Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


Field values

This section explains the values stored in individual fields.

Data source

Each field stores a value acquired from Performance Management or monitoring target program, or a value computed from such a value based on a certain computation formula. The acquisition destination or computation method for each field value is shown under the Data source column.

If performance data acquired from Windows is processed and set as a field value, the character string in PFM - Agent for Platform's Data source column shows the computation method for the value that is set in the field. The following coding methods are used in Data source:

For example, the Debugging Requests (DEBUGGING_REQUESTS) field of the Active Server Pages (PI_ASP2) record is described as TOTAL_DEBUGGING_REQUESTS (T1) - TOTAL_DEBUGGING_REQUESTS (T0), and this field stores the value obtained by subtracting the TOTAL_DEBUGGING_REQUESTS field value collected during the previous interval from the real-time TOTAL_DEBUGGING_REQUESTS field value.


Data expressed as an amount of change is called a delta. For example, if the performance data collected during the first interval is 3 and that collected during the second interval is 4, 1 is stored as the amount of change. Whether each field value is a delta is indicated under the Delta column in the field table.

If Indicate delta value is selected in the real-time report settings, a value is displayed even when data is collected for the first time. However, if a report requires the data collected during the previous interval, the first value is shown as 0. The collected data value is shown when data is subsequently collected.

The performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform varies as shown in the table below.

Table 5-6 Performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform

Record type Delta Data type Indicate delta value selected# Record value
PI record type Yes -- -- --
No Real-time data Yes Shows the real-time value.
No Shows the real-time value.

  • Historical data
  • Alarm monitoring data
-- Shows the real-time value.
PD record type Yes -- -- --
No Real-time data Yes Shows the real-time value.
No Shows the real-time value.

  • Historical data
  • Alarm monitoring data
-- Shows the real-time value.

--: Not applicable

Indicates whether the following items in PFM - Web Console are selected:
  • Indicate delta value in the Indication settings (Realtime) window, which opens when Edit is chosen in the Report wizard
  • Indicate delta value under Indication settings (Realtime) under the Properties tab in the Report window

Note the following points about performance data collection:

Averages and percentages in individual fields

Some averages and percentages in individual fields are determined as values on a second-by-second basis, while others are determined according to the data collection interval. Unless otherwise specified, the values determined according to the data collection interval are used (if the interval is 60 seconds, data is collected every minute).

Interval field values

Interval field values vary according to the record type as shown in the table below.

Table 5-7 Interval field values

Record type Instance type Report type Explanation
Interval (INTERVAL) Interval2 (INTERVAL2)
PI record type Multi-instance record Real-time report The first value is 5.
Thereafter, an updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
Historical report An updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
If summarized, the last collected value is displayed.
An updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
If summarized, the total of the summarized records is displayed.
Single-instance record Real-time report The first value is 5.
Thereafter, an updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
Historical report An updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
If summarized, the total of the summarized records is displayed.
PD record type Multi-instance record Real-time report The first value is 5.
Thereafter, an updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
Note that 0 is always displayed for the following records:
  • Device Detail (PD_DEV)
  • Process Detail (PD)
  • Process End Detail (PD_PEND)
  • Service Process Detail (PD_SVC)
Historical report An updated value is displayed according to the refresh interval# that is set in the report (seconds).
Note that 0 is always displayed for the following records:
  • Device Detail (PD_DEV)
  • Process Detail (PD)
  • Process End Detail (PD_PEND)
  • Service Process Detail (PD_SVC)
Single-instance record Real-time report -- --
Historical report -- --

--: Not applicable

The refresh interval is computed using the following formula:
interval-field-value = record-time-field-value - record-time-field-value-collected-during-previous-interval



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