Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


1.3.3 Definition examples

The following provides examples of definitions for the monitoring template and definitions for items not included in the monitoring template for each monitored resource. The following notes apply to reading the definition examples:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Processor
(2) Memory
(3) Disks
(4) Network
(5) Processes and services
(6) Event logs

(1) Processor

The following shows definition examples for the monitoring template and for items not included in the monitoring templates.

(a) Monitoring template

l Processor-related monitoring template alarms

Processor-related monitoring template alarms are stored in the alarm table for PFM Windows Template Alarms [CPU] 09.00.

Table 1-19 Processor-related monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record Field Error threshold Warning threshold Description
CPU Usage PI CPU % >= 90 > 80 If the processor usage (%) continues to be high, the processor might be a system bottleneck. Any processes that are using the processor excessively must be found, and appropriate action taken. If no such processes exist, the system environment is not adequate for the processing. In this case, you might need to upgrade the processor or add other processors.
Processor Queue PI Processor Queue Length >= 10 >= 2 If the number of request continues at or above the threshold, this indicates processor congestion.
SVR Processor Queue PI_SVRQ Queue Length >= 3 >= 2 If the queue length continues at or above the threshold, this indicates significant load on the processor.

l Processor-related monitoring template reports

Table 1-20 Processor monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
CPU Status (Multi-Agent) An hourly summary of the CPU usage by multiple agents for the last 24 hours
CPU Trend Daily CPU usage in the user mode and daily CPU usage in the kernel mode for the last month
CPU Trend (Multi-Agent) Daily CPU usage by multiple systems for the last month
CPU Usage Summary A summary of the CPU usage on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour

For details about settings for existing reports, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

(b) Definition examples other than for monitoring templates

l Real-time report for checking processes whose processor usage is high

Table 1-21 Definition example

Item Explanation
Name and Type Report name PD_PDI - Memory
Product Windows (6.0)
Report type [Figure] Real-time (single agent) [Figure] (Select)
[Figure] Historical (single agent) --
[Figure] Historical (multiple agents) --
Field Record PD_PDI
Selected fields Program
Privileged CPU %
User CPU %
Filter Conditional expression: [Figure] (Select Simple or Complex.)
Program <> "_Total"
AND PID <> "0"
Specify when displayed [Figure] (Clear)
Indication settings [Figure] Specify when displayed [Figure] (Select)
[Figure] Indicate delta value [Figure] (Clear)
Refresh interval [Figure] Do not refresh automatically [Figure] (Clear)
Initial value 30
Minimum value 30
Display by ranking Field CPU %
Display number 10#
[Figure] In descending order [Figure] (Clear)
Components Table All fields
List --
Graph Privileged CPU %
User CPU %
Display key Field (None)
In descending order --
Graph Graph type Stacked bar graph
Series direction Row
Axis labels X-axis Process name (process ID)
Y-axis CPU %
Data label Data label 1 Process name
Data label 2 Process ID
Drilldown Report drilldown Arbitrary
Field drilldown Arbitrary

--: Do not specify this item.

Specify a value appropriate for the circumstances.

(2) Memory

The following shows definition examples for the monitoring templates and for items not included in the monitoring templates.

(a) Monitoring template

l Memory-related monitoring template alarms

Table 1-22 Memory monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record Field Error threshold Warning threshold Description
Available Memory PI Available Mbytes < 3 < 4 When the unused size is below the threshold, physical memory might be insufficient. Find any processes using excess memory, and perform the necessary countermeasures. If there are no process problems, perform the necessary countermeasures, such as increasing memory, as the system environment is exceeding its resources.
Committed Mbytes PI Committed Mbytes >= 2046 >= 1024 If usage of the virtual memory area continues at or above the threshold (the Total Physical Mem Mbytes field in the PI record), physical memory might be insufficient.
Pages/sec PI Pages/sec >= 5 >= 4 If the pages per second continues at or above the threshold, memory might be causing a system bottleneck. However, if the exceeded threshold is temporary, the monitored value might be allowed to reach 20.
Page Faults/sec PI Page Faults/sec >= 5 >= 4 If the rate of page faults continues at or above the threshold, memory might be a bottleneck.

