Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


6.1.1 Format of output messages

This section explains the format of the messages that are output by PFM - Agent for Platform. A message consists of a message ID followed by message text. The message format follows:

KAVFnnnnn-Y message-text

The message ID indicates the following content:

Indicates the system identifier.

Indicates that this is a PFM - Agent message.

Indicates a message serial number. The message number for PFM - Agent for Platform is 11xxx.

Indicates a message type.
  • E: Error
    Processing is halted.
  • W: Warning
    Processing continues after the message is issued.
  • I: Information
    Provides information to the user.
  • Q: Response
    Prompts the user to respond.

The correspondence between the message type and Windows event log type is explained below.

  • Level: Error
  • Meaning: Error message

  • Level: Warning
  • Meaning: Warning message

  • Level: Information
  • Meaning: Additional information message

(Not output)



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