Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


2.1.1 Before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Platform

Before installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Platform, make sure that the requirements described below are satisfied.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Required OS
(2) Network environment setup
(3) OS user permission necessary for installation
(4) Prerequisite programs
(5) Environment configuration required for collecting performance data
(6) Notes

(1) Required OS

PFM - Agent for Platform can run on the following OSs:

(2) Network environment setup

The following explains the network environment that is necessary for Performance Management to operate.

(a) IP address setup

For the PFM - Agent host, you must set up an environment in which the IP address can be resolved using a host name. PFM - Agent cannot start in an environment in which the IP address cannot be resolved.

Actual host names or alias names can be used for a monitoring host name (the name used as the host name of a Performance Management system).

For details about monitoring host name settings, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Host names and IP addresses can be set using any of the following:

(b) Port number setup

The default port numbers shown in the table below are assigned to Performance Management program services. For any other services or programs, port numbers currently not in use in the system are automatically assigned when the service or program is started. When you are using Performance Management in an environment with a firewall, assign fixed port numbers. For details about how to fix port numbers, see the chapter explaining installation and setup in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Table 2-1 Default port numbers and Performance Management program services (for Windows)

Service explanation Service name Parameter Port number Remarks
Service configuration information management function Name Server jp1pcnsvr 22285 Port number used by the Name Server service of PFM - Manager. This port number is set for all hosts in Performance Management.
OpenView linkage facility NNM Object Manager jp1pcovsvr 22292 Port number used by the OpenView linkage facility of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base for communicating between a map manager and an object manager. This port number is set for hosts in which PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.
Service status management function Status Server jp1pcstatsvr 22350 Port number used by the Status Server service of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base.
This port number is set for hosts in which PFM - Manager and PFM - Base are installed.

Set up the network to enable these PFM - Agents to communicate using the assigned port numbers.

(3) OS user permission necessary for installation

When installing PFM - Agent for Platform, you must execute the installation procedure from an account that has the Administrators permission.

(4) Prerequisite programs

This subsection explains the prerequisite programs that are necessary for installing PFM - Agent for Platform. The figure below shows the program configuration.

Figure 2-1 Program configuration


(a) Monitoring target programs

PFM - Agent for Platform monitors the following programs:

These monitoring target programs and PFM - Agent for Platform must be installed on the same host.

(b) Performance Management programs

Install PFM - Agent and PFM - Base on the monitoring agent. PFM - Base is a prerequisite program for PFM - Agent. Even when installing multiple copies of PFM - Agent on the same host, you need only a single copy of PFM - Base.

However, if you are installing PFM - Manager and PFM - Agent on the same host, you do not need PFM - Base.

To use PFM - Agent for Platform to monitor the operation of Windows Server, you need PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console.

The following table lists the versions of PFM - Manager and PFM - Base supported by PFM - Agent for Platform 09-00.

Table 2-2 Supported version of PFM - Manager of PFM - Base

OS Supported version of PFM - Manager or PFM - Base
Windows Server 2003 08-00 or later
Windows Server 2008 09-00 or later

(5) Environment configuration required for collecting performance data

To collect performance data on the network environment required for running PFM - Agent for Platform, all network services, protocols, servers, and products must be installed before the Agent Collector service is started. Note that if the environment for the installed products is not configured, or if additionally installed services are not running, performance data will be collected, but data might not be obtained field values might be displayed as 0.

To collect performance data for specific records in PFM - Agent for Platform, the prerequisites shown in the following table need to be satisfied before the Agent Collector service is started. Note that the following table does not include services required for OS operation, such as Event Logs (service name: Eventlog).

The following table describes the prerequisites for collecting performance data.

Table 2-3 Prerequisites for collecting performance data

Category Record name (record ID) Field name (PFM - View name) Prerequisites
OS Logical Disk Overview (PI_LOGD) Page File Size Mbytes
Windows Management Instrumentation (service name: WinMgmt) has started.
Note: This is only required for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.
System Overview (PI) System Type
Network services Browser Overview (PI_BRSR) All Computer Browser (service name: Browser) has started.
WINS Server Overview (PI_WINS) All Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) has been installed, and subsequently added services have been started.
Server Work Queues Overview (PI_SVRQ) All Server (service name: LanmanServer) has started.
System Overview (PI) Blocking Reqs Rejected (BLOCKING_REQUESTS_REJECTED)
Bytes Total/sec (BYTES_TOTAL_PER_SEC)
Context Blocks Queued/sec (CONTEXT_BLOCKS_QUEUED_PER_SEC)
Errors Access Permissions (ERRORS_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS)
Errors Granted Access (ERRORS_GRANTED_ACCESS)
Errors Logon (ERRORS_LOGON)
Errors System (ERRORS_SYSTEM)
File Directory Searches (FILE_DIRECTORY_SEARCHES)
Files Open (FILES_OPEN)
Files Opened Total (FILES_OPENED_TOTAL)
Logon Total (LOGON_TOTAL)
Logon/sec (LOGON_PER_SEC)
Pool Nonpaged Failures (POOL_NONPAGED_FAILURES)
Pool Nonpaged Peak (POOL_NONPAGED_PEAK)
Pool Paged Failures (POOL_PAGED_FAILURES)
Pool Paged Peak (POOL_PAGED_PEAK)
Server Pool Nonpaged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_NONPAGED_BYTES)
Server Pool Paged Bytes (SERVER_POOL_PAGED_BYTES)
Server Sessions (SERVER_SESSIONS)
Sessions Errored Out (SESSIONS_ERRORED_OUT)
Sessions Forced Off (SESSIONS_FORCED_OFF)
Sessions Logged Off (SESSIONS_LOGGED_OFF)
Sessions Timed Out (SESSIONS_TIMED_OUT)
Work Item Shortages (WORK_ITEM_SHORTAGES)
Active Directory Active Directory Overview (PI_AD) Cache % Hit Active Directory is enabled, and the Active Directory database performance counter has been installed.
Note: On Windows Server 2003 (x64) and the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008, the wmiadap /f command needs to be executed from the DOS prompt, and the OS needs to be restarted.
Cache Page Fault Stalls/sec
Cache Page Faults/sec
Cache Size
Log Record Stalls/sec
Log Threads Waiting
Log Writes/sec
Table Open Cache % Hit
Table Open Cache Hits/sec
Table Open Cache Misses/sec
Table Opens/sec
Anything other than the above Active Directory is enabled.

(6) Notes

Note the following points when installing and setting up Performance Management.

(a) Precautions regarding the registry

PFM - Agent for Platform can only be run on environments set up using the standard method provided by the OS. Despite the information provided by Microsoft technical support, if the OS environment is customized such as by using a registry editor to directly edit registry information, performance data might no longer be collected properly.

(b) Precautions regarding environment variables

Because Performance Management uses JPC_HOSTNAME as an environment variable, do not set it as a user-specific environment variable, as this will prevent Performance Management from operating properly.

(c) Notes on installing and setting up multiple Performance Management programs on the same host

With Performance Management, you can install PFM - Manager, PFM - Web Console, and PFM - Agent on the same host. When doing so, note the following points:

(d) Notes on version upgrade

Note the following points when upgrading PFM - Agent from an older version to a newer one:

For details about upgrading, see the appendix in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

(e) Other notes



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