For details about settings for existing alarms, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

l Memory-related monitoring template reports

Table 1-23 Memory monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
Memory Available Trend (Multi-Agent) The daily amount of available physical memory for multiple systems for the last month
Memory Paging The number of times paging occurred on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour
Memory Paging Status (Multi-Agent) An hourly summary of memory page faults that occurred on multiple agents for the last 24 hours
OS Memory Usage Status (real-time report indicating memory usage) Usage status of physical memory
OS Memory Usage Status (historical report indicating memory usage) An hourly summary of the physical memory usage status for the last 24 hours
System Memory Detail Details of system physical memory on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour

l System-related monitoring template reports (for memory)

Table 1-24 System monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
File System I/O Summary A summary of the number of I/O operations on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour
Process Trend The number of processes executed by the system for the last month (by day)
System Overview (real-time report giving a system overview) A summary of the status of the entire system
System Overview (historical report giving a system overview) A summary of the system status on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour
Workload Status Data related to the system workload
Workload Status (Multi-Agent) An hourly summary of the workload-related data for multiple systems for the last 24 hours

For details about settings for existing reports, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

(b) Definition examples other than for monitoring templates

l Historical report for checking whether a memory leak has occurred

Table 1-25 Definition example

Item Explanation
Name and Type Report name PI - Memory
Product Windows (6.0)
Report type [Figure] Real-time (single agent) --
[Figure] Historical (single agent) [Figure] (Select)
[Figure] Historical (multiple agents) --
Field Record PI
Selected fields Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Pool Paged Bytes
Page Faults/sec
Data Map Hits %
Commit Limit Mbytes
Committed Mbytes
Non Committed Mbytes
% Committed Bytes in Use
Total Physical Mem Mbytes
Used Physical Mem Mbytes
Available Mbytes
% Physical Mem
Current Processes
Current Threads
Filter Conditional expression: [Figure] (Specify no filter condition.)
Indication settings Specify when displayed [Figure] (Clear)
[Figure] Specify when displayed [Figure] (Select)
Settings for the report display period Date range The value is specified when the report is displayed.
Report interval One minute
Peak time Field (None)
Maximum number of records 1440#
Components Table All fields
List --
Graph Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Display name --
Display key Field (None)
In descending order --
Graph Graph type Line graph
Series direction Row
Axis labels X-axis Time
Y-axis Nonpaged pool
Data label Data label 1 (None)
Data label 2 (None)
Drilldown Report drilldown Arbitrary
Field drilldown Arbitrary

--: Do not specify this item.

Specify a value appropriate for the circumstances.

l Real-time report for checking the memory usage of a process

Table 1-26 Definition example

Item Explanation
Name and Type Report name PD_PDI - Memory
Product Windows (6.0)
Report type [Figure] Real-time (single agent) [Figure] (Select)
[Figure] Historical (single agent) --
[Figure] Historical (multiple agents) --
Field Record PD_PDI
Selected fields Select all fields.
Filter Conditional expression: [Figure] (Select Simple or Complex.)
Program <> "_Total"
AND PID <> "0"
Specify when displayed [Figure] (Clear)
Indication settings [Figure] Specify when displayed [Figure] (Select)
[Figure] Indicate delta value [Figure] (Clear)
Refresh interval [Figure] Do not refresh automatically [Figure] (Clear)
Initial value 30
Minimum value 30
Display by ranking Field Pool Nonpaged Kbytes#
Display number 30#
[Figure] In descending order [Figure] (Select)
Components Table Program
Handle Count
Page Faults/sec
Pool Nonpaged Kbytes
Pool Paged Kbytes
Working Set Kbytes
Page File Kbytes
Private Kbytes
List --
Graph Pool Nonpaged Kbytes
Pool Paged Kbytes
Working Set Kbytes
Page File Kbytes
Private Kbytes
Display name --
Display key Field (None)
In descending order --
Graph Graph type Line graph
Series direction Row
Axis labels X-axis Time
Y-axis Memory usage
Data label Data label 1 (None)
Data label 2 (None)
Drilldown Report drilldown Arbitrary
Field drilldown Arbitrary

Do not specify this item.

Set the fields that you want to monitor.

(3) Disks

The following shows definition examples for the monitoring templates.

(a) Monitoring template

l Disk-related monitoring template alarms

Disk-related monitoring template alarms are stored in the alarm table for PFM Windows Template Alarms [DSK] 09.00.

Table 1-27 Disk monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record Field Error threshold Warning threshold Description
Disk Space PI_LOGD % Free Space < 5 < 15 If the free space is less than the threshold, disk capacity might be insufficient. Appropriate action, such as deleting unnecessary files, compressing files, defragmenting the disk, or adding a disk, might be required.
Logical Disk Free PI_LOGD ID <> _Total <> _Total If there is little unused area, disk capacity might be insufficient.
Free Mbytes < 5120 < 10240
Disk Busy % PI_LOGD ID <> _Total <> _Total If the time elapsed continues at or above the threshold, this indicates high disk load.
% Disk Time >= 90 >= 50
Logical Disk Queue PI_LOGD ID <> _Total <> _Total If the number of requests continues at or above the threshold, this indicates that the logical disk is congested.
Current Disk Queue Length >= 5 >= 3
Physical Disk Queue PI_PHYD ID <> _Total <> _Total If the number of requests continues at or above the threshold, this indicates that the physical disk is congested.
Current Disk Queue Length >= 5 >= 3

