Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference


7.1 Error handling procedures

This section explains how to handle the errors that occur in Performance Management.

Checking the operating conditions
Check the following details:
  • Operating conditions when the error occurred
  • Message content (if a message has been issued)
  • Log information in the common message log, for example
For details about the cause of each message and how to handle it, see 6. Messages. For details about the log information that is output by Performance Management, see 7.3 Log information.

Collecting data
You must collect data to identify the error cause. See 7.4 Data to be collected if a problem occurs and 7.5 Data collection procedure, and collect the necessary data.

Investigating the error
Based on the collected data, investigate the error cause and isolate the area in which the error occurred or determine the scope of the error.



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