items

There are two types of output items:

(a) Common output items

The following table lists and describes the common output items and their values. This table also includes the items and information output by PFM - Manager.

Table I-2 Common output items in action logs

No. Output item Value Explanation
Item name Output attribute name
1 Common specification identifier -- CALFHM Indicates the action log format
2 Common specification revision number -- x.x Revision number for managing action logs
3 Serial number seqnum serial-number Serial number of the action log record
4 Message ID msgid KAVExxxxx-x Message ID of the product
5 Date and time date YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssTZD# Date, time, and time zone indication identifying when the action log was output
6 Program name progid JP1PFM Name of the program for which the event occurred
7 Component name compid service-ID Name of the component for which the event occurred
8 Process ID pid process-ID Process ID of the process for which the event occurred
9 Location ocp:host
  • host-name
  • IP-address
Location where the event occurred
10 Event type ctgry
  • StartStop
  • Authentication
  • ConfigurationAccess
  • ExternalService
  • AnomalyEvent
  • ManagementAction
Category name used to classify the event output to the action log
11 Event result result
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Occurrence
Result of the event
12 Subject identification information subj:pid process-ID One of the following:
  • Process ID of a process running as a user operation
  • Process ID of the process that caused the event
  • Name of the user who caused the event
  • Identification information in a one-to-one correspondence with the user
subj:uid account-identifier (PFM user/JP1 user)
subj:euid effective-user-ID (OS user)

--: None

T is a separator between the date and the time.
TZD is the time zone specifier. One of the following values is output.
+hh:mm: The time zone is hh:mm ahead of UTC.
-hh:mm: The time zone is hh:mm behind UTC.
Z: The time zone is the same as UTC.

(b) Fixed output items

The following table lists and describes the fixed output items and their values. This table also includes the items and information output by PFM - Manager.

Table I-3 Fixed output items in action logs

No. Output item Value Explanation
Item name Output attribute name
1 Object information obj
  • PFM - Agent-service-ID
  • added-deleted-or-updated-user-name (PFM user)
Intended object for the operation
obj:table alarm-table-name
obj:alarm alarm-name
2 Action information op
  • Start
  • Stop
  • Add
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Change Password
  • Activate
  • Inactivate
  • Bind
  • Unbind
Information about the action that caused the event
3 Permissions information auth
  • Administrator
  • General user
  • Windows
  • UNIX
Permissions information of the user who executed the command or service
  • PFM authentication mode
  • JP1 authentication mode
  • OS user
Authentication mode of the user who executed the command or service
4 Output source outp:host PFM - Manager-host-name Host that output the action log
5 Instruction source subjp:host
  • login-host-name
  • execution-host-name (only when the jpctool alarm (jpcalarm) command is executed)
Host that issued the instruction for the operation
6 Descriptive text msg message Message that is output when an alarm occurs or when an automated action is executed

Whether the fixed output items are output and what they contain differ depending on when the action log data is output. The following describes the message ID and output data for each case.

n A PFM service starts or stops (StartStop)

n Stand-alone mode starts or stops (StartStop)

n The status of the connection with PFM - Manager changes (ExternalService)

n An automated action is executed (ManagementAction)

(4) Output example

The following is an example of output action log data.

CALFHM 1.0, seqnum=1, msgid=KAVE03000-I, date=2007-01-18T22:46:49.682+09:00,
progid=JP1PFM, compid=TA1host01, pid=2076,
ocp:host=host01, ctgry=StartStop, result=Occurrence,



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