For details about settings for existing alarms, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

l Disk-related monitoring template reports

Table 1-28 Disk monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
Disk Time - Top 10 Logical Drives 10 logical disks with the highest disk usage
Free Megabytes - Logical Drive Status Information about the free space on a logical disk
Free Space - Low 10 Logical Drives 10 logical disks with the smallest amount of free space
Free Space - Top 10 Logical Drives 10 logical disks with the largest amount of free space
Logical Drive Detail Details of a specific logical disk

For details about existing reports, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

(4) Network

The following shows definition examples for the monitoring template.

(a) Monitoring template

l Network-related monitoring template alarms

Network-related monitoring template alarms are stored in the alarm table for PFM Windows Template Alarms [NET] 09.00.

Table 1-29 Network monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record used Field used Abnormal condition Warning condition Meaning
Network Received PI_NETI Bytes Rcvd/sec >= 3000 >= 2048 Compare the number of bytes received from the network by the server with the total bandwidth performance for the network card, and if the bandwidth (amount of data that can be transferred over the network in a fixed time) is at or above 50%, the network connection might be a bottleneck.

For details about existing alarms, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

l Network-related monitoring template reports

Table 1-30 Network monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
Access Failure Status (real-time report indicating system access errors) The number of errors occurring in system access attempts
Access Failure Status (historical report indicating system access errors) The cumulative number of errors occurring in system access attempts on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours
Server Activity Detail Information about the status of communication with the network
Server Activity Summary (Multi-Agent) An hourly summary of the status of communication with the network for the last 24 hours
Server Activity Summary (real-time report providing information about the status of communication over the network) Information about the status of communication with the network
Server Activity Summary (historical report providing information about the status of communication over the network) The status of communication with the network on a minute-by-minute basis for the last hour
Server Activity Summary Trend (Multi-Agent) The status of data communication between the network and the servers of multiple systems on a daily basis for the last month
Server Sessions Trend (Multi-Agent) The number of active sessions on the servers of multiple systems on a daily basis for the last month
System Utilization Status The status of communication between the server and the network

For details about existing reports, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

(5) Processes and services

The following gives definition examples for monitoring templates.

(a) Monitoring template

l Process-related monitoring template alarms

Process-related monitoring template alarms are stored in the alarm table for PFM Windows Template Alarms [PS] 09.00.

Table 1-31 Process monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record used Field used Abnormal condition Warning condition Meaning
Process End PD_PDI Program = jpcsto = jpcsto If performance data is not collected, this indicates the process has stopped.
Process Alive PI_WGRP Process Count > 0 > 0 This indicates that the workgroup process is running.
Workgroup = workgroup = workgroup
Service(Service Nm) PD_SVC Service Name = JP1PCAGT_TS = JP1PCAGT_TS If the application service (process) is not running (RUNNING), this indicates that the service has stopped.
Service(Display Nm) PD_SVC Display Name = PFM - Agent Store for Windows = PFM - Agent Store for Windows If the application service (process) is not running (RUNNING), this indicates that the service has stopped.

For details about existing alarms, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

l Process-related monitoring template reports

Table 1-32 Process monitoring template reports

Report name Displayed information
CPU Usage - Top 10 Processes The 10 processes with the highest CPU usage
Process Detail Details about system resource consumption by a specific process
Page Faults - Top 10 Processes The 10 processes with the highest page fault frequency

For details about existing reports, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

(6) Event logs

The following gives definition examples for monitoring templates.

(a) Monitoring template

l Event log-related monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarms related to event logs are stored in the alarm table for PFM Windows Template Alarms [LOG] 09.00.

Table 1-33 Event log monitoring template alarms

Monitoring template alarm Record used Field used Abnormal condition Warning condition Meaning
Event Log(all) PD_ELOG Log Name <> dummy <> dummy This indicates that an error or warning has occurred for the application.
Event Type Name = Error = Warning
Source Name <> dummy <> dummy
Event ID <> 0 <> 0
Description <> dummy <> dummy
Event Log(System) PD_ELOG Log Name = System = System This indicates that an error or warning has occurred for MSCS.
Event Type Name = Error = Warning
Source Name = ClusSvc = ClusSvc
Event ID <> 0 <> 0
Description <> dummy <> dummy

For details about existing alarms, see 4. Monitoring Templates.

l Event log-related monitoring template reports




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