Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


1.2 Overview of collecting and managing performance data

The methods of collecting and managing performance data differ depending on the type of record that stores performance data. Records in PFM - Agent for Platform are classified into the following types:

For details about how to collect and manage performance data, see the following sections or chapters:

You use PFM - Web Console to select which records collected and managed by PFM - Agent are to be used as performance data. For details about how to perform selection, see the chapter explaining how to manage operation monitoring data in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Note that, in addition to the default performance data, PFM - Agent for Platform can collect other types of performance data and store the data in records. These records are called user-defined records. For details about how to collect user-defined records, see 3. User-Defined Record Collection.



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