Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


7.4.1 In Windows

Organization of this subsection
(1) OS log information
(2) Performance Management information
(3) Operation details
(4) Error information on the window
(5) User dump (in Windows Server 2008)
(6) Collecting problem reports (in Windows Server 2008)
(7) Information related to performance data
(8) Other information

(1) OS log information

You need to collect the OS-related log information indicated in the following table.

Table 7-4 OS-related log information

Type of information Description Default file name Collection by jpcras command possible
System log Windows event log -- Y
Process information Process list -- Y
System file hosts file system-folder\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Y
services file system-folder\system32\drivers\etc\services Y
OS information System information -- Y
Network status -- Y
Host name -- Y
Dump information Dr. Watson log file#1 system-drive\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\drwtsn32.log#2
system-drive\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dump#2

Y: Can be collected
--: Not applicable

In Windows Server 2008, Dr. Watson has been replaced by Problem Reports and Solutions.

If log files are set to be output to another folder, collect data from that folder.

(2) Performance Management information

You need to collect the types of information related to Performance Management that are described below. If the error occurred in network connection, you also need to collect information from the connection destination machine. The following table describes the information related to Performance Management.

Table 7-5 Performance Management information

Information type Description Default file name or registry Collection by jpcras command possible
Common message log Message log output by Performance Management (sequential file method) installation-folder\log\jpclog{01|02}#1 Y
Message log output by Performance Management (wrap-around method) installation-folder\log\jpclogw{01|02}#1 Y
Configuration information Information file for each configuration -- Y
Output results of the jpctool service list (jpcctrl list) command -- Y
Version information Product version -- Y
History information -- Y
Database information Agent Store
  • For Store 1.0
  • For Store 2.0
    The following files under the installation-folder\agtt\store\STPI folder:
Trace log Trace information on each service of a Performance Management program --#2 Y
Information about the function for collecting user-specific performance data Configuration information installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcuser\jpcuser.ini Y
Debug log installation-folder
Trace log installation-folder
Public log installation-folder
User data file installation-folder
Log unique to the Agent Collector service Performance information installation-folder\agtt\agent\map.log Y
WMI error information installation-folder\agtt\agent\agtterr.log Y
Definition file Performance counter definition file (English) The following files under the system-folder\system32 folder:
Application definition file installation-folder\agtt\agent\jpcapp Y
Registry information Service-related information (including the performance definition information) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" Y
Performance definition information (default) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib" Y
PFM - Agent for Platform configuration information (WOW64) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HITACHI\JP1PCAGTT" Y
Installation log#3 Installation message log
(In Windows Server 2003)
%TEMP%\pfm_inst.log N
Installation message log
(In Windows Server 2008)
The following files under the system-folder\TEMP\HCDINST folder:
  • product-model-name.LOG

Y: Can be collected
N: Cannot be collected
--: Not applicable

For details about log file output methods, see the chapter explaining error detection in Performance Management in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.

For details about the trace log storage destination folder, see 7.3.2 Log files and folders.

Collect this log if installation fails.

n indicates a number.

(3) Operation details

You need the following types of information on the operation that was taking place when the error occurred:

(4) Error information on the window

Collect hard copies of the following items:

(5) User dump (in Windows Server 2008)

In Windows Server 2008, if a Performance Management process stops due to an application error, obtain a user dump.

(6) Collecting problem reports (in Windows Server 2008)

In Windows Server 2008, if a Performance Management process stops due to an application error, obtain a problem report.

(7) Information related to performance data

You need to collect the types of information related to performance data described below. If the error occurred in network connection, you also need to collect the files on the machine, command results, and registry information. The following table describes the unique information related to performance data collected by PFM - Agent for Platform in an environment in which PFM - Agent for Platform is installed.

Information type Overview File name, Windows command name, and registry definition location Can be collected using the jpcras command?
Performance definition information Counter definition file system-folder\system32\perfc009.dat Y
system-folder\system32\perfh009.dat Y
Counter definition location (registry) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib Y
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services Y
Counter information during Agent Collector service startup installation-folder\agtt\agent\map.log Y
OS information (Windows command name#1) Host name hostname Y
Version ver Y
Cluster cluster Y
Device mode Y
Disk counter diskperf Y
Disk volume mountvol Y
vol Y
Virtual drive subst Y
TCP/IP ipconfig Y
IPX ipxroute config Y
Network status nbtstat Y
Network name net name Y
Client net view Y
Service net start Y
Server service net config server Y
Workstation service net config workstation Y
Session net session Y
Shared resource net share Y
net use Y
User account net user Y
net accounts Y
Local group net localgroup Y

Y: Can be collected

For details about commands, see Help in Windows.

(8) Other information

The following types of information are also necessary:



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