Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Appendix I.1 Types of events output to the action log

The following table describes the types of events output to the action log and the times at which PFM - Agent and PFM - Base output data to the action log. The event types are the identifiers used within the action log to classify the events output to the action log.

Table I-1 Types of events output to the action log

Event type Explanation PFM - Agent and PFM - Base output the action log when:
StartStop Events indicating that software is started or terminated.
  • A PFM service is started or stopped.
  • Stand-alone mode is started or terminated.
ExternalService Events indicating the result of communication between a JP1 product and an external service.
This event type also indicates that an abnormal communication has occurred.
The status of a connection with PFM - Manager has changed.
ManagementAction Events indicating that an important action of the program has been executed.
This event type also indicates that the action was executed in response to another audit category.
An automated action is executed.



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