Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


1.1.4 Notify about problems in Windows operations

Performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform can be displayed as a report on Windows performance, and can warn the user when a Windows operation problem or error occurs.

For example, when the amount of available system resources falls to 10% of its capacity, an email notification can be sent to the user. To accomplish this, available system resource level of less than 10% is set as the threshold, and PFM - Agent for Platform can be set to send an e-mail notification when this threshold is reached. The operation that occurs when the threshold is reached is called an action. The following types of actions are available:

Thresholds and actions are defined in a unit called an alarm. A table in which one or more alarms are collected is called an alarm table. After you define an alarm table, you associate it with PFM - Agent for Platform. The operation of associating an alarm table with PFM - Agent for Platform is called binding. Once binding occurs, when the performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform reaches the threshold defined in the alarm, the user can be notified.

By defining alarms and actions in this way, you can detect Windows operational problems early and take the necessary corrective measures.

For details about how to specify alarms and actions, see the chapter explaining how to use alarms to monitor operations in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.